لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

اوراق عمل قواعد انجليزي وحدة animal kingdom صف 6

اوراق عمل قواعد انجليزي وحدة animal kingdom صف سادس




اوراق عمل قواعد انجليزي وحدة animal kingdom صف سادس


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث


اوراق عمل قواعد انجليزي وحدة animal kingdom صف سادس


Use of (It-Its)
We use (It) instead of a place, object or animal, so that we don’t repeat the name-
We use (Its) if something belongs to an animal or a place. No apostrophe in its-

:A snake has got scales. It uses its scales to move and keep cool. Write 3 sentences using It and Its




Modal verbs: must, should, have to, don’t have to
-We use must+verb or have to +verb when we talk about things that are very important to do-
 We use should+verb to advise someone to do something-
 We use don’t have to +verb when something is not necessary-

You must obey your parents-
 You should study hard-
 You don’t have to wash the car-
:Write sentences by using (Must- Should- don’t have to)



Unit 10 (Our animals)

Use imperative sentences to write your slogans

Come and feed the monkeys-
Don’t miss the safari tour-
Write sentences using imperative




Unit 11(Animal Kingdom)


:Write 3 sentences by using adjective order



Adverbs of degree
Adverbs give more information about adjectives. Adverbs of degree
tell us how strong something is. (Quite- little- very – extremely)

 Polar regions can get quite hot-
Antarctic is extremely cold-
:Write sentences using adverbs of degree



Unit 11 (Animal kingdom)

Question tags
Question tags are short questions at the end of sentences-
We use them to check information or find out if someone agrees-
If the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative and vice versa-

؟Antarctica is a very cold place, isn’t it-
:Write sentences with question tags



Unit 12 (Ancient civilisations)


Sentences with know, think, believe
We use know for facts-
We use think or believe for opinions-

I know that Romans lived for a long time ago-
I believe that Sphinx looks like a lion with a human head-

:Write 4 sentences using know, think or believe 



Past simple with irregular verbs
We use past simple to talk about finished events in the past-
We form the past simple by adding –ed to regular verbs-
But there are many irregular verbs. Go went

Unit 12 (Ancient civilisations)
Write sentences using past simple








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