لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

تدريبات لغة انجليزية صف 6 فصل 3

تدريبات لغة انجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث




تدريبات لغة انجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث


تدريبات لغة انجليزية صف سادس فصل ثالث 

Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

The blue whale is the largest living animal to have ever lived on the planet
Earth. Blue Whales are way larger than the largest dinosaur that ever lived. The largest Blue Whales can grow as large as 100 feet long, which is longer than three school buses put together! Even though blue whales are huge, they eat .tiny creatures known as krill. Krill are tiny shrimp-like animals The whale simply opens its mouth, fills it with krill and salt water, and filters the water out of plates in its mouth called baleen. The blue whale may eat over
!pounds of krill in a single day 8,000
  What happens to the salt water that the Blue Whale gulps*
A. .It gets turned to fresh water
B. .It swallows the water
C. .It filters it out
D. .The passage doesn’t say
.The Blue Whale eats *
A. .sharks
B. .big fish
C. .humans
D. .small creatures called krill
?What is NOT true *
A. The Blue Whale is larger than the .largest dinosaur
B. The Blue Whale can eat 8,000 .pounds of krill per day
C. The Blue Whale is smaller than .some elephants
D. The Blue Whale can grow longer than three school buses

A Blue Whale can grow as long as .feet*

A Blue Whale 
A. .is large, but smaller than some dinosaurs
B. .is large, but smaller than a school bus
C. .is larger than any animal that has ever lived on Earth
D. .uses its sharp teeth to chew up large fish

Read the following comprehension and answer the question


Windsor Palace is the world’s largest and oldest continuously inhabited castle Occupying over 484,000 square feet, it is over 240 times the size of an average house. William the Conqueror built the first castle on the grounds between 1070 and 1086, but the castle that exists today was largely built by Edward of
Windsor in 1350. Edward of Windsor authorized the construction of a new keep, a large chapel, and new fortifications. From a distance, the castle appears dominated by a massive round tower in its center. In 1475, King Edward IV authorized construction of St. George’s Chapel as a cathedral and royal mausoleum. The chapel became an important destination for pilgrims in the late medieval period and is probably the most famous of the structures within Windsor Palace. During the 1500’s and 1600’s, Windsor Castle was damaged as a result of various wars. In 1660, however, Charles II became interested in restoring the castle and laid out plans for “The Long Walk,” a three-mile long avenue running south from the castle. Charles II also had the royal apartments
.and St. George’s Hall rebuilt The royal apartments were spectacular, with numerous carvings, frescoes, and
tapestries. The artwork acquired during the rebuilding of Windsor Castle became known as the Royal Collection, which remains relatively unchanged today. In 1824, George IV moved into the castle and was granted 300,000
pounds to renovate Windsor Castle. The entire castle was remodeled and the architect, Jeffrey Wyattville, succeeded in blending the castle to seem like one entity rather than a collection of buildings. Wyattville raised and lowered the heights of various buildings to give them symmetry and improved the
.appearance and structure of others
.Much of Windsor Castle was constructed under the orders of*
A. William the Conqueror
B. George IV
C. Edward of Windsor
D. King Edward IV
 In 1824, George IV moved into the castle and was granted 300,000 pounds to renovate Windsor Castle. Which of the following is closest to the definition of
A. remodel
B. rebuild
C. tear down
D. calculate

Select all that are true*
a. Windsor Castle seems dominated from a distance by a large tower
b. Windsor Castle is the largest castle
c. Windsor Castle is the oldest continually inhabited castle
d. .Windsor Castle burned down many times in its history
“?Who laid out plans for the “Long Walk*
A. Charles II
B. William the Conqueror
C. Jeffery Wyattville
D. King Edward IV
 ?Who made major renovations to the castle in 1824*
A. Jeffrey Wyattville
B. Charles II
C. St. George
D. King Edward IV
The royal mausoleum of Windsor Castle is known as*
A. The Royal Collection
B. St. George’s Chapel
C. Wyattville Hall
D. The Long Walk
 ?Which statement best describes Windsor Castle*
A. Larger than a normal house
B. Much larger than a normal house
C. .Somewhat larger than a normal house
D. Smaller than a normal house
 “?What is the “Royal Collection*
A. The name used to describe the Royal Family
B. A collection of valuable race horses
C. A term used to describe the many castles and homes owned by the Royal Family
D. .A valuable collection of artwork
 ?What happened last*
A. Edward of Windsor authorized the construction of a new keep
B. St. George’s Chapel was built
C. “Charles II laid out plans for the “Long Walk
D. .William the Conqueror lived in the castle
. ?Which of the following was not part of the royal apartments*
A. tapestries
B. carvings
C. stables
D. frescoes

Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

Have you ever had the flu? If you have, you know how miserable it can make
you feel. Most kids will get the flu sometime during their school years. When
,you have the flu, you usually get a fever (which can be high)
have a cough, feel very tired, and may have a sore throat as well. It can make
.you feel sick for a few days or for as long as a week
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if you have the flu or a cold, but with the flu,
you’ll usually have a higher fever and feel much worse. The flu is a type of
virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms such as the cough
and fever. For most kids, the flu comes and goes, but for some, it can be a
serious illness. Most kids get the flu in the winter because germs spread more
easily when kids are inside in settings such as class rooms. The best way to
prevent yourself from getting the flu is to wash your hands often, keep your
.hands to yourself, and go to your doctor for the flu shot or mist
.According to the author *
.a.) most kids don’t even realize they have the flu
b.) the flu can’t easily spread from one person to another
.c.) most kids get the flu in winter
.d.) medicine can help kill the flu
What is the best meaning of the word “symptoms” as used in the *
?following sentence
The flu is a type of virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms such as the cough and fever*
a.) viruses
b.) colds
c.) signs
d.) medicines
Based on the following sentence, which of the following might be *
?another setting where the flu could easily spread
Most kids get the flu in the winter because germs spreadmore easily when kids
are inside in settings such as classrooms
a.) A city park
b.) The baseball field
c.) A day-care center
d.) A forest

?Which of the following WOULD NOT help you inpreventing the flu *
a.) Getting a flu shot or flu mist
b.) Washing your hands often
c.) Keeping your hands to yourself
d.) Shaking the hands of your classmates
:Which sentence has the same meaning as this sentence *
For most kids, the flu comes and goes, but for some, it can be a serious illness
.a.) For the flu, kids can be a serious illness
b.) For most kids, the flu is a serious illness, but for some, it comes and goes.
.c.) The flu comes and goes for some kids
.d.) While the flu can be a serious illness, most kids who get it will recover
?What does the author IMPLY in the following sentence *
The flu is a type of virus, which means medicine will only help the symptoms .such as the cough and fever
a.) Medicine will not help your fever or sore throat
.b.) Medicine will NOT be able to kill the flu
c.) You should not bother taking medicine if you have the flu
.d.) The flu is not really a virus
?What question is answered in the first paragraph *
a.) How do I prevent the flu
b.) How long does the flu last
?c.) When does the flu spread
?d.) How many people get the flu
?Why is the flu most easily spread in the winter *
a.) Because kids are inside in classroom settings
b.) Because kids are outside playing in the cold
c.) Because there is less daylight in winter days
d.) Because kids start washing their hands more in the

Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

spiders reading comprehension
Spiders are not insects! They are actually arachnids -invertebrates (animals
without backbones) that have eight legs and which inject venom. Spiders are
found on every continent except Antarctica. There are over 44,000 known kinds
of spiders. Spiders are found in every kind of habitat and are often found in
Spiders are unique among animals in that many spin webs out of silk. The webs
trap insects and other prey to be eaten later. Larger spiders, such as wolf
spiders,huntsman, and tarantulas attack prey rather than spin webs. One spider
that was recently discovered even flings itself at prey like a slingshot! Most
spiders eat insects, but tarantulas and larger spiders will eat small lizards and
.mammals as well. Many people fear spiders
In fact, a fear of spiders has its own name: Arachnophobia! Most spiders,
however, are totally harmless to humans and are actually beneficial because

they eat insect pests. Even the largest tarantula in existence, the Goliath Bird-
eating Tarantula, is harmless to humans. A tarantula bite is said to be about as

painful as a bee sting. Some spiders, however, such as the Black Widow
Spider, are dangerous to humans. Bites from these spiders usually require
.immediate medical attention

 ?What are spiders*
A. mammals
B. insects
C. arachnids
D. tarantulas
Which of the following statements best describe spiders*
A. .Most are not harmful to humans
B. .None are harmful to humans
C. .Most are harmful to humans
D. All are harmful to humans
 ?Where are spiders NOT found*
A. in Antarctica
B. in cold climates
C. in deserts
D. in homes
?What would be the best title for the third paragraph*
A. The Diet of Spiders
B. Spider Webs
C. Spider Bites
D. The Habitats of Spiders
 ?What does “unique” mean in the following sentence*
Spiders are unique among animals in that many spin webs out of silk
A. old
B. fun
C. similar to
D. different
 ?Which is NOT true about spiders*
A. They inject venom
B. They have eight legs
C. Some eat lizards and small mammals
D. All spin webs
 ?Which of the following questions is NOT answered in the passage*
A. How large is the largest spider in the world
B. How painful is a tarantula bite
C. Is the Black Widow Spider harmful to humans
D. What is the largest tarantula inexistence
Black Widow bites are*
A. painful, but not series
B. very serious
C. not too serious
D. harmless

 ?Which of the following sentence is correct*
A. .A tarantula bite is said to be about as painful as a bee sting
B. .The webs trap insects and other prey to be eaten later
C. .Many people fear spiders
D. .Bites from these spiders usually require immediate medical attention
. :What does the author suggest in the first sentence*
Spiders are not insects! They are actually arachnids –invertebrates (animals
.without backbones) that have eight legs and which inject venom
A. Arachnids are a kind of insect
B. That spiders do not have backbones
C. That spiders do not have eight legs
D. That many people think spiders are insects

Part 1

Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A, B, C or D. There is one

Part 1

What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion, the most
important invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel, people could
not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. We depend on the wheel for all
our transport, such as cars, trains and planes (because planes need wheels to
take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would
be very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This
means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem
.very small for us
If we didn’t have the wheel, it would be harder to work quickly and easily.
This is because we need wheels to go to and from work, but also because we
need wheels to carry things. Without wheels, people would have to carry
heavy things in other ways. We might have to use animals or carry things
ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and
on farms because they make the machines work. These kinds of wheels are
.’called ‘cogs
There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I
.think that the wheel is the most important for these reasons



Example: The most important invention is the
A wheel
B lightbulb
C airplane
D computer
 What is the best title for this text*
A How to Travel
B Important Inventions
C Wheels around the World
D How Wheels Changed the World
. What is one thing that DOES NOT need wheels*
A trains
B planes
C boats
D cars
 …Without the wheel*
A the world would not be small
B it would not be easy to travel
C other places would be far away
D we would know more about our city
. …We use wheels at work to*
A carry heavy things
B carry animals
C help ourselves
D help animals
. Cogs are part of*
A farms
B wheels
C machines
D factories

Read the text then answer the questions. Decide if each statement is True or
.False. The first one is done for you


Part 2

What are tornadoes? Tornadoes (or twisters) are spiral, violent winds that can
destroy everything in their path. They are mostly in America, but other
.countries all over the world can have tornadoes too
Tornadoes are large, funnel-shaped clouds, that look like a long rope
sweeping across the land. They can be black, grey or even white. Tornadoes
.travel at different speeds and can last from a few minutes up to an hour
They are very dangerous, so you must follow this advice if there is a tornado

 The safest place to be during a tornado is in a tornado shelter or
a basement. If you are not near one, then a bathroom with no
.windows is a good place
 Protect your head and neck by pulling a mattress or sleeping
.bag over your head
 Keep water, food and a first-aid kit in the shelter and don’t leave
.until you are sure the tornado is over


.Example: Tornadoes are not very dangerous
A True
. Tornadoes only happen in America*
A True
B False
 Tornadoes can be different colours*
A True
B False
 If there is a tornado, you should find shelter near a window*
A True
B False
 You should cover your head with a mattress or blanket*
A True
B False
You shouldn’t leave your shelter until the tornado is over*
A True
B False



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