مواضيع انجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث
محتوى الموضوع
هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث
مواضيع انجليزي للصف السادس الفصل الثالث : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف مجموعة من المواضيع المطلوبة لمادة اللغة الانجليزية ، في منهج الصف السادس ، وقد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم وتحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل. واثراء لغتهم الانجليزية بمزيد من الجمل والعبارات
الصف 6 السلام عليكم اليكم طريقة سهلة لكتابة موضوع عن الوظائف jobs اليكم مجموعة من الأسئلة لو قام الطالب بالاجابة على كل سؤال بجملة ثم كتب الجمل متتالية يتكون عنده الموضوع بكلمات سهلة جدا على الطلاب.
( What is your job ( work
.Where do your work
.Do you wear a uniform ? – if yes, describe it
.( What do you do at your job ( work
How many hours do you work a day
What qualities we do you need to do your job work
Do you like your job ( work ) ? Why
( What do you think about your job ( work
Hello, I’m a doctor. I work in Al-Noor hospital. It’s a big hospital in Ala I wear a uniform. It’s a white coat. In my job ( work) I help sick people to be well. I work for 8 hours a day. To do my job ( work ) I need to be friendly, confident , calm and knowledgeable about science and medicin
I like my job (work) very much because I like helping sick people and I like to see all people in a good health
In my opinion, I think that Doctor is a very important job in our life. We can’t live without doctors
Hello, I’m an English teacher. I work in Al-Andalus school. It’s a big school in Alain. I don’t wear a uniform. In my job (work) I teach students to read, write and speak English well
I work for 8 hours a day. To do my job ( work ) I need to be friendly
confident, calm and knowledgeable about English language. wala I like my job ( work ) very much because I enjoy teaching children and I like to see all students good in English
In my opinion, I think that Teacher is the most important job in our life
We can’t live without teachers
Police Officer
Hello, I’m a Police Officer. I work in a Police station in Dubai. I wear the police uniform. In my job (work) I try to make everyone feel safe and prevent anyone from doing any bad or dangerous behavior
I work for 8 hours a day. To do my job ( work ) I need to be friendly confident, calm, strong and knowledgeable about safety rules. Wells
I like my job (work) very much because I like to see peace and everywhere safety
In my opinion, I think that Police Officer is a very important job in our life. We can’t live without Police Officers
Car mechanic
Hello, I’m a Car mechanic. I work in a big workshops in Dubai
I wear a uniform. It’s a blue suit. In my job ( work ) I fix cars. I work for 10 hours a day. To do my job ( work ) I need to be clever, confident and knowledgeable about all kinds of cars
I like my job ( work ) very much because I like cars and I enjoy fixing things
In my opinion. I think that Car mechanic is a very important job in our life. We can’t live without Car mechanics
Hello, I’m a Vet. I work in a famous hospital for animals in Dubai. I wear a uniform. It’s a white coat. In my job ( work ) I help sick animals to be well. I work for 8 hours a day. To do my job ( work ) I need to be friendly. confident, calm and knowledgeable about animals and science. I like my job ( work ) very much because I like animals. It was my dream to be a Vet since I was young
In my opinion. I think that Vet a very important job in our life. We can’t live without Vets