رياضيات صف سادس فصل ثاني منهج انجليزي

حل درس Write Algebraic Expressions الرياضيات الصف 6

حل درس Write Algebraic Expressions الرياضيات الصف السادس




حل درس Write Algebraic Expressions الرياضيات الصف السادس


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة رياضيات صف سادس فصل ثاني منهج انجليزي


حل درس Write Algebraic Expressions الرياضيات الصف السادس

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic

Parts of an algebraic expression

o Terms: part of the expression separated by addition or subtraction

o VaHable : is an unknown value represented by a letter in an algebraic

o Constant: the term in an algebraic expression that never changes

o Coefficient: a multiplied by the variable

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic

 Complete the word wall activity

 3 Minutes to complete the activity

 Post the scores on LMS Course home / Teams chat


Structure of Algebraic Expressions

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses symbols. A variable is a symbol, usually a letter, used to represent a number. An algebraic expression is a combination Of variable . numbers. and at least one For example, the expression n + 2 represents the phrase the sum of an unknown number and two. In this case. n is the variable

Any letter can be used as a variable, but the letter x is commonly used TO avoid confusion with x as a multiplication symtXl, multiplication is shown in other ways. Division can also written in different ways


five times the variable x

five times x divided by 3

five times twice the value of x

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

What are Like terms

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Starter Activity

 Complete the word wall activity

 3 Minutes to complete the activity

 Post the scores on LMS Course home / Teams chat

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Write One- Step A1 ebraic Ex ressions To write verbal phrases as algebraic expressions, use the table below. When defining the variable, choose a variable and decide Helpful what it represents


Describe the mathematics of the problem


Define a variable to represent the unknown quantity


Translate the words into an algebraic expression

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Write One -Step A1 ebraic Exressions

In order to translate a situation into an expression, it is important to correctly identify operations that are described in words

Write each phrase below the operation that it describes

the product ot     increased by   less than a number     the quotient Of   the sum Of   Multiplication

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

For each verbal phrase, define a variable to represent the unknown quantity. Then write the phrase as an algebraic expression. (Examples 2- 4)

4. three more pancakes than Hector ate

5. twelve fewer questions than were on the first test

. two and one-half times the number of minutes

. one-third the number of yards

spent exercising Chapter 5- Lesson 3

Write Algebraic Expressions Objective of Session

To learn to write Algebraic Expressions


Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Define a variable to represent the unknown in the phrase twelve dollars less than the original price. Then write the phrase as an algebraic expression

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Define a variable to represent the unknown in the phrase six times more money than Eliot saved. Then write the phrase as an algebraic expression

Chapter 5- Lesson 3- Write Algebraic Expressions

Define a variable to represent the unknown in the phrase two less than one -third of the points that the Panthers scored. Then write the phrase as an algebraic expression



حل درس احذر التنمر الاجتماعيات الصف 3
حل الوحدة 7 (الإحسان يسعد الإنسان) لغة عربية صف 4

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