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أوراق عمل انجليزي للصف 12 عام الفصل 3

أوراق عمل انجليزي للصف 12 عام الفصل الثالث




أوراق عمل انجليزي للصف 12 عام الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف 12 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 12 فصل ثالث


أوراق عمل انجليزي للصف 12 عام الفصل الثالث

A. Fill the gaps with one word from the text only.

According to the writers

……………….Many people discuss the question: Has money been spent or –

 Many technologies ————— today because of space research-

……………….. Sending humans to space has helped develop new –

People say that ——————— of useful products are the results of space research-

 The people say that money and —————- are being wasted in outer space-

B. Mark True, False or Not Given

According to the writers

 Satellites allow us to make warnings and follow events happening around the world-

 Space has been explored for hundreds of years-

 Money spent on space could destroy the environment-

 Space exploration leads to learning valuable information-

 Some people say that reducing poverty is more important than exploring space-

 Space exploration leads to finding cures for diseases-

 Both writers’ opinions support continuing to explore space-

 Space research has helped scientists learn more about the earth, moon, planets and sun-

 The United Arab Emirates is developing a space program-

Not knowing the future is a reason to stop explore space-

Read the three texts and answer the questions

Paragraph A. Family adventure holiday in Costa Rica

There’s a great deal to see in Costa Rica. Stunning volcanoes, many white, sandy beaches and unspoilt trop- ical rainforest are all part of this Costa Rica holiday adventure. Cruise along the Tortuguero river or hike through the jungle to waterfalls deep inside this national park. The main attraction is watching the Green Sea turtles lay their eggs at night, but there is an extensive network of creeks behind the beaches where you can see river turtles, fish and lots of monkeys. If a walk in the shadow of an active volcano sounds more fun, then the Arenal National Park is for you. Our guides bring their wealth of experience to your adventure as they lead you through the forest to see incredible views of the Arenal volcano and lake and the Tilarán mountain range. In the afternoon relax in the many thermal springs nearby. Alternatively, take a boat along the unique inland waterways of Isla Damas through the mysterious mangrove swamps to see a huge variety of wildlife and plants both above and below the surface of the water. Whatever you choose, a holiday in Costa Rica will be one to remember

(B. Read the text to decide if they are true (T), false (F) or the information is not given (NG

 There are mountain ranges in all the three countries-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 The country with the driest climate is Costa Rica-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 A natural warm bath is possible in Norway-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

In winter, the sun never sets in Norway-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

The United Arab Emirates has lots of Oases like Liwa Oasis and Al Ain Oasis-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 The Empty Quarter covers almost a quarter of the total area of the Peninsula-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 The Green Sea turtles lay thousands eggs at night-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 The summer months in Cost Rica are often the wettest in the world-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 In the UAE, off the coast lie lots of small islands and coral reefs full of marine life-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given

 In Costa Rica, you can relax in a lot of hot springs in the afternoon-

A- True      B- False           C- Not Given



 No less than four out of the seven known species of marine turtle have been observed in the coastal waters Off the UAE, the most populous species being the Hawksbill Turtle. Be- cause turtles spend time on land only to build a nest and lay eggs – all of which happens in a sin-
gle night – scientific observation Of turtles is difficult. It is only the relatively recent develop- ment of satellite tracking – known as telemetry – that has helped us build up a picture of migra- tion patterns, feeding habits and nesting rituals

Turtles typically migrate for 5—20 years in the open ocean. Once they reach maturity (30—50 years old) a cycle of mating and nesting starts. Males never return to land once they are born, but move between the feeding areas and the mating areas. During the nesting season, a female turtle will return to the beach in two-week cycles. The female will usually lay her eggs within 100 metres Of the spot where she herself was born. Scientists believe this incredible feat. is possible as turtles are able to read the Earth’s magnetic fields to navigate back to their nest- ing grounds after migrating thousands Of miles at sea

 The female turtle will use her flippers to move loose sand away before digging a deeper hole in which to lay anything from 80 to 120 eggs at a time. The eggs are then covered over with sand as a way of disguising the nest from predators and the turtle makes her way back to the open sea never returning to tend the nest. During the laying Of eggs the female turtle appears to. be in a trance-like state and to shed tears. Scientists have concluded that this phenomenon is, in fact, the secretion of salt absorbed from time spent at sea

 _Baby turtles hatch from the eggs approxilnately 60—70 days after the laying of the eggs. Hatching always occurs at night and the babies use a sharp claw called a caruncle — which even- tually drops off – to crack the shell from the inside. Turtles then leave the nest and use the moonlight to guide them towards the sea. However, the life of a newborn turtle is full of danger and the attentions Of sharks. birds and bigger fish mean that survival rates Of infant turtles are as low as one in a thousand.

 _Added to this are man-made challenges which are increasingly threatening the marine turtle. Fishing nets, marine debris such as floating plastic and general pollution reduce survival rates. Building developments along the coast have also disturbed nesting grounds, with the added problem of light pollution which confuses newborn turtles who move towards the city
lights instead of the sea


Health Spas

The idea of a spa holiday is always a very attractive one- When we hear the word sp. we think of treatments, mineral springs and saunas. But some are much more than that- they’re places where t.kth the body and mind are given a chance to relax from day -to- day stress- Today, a wide variety of spa types offer lots of different treatments

Mineral Springs Spas

This type of spa is usually close to nature. Here, the natural healing of the water is used to treat problems with joints, txnes and muscles. Ihe highlights are the mud. baths and baths in mineral springs which help visitors relax and get their blocxi circu- lating Most visitors prefer a one -day visit to such a spa resort. It’s more af-. fordable and equally relaxing. The day could start with a swim in an indoor or outdcxr Then they could time in a Jacuzzi with mineral water, in a hot sauna or in a BOI with water from hot springs. For a higher they could have a mud bath

Others might prefer to spend a few days at the spa and turn their visit into a holiday

Apart from spending time using the facilities, visitors can chcxjse to do or other types of activities. resorts are known for their location in the countryside,. near lakes or mountains. Therefore, visitors can combine their spa treatment with hik- ing, sailing, horse -riding or cycling-

Spa Resorts

Spa resorts may vary in size and style, but they’re a dream destination for many ple. They are basically hotels that offer all the services a spa would, plus exercises classes, sessions with personal trainers and nutritionists. Some spa resorts are. tised as for families while others are promoted for or business travelers

Visitors are encouraged to experience the lxwer of healthy living. Because there are so. many services and activities on offer, often visitors are guided by a personal assistant who helps them to organize their stay. There are alM) dcx:tors, nurses and physiothera- pists on site_ Apart from time in the spa or in the gym, visitors can take part in group and workshops on how to improve one’s quality of life. Talks are given on a variety of topics, such as keeping fit and motivated, getting sleep or building better relationships. Visitors can also take up new activities such as yoga, meditation or swimming


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أوراق عمل درس Continuity and its Consequences الرياضيات المتكاملة الصف 12 الفصل الأول

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