تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 9 فصل 3

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 9 فصل ثالث




كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 9 فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي


كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 9 فصل ثالث

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow

Civic engagement is an umbrella term used to describe the activities which promote the bridging of communities with socially conscious thought and action. The following are examples of civil engagement. Volunteerism
People over the world engage in volunteerism for a great variety of reasons: to help to eliminate poverty and to improve basic health and education, to tackle environmental issues, to reduce the risk of disasters or to combat social exclusion and violent conflict. In all of these fields, volunteerism makes a specific contribution by generating well-being for people and their communities. Volunteers are motivated by values like those of justice, equality and freedom. A society which supports and encourages different forms of volunteering is likely to be a society which also promotes the well-being of its citizens

Community Service

 Community service refers to doing something beneficial to the community. There are many people associated with different aspects of community development. People full of philanthropic feelings are those who work hard for the betterment of the community regardless of race, customs and traditions. Any nation equipped with the feelings of community development and working to help the weak and less privileged communities to improve their standard of living is actually preparing itself for a healthier and happy community structure

National Service

National Service National service is a system of either compulsory or voluntary goverment service, usually military service. Voluntary enrollments at the Peace Corps are also known as national service. Many young people spend one or more years in such programmes. In 2014, National Service became mandatory for Emiratis. Emirati men who have finished secondary school or aged between 18-30 will have to serve a year, while those who have not will serve two years. The service is optional for women, who may be trained for nine months, regardless of their education, according to the law

Environmentalism Environmentalism can be described as a social movement focused on the welfare of the environment. Environmentalism seeks to protect and conserve the elements of earth’s ecosystem, including water, air, land, animals, and plants, along with entire habitats such as rainforests, deserts and oceans. Environmentalism works to correct the damage already caused as well as prevent future destruction, creating numerous environmental groups around the world. Even with the combinations of legislation and improved corporate behavior, nonprofit organisations still play a significant role in achieving environmental goals


In Europe, the pursuit of equity and social cohesion has been a growing priority over recent years at national and European level Encouraging citizens, particularly young people, to actively participate in social and political life has been seen as one of the principal means to address these issues, and education has been identified as a major force in this respect.
Major policy documents, have recognised the importance of promoting active citizenship and, as a result, it has become one of the main objectives for education systems throughout Europe, Furthermore, the European reference framework on key competences for lifelong learning proposed that young people should be helped to develop social and civic competences, defined in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, during their school education. This competence-based approach calls for new ways of organising teaching and learning in citizenship education In addition to this, the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018 declared fostering active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity among all young people as one of its main objectives. The Strategy includes several lines of action related to developing citizenship in both formal and non-formal educational activities, for example, “participation in civil society and volunteering as a vehicle for social inclusion and citizenship! In addition, in 2011, the year was designated as the European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship

a. Compare the European initiative with what the UAE government is doing in regards to developing good citizens

b. How do voluntary activities promote active citizenship

Read the text and complete the activity

Civic Morality

Civic morality is a nobler virtue than individual morality, observed a judge of the Supreme Court of India, Jasti Chalameswar. What exactly is civic morality? Civic morality or civic virtue is when a citizen does an act of goodness for the whole community as opposed to doing it for themselves. An individual may exhibit civic virtue by volunteering, organizing a book group, or doing jury duty. In general terms, the individual recognizes himself as a member of a larger social fabric and, therefore, considers social problems to be at least partly his own. Such an individual is willing to see the moral and civic dimensions of issues, to make and justify informed moral and civic judgments, and to take action when appropriate One volunteer group, Habitat for Humanity Lebanon (HFHL) is a Civil Company not for profit. It demonstrates the concept of civil virtue. The mission of HFHL is to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. It strives to fulfill its mission by building, rebuilding, renovating and rehabilitating houses through partnership models to reach the families in need of housing services across Lebanon. Through these efforts, HFH Lebanon has assisted over 4,600 families–more than 20,700 Lebanese-to transform their war-damaged, decrepit, incomplete, or otherwise inadequate shelter into healthy, dignified homes where they can feel secure


Unit 5 Lesson

Read the story about how a community came together to help one of its less fortunate members. Then answer the question that follows

“Every Door on the Street Community togetherness can turn a tragic story into an inspirational one. This is a story about how a community, moved by humanity and compassion, came together to help one of its less fortunate members A terrible traffic accident had left a 9-year-old girl unable to walk. It was tough to watch this once-active child unable to do the things she once took for granted. It was tough, too, to see her family struggling to adapt. Caring for the girl was now a full-time occupation Her mother was happy to take on the role, of course. However, there were three other children to look after, too, so the father had to switch to part-time work. This put the family under financial pressure. They had some savings, but these were soon spent on medical bills and therapy for their daughter The most heartbreaking thing for the girl’s parents was watching her struggle to move around her own home. Their small suburban house was not wheelchair accessible and they lacked the finances to make the necessary alterations. Due to narrow doorways, steps and stairs, the young girl was unable to move from room to room. Even using the bathroom was difficult. The family were too proud to ask for help, but they did not have to Aware of the family’s difficulties, an elderly neighbour decided to help. He knocked on every door on the street, explaining the situation. Not one person refused to help. Three days later, the house was fully wheelchair accessible-ramps were fitted, doors were widened and electric wheelchair was fitted. Some people gave their time and skills, others gave money, One small community came together to help one small girl in a wonderful and inspiring case of community engagement

a. How do you think active citizenship or civic engagement projects are usually adopted or initiated ? Do you think the way it happened in this story is normal or typical



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