انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

الاختبار المركزي مع الحل انجليزي الصف 5 الفصل 3

الاختبار المركزي مع الحل انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث




الاختبار المركزي مع الحل انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف الخامس لمادة انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث


الاختبار المركزي مع الحل انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

Sleep Scientists

Sleep scientists find cwt what happens to people when they don’t get enough sleep. they collect infctmation about how much sleep people need. This helps to keep people safe when they tye doing important jobs, like doctors , firefighters .and porce officers Sleep scientist use people called ” testers ” to help study sleep. The in homes. They in laboratcöes, and have specid machines attached to them

The scientists watch them sleep al night. the machmes orve the scientist information about how wel the person is – sleeping Before the testers go to sleep. the scientSts have them do c test on a computer. The testers fall asleep at monght. At 4 o’clock in the morring, they wake up to do another test on the computer. Five hours lotff , the testers do another test on athe computer The testers stay awake all day unti midnight. It’s vew hard for

Part 1. Read sleep scientists. For questions 1 – 5, choose the correct answer A, B .or C

9:51   10.00   5 -2

The scientists ask the testers to sleep in .2

their homes .a

the laboratory .b


Sleep Scientists

Sleep scientists find cwt what happens to people when they don’t get enough sleep. they collect infctmation about how much sleep people need. This helps to keep people safe when they tye doing important jobs, like doctors, firefighters .and porce officers Sleep scientist use people called ” testers ” to help study sleep. The in homes. They in laboratcöes, and have specid machines attached to them

The scientists watch them sleep al night. the machmes orve the scientist information about how wel the person is – sleeping Before the testers go to sleep. the scientSts have them do c test on a computer. The testers fall asleep at monght. At 4 o’clock in the morring, they wake up to do another test on the computer. Five hours lotff , the testers do another test on athe computer The testers stay awake all day unti midnight. It’s vew hard for

Part 1. Read the text about sleep scientists. For questions I – 5, choose the .correct answer A , B or C

9 :19   10.00   5 -3

The experiment has …………3 computer tests




Part I. Read the text about sleep scientists  .choose the correct answer or C

9:14    10.00    5 – 5

This text might be most useful to. someone who .5

likes doing computer tests

is interested in studying science

wants to know what a sleep scientist does


Part 2

Frida Kahlo

My is Alia I arm. going to talk about person I Odrvire. Frida Kahlo. She is fornous for her pointinos. Nature the things around her her the ideas for her .pointiros 

Frida Kahlo was born in Mexico in 907. Hor parents had  girls vvere very kind respectful people. She vzc.s c. -friendly. but unhappy child

At 1 she in occident. Sho riding in O that crashed into trarn. She could not walk for a vvhil – onc _f to spend c. lot of tirne in hospital Before her death in 1954. she than 1 40 different paintings. Fifty -five were beautiful paintings Of .herself 3

Before her death in 1954 , she had made more than 140 different paintings. Fifty-five were beautiful paintings of .herself

I like her a lot because I think she had a difficult childhood but was a brave and intelligent person. In the end, she .became a world – famous artist

Alia is doing a presentation about .6

a famous painting .a

someone she admires b

an interesting job

.Frida Kahlo was when she was a child .7


disrespectful b


Frida couldn’t walk for a while because she was .8

in a bad accident .a

riding in a bus .b

in atram .c

.During her life , she made different paintings of herself .9

over 140

55. b

1954 .c

Alia admires Frida Kahlo because she .10

created beautiful paintings of herself .a

had special qualities , like being brave b

spent a lot of time in hospital .c


Part 3

In the Desert

Last week. we went car – oping in the desert for a night. We made a big tire. We ate lots Ot delicious food and talked After dinner. everyone vvas tired but I to have fun in the desert. My father said. “It is not safe to go alone. go “. to sleep But I did not sleep. I ran in the sand. I looked for scorpions Lunder rocks. bot there were none. So. 1 looked at the stars in the sky and saw a bright shining star. I heard a bird. Then _it time to go back

1 looked for our tents but could not find thorn. could hear strange noises and my legs were tired. I was lost in the desert. so I felt anxious

Just then. heard my father calling me. My father said, ” YOU should be more sensible. ” and gave me big hog – blearned that I should always listen to his advice

Ali went camping .11

for one night

for a week

for more than a week

9:49      10.00     5 – 4

Ali was scared because .14

his legs were tired from walking

he heard strange noises

he was lost in the desert

9:50    10.00    5 – 5

The moral of the story is you should .15

go camping with your family .a

not get lost in the desert. b

listen to advice from your parents .c


1. Scientists can work inside , outside and in the Laboratory

2. I think the best scientific invention is the car , becaus we can move from one place to another

3. I think Scientists are important because they are working Hard all the time to invent new things which will make our life easier

4. Yes , I would like to be a scientist because I’ m so interested to know more about the world around us  Alt the but




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حل أسئلة الاختبار التشخيصي الصف 8 لغة عربية الفصل الأول

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