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كتاب الطالب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12 الفصل 3

كتاب الطالب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12 الفصل الثالث




كتاب الطالب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12 الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف 12 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 12 فصل ثالث


كتاب الطالب اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12 الفصل الثالث 

Bridge to Success is a twelve-grade course for learners of English as a second language (ESL). The twelve grades range from the beginning of cycle 1 to the end of cycle 3

Bridge to Success Grade 12 consists of twelve thematic units of study, which include a range of activities, text types and objectives, split over three terms

The materials reflect the following principles

 An Emirati focus, with an international
perspective. Specifically developed for young learners throughout the United Arab Emirates, the themes, situations and literature covered by Bridge to Success strive to reflect the Emirati context and encourage learners’ curiosity about the wider world, This fosters respect and interest in other cultures and leads to awareness of global citizenship

An enquiry-based, language-rich approach to learning. Bridge to Success engages children as active, creative learners. As learners participate in a wide variety of curriculum-based activities, they simultaneously acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practise English language and literacy. The materials incorporate a ‘learning to learn’ approach, helping children acquire skills and strategies that will help them approach new learning situations with confidence


English for educational success. To meet the challenges of the future, children need to develop facility with both conversational and academic English. From the earliest stage, Bridge to Success addresses both these competencies. Bridge to Success presents authentic listening and reading texts, writing tasks, and end-of-unit projects similar to those learners might encounter in Englishmedium and international schools

This Workbook provides additional support, reinforcement and practice of the Coursebook. Comprehensive support for teachers is provided in the Teacher’s Guide

The following icons are used in this Workbook

 pre – recorded listening activity

We hope that you and your learners will enjoy using these materials as much as we enjoyed developing them for you

The Bridge to Success team


10 Environment

Look at the texts below from two different writers. Now write a concluding paragraph for the text on page 190 of the Coursebook. Either paraphrase the text below or use a direct quote (you don’t have to quote the entire text)

From the book’Our future Planet’ written by Frank Gallagher in 2016, published by Library: New York. Page number 27. The waste is so remote it is hard to say who is responsible. We must all work together to reduce our impact on the environment, recycle more and think about the Future of our planet for our children and grandchildren’s sake. We are slowly destroying our beautiful planet it is time for drastic action and a united response by governments and environment agencies

From the book “The future in our hands’ written by Nora Ring in 2014, published by Bookers: London

The massive amount of rubbish that people throw away without thinking is the key problem. We need to change the way people behave that can only be achieved by education Countries should be fined for the amount of waste they produce. Not only is the the pacific garbage patch an ugly eyesore it has the potential to damage people’s health as marine animals begin to eat it and it enters the human food chain


10 Environment

3 Read Meera Al Shehi’s statement about Earth Hour. Choose the correct statement to summarise her opinion

“A lot of people think that events like Earth Hour give people an easy way to look like they care about the environment. They can just switch off their lights for an hour, not make any real change to their lives, and they get to be environmental heroes. However, even if these people just switch off their lights and electrical items for an hour on that one day, you know what they are making a much bigger impact than they probably even realise. Occasions like Earth Hour are not stand alone events; it’s not just about switching off your lights for an hour. It’s about an individual choosing to act at the same time as millions of other individuals and an individual action, no matter how small, multiplied by millions, sends a very clear message

a Meera thinks that individual actions are only important if they are repeated millions of times

b Meera thinks that people who only participate in Earth Hour once a year have no impact on climate change 

c Meera thinks that people need to act together against climate

 Which of the statements (a-c) in Activity  do you agree with? Do you agree with Meera Why/Why not


 Look at the pieces of writing below. Using the writing rubric that you have designed to mark them

Writing The legacy of our generation should be minimis-ing our impact on the earths natural resources The most significant impact we can make on the conserving our planets resources is recycling

It is everyones responsibility to recyle, governments can encourage is buy making it expensive to dump our rubbish in landfills. The government of the UAE sould introduce recycling bins for everyone’s home. The amount of waste that people produce is a lot and its going to get worse because the population is increasing and people are consuming more and more for example when we buy things in the supermarket they are always packaging but when you buy fruit and veg in the market it is not therefore I think supermarkets are responsible for a lot of waste. To conclude everybody needs to take responsibility for recycling

Recycling is a global problem that needs to be addressed urgently. The amount of rubbish that humans are producing is increasing at a rapid rate, and this is going to be further compound by population growth and increased consumerism. Furthermore, consumerism will impact on the earths natural resources as we extract more substances from the ground and destroy natural habitats in the process. What can we do to promote recycling in our communities in my view education is the key to encouraging recycling, if people are aware of the impact of waste on the environment and the health of our planet they will be more willing to take steps to improve things. Another approach would be to charge people for removing their waste with a reduced rate for those who are recycling. I believe that people are more responsive when they have to pay for their negative behaviour

Bridge to Success Grade 12 Workbook Unit 10




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