لغة انجليزية الصف الثاني عشر فصل ثالث

أوراق عمل Money اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 مع الإجابات

أوراق عمل Money اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 مع الإجابات




أوراق عمل Money اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 مع الإجابات


هدا الملف ل الصف 12 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 12 فصل ثالث


 أوراق عمل Money اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 مع الإجابات

Voluntary Student Support

Grade: 12 June 2020

Reading Comprehension Practice Test 1 (Draft)

A) Nine thousand years aW, did not have money. They traded animals , crops, and Other things they had for gcxxis and serviæs they In China, for example, in about 12u) B.C., people traded shells for the things they Chinese gHple also traded metal tcxls for the things they needed to buy. For instance, they used metal knives and shovels for money. Furthermore, American Indians use:i wampum, which were made from tE.ads and seashells put on strings, for money in the 15Ws

B) In atl)ut 700 B.C., coins made of electrum – a naturally occurring alloy of silver and gold – were manufactured on a large scale. These first, round, metal coins lmked very similar to the coins we use tcxiay. These coins originally from Lydia – the Iron Age kingdom Of western Asia

C) After people made Øins in Lydia, BEple in Rome, and Greece also tEgan making cnins. Coins were very durable – they were strong and cnuld last a long time without becoming Since coins were given a designated value, it easier to compare the cost of items people wanted

D) In atmat B.C., the Chinese made money of animal skin. The first pavEr money was made in China from white colored deer skin about years later. Of course, it was far more convenient and safer to transport compared to the alternatives for large transactions

E) It is not likely that paper money will completely disappear at any time in the near future. It is true that electronic transactions have more and more common over the last few decades and there is no reason why this trend will not We may even get to the point where paper money transactions incredibly

F) As for one universal currency , we are not likely to get there anytime though it is that the number of currencies will fall as time goes on and the world more We already see that happening today like when a Canadian Oil firm negotiatæ a cnntract with a Saudi Arabian company and the deal is negotiated in American dollars, not Canadian dollars. The world could get to the point where there are only 4 or 5 different currencies in use

G) Money changes with time. No matter what it ICKks like, money is an idea. It is the thought that peple can trade something they have for something they want

Prepared By: Mr. Ahmed Abdelfattah


Section 2

Read the text and answer the questions There is a fixed timer of 3 minutes for each question

Read the question first. then look for the answer in the relevant section of the text

There is no time to read the whole text first

All the given choices are mentioned in the text. but only one of them is correct

7- Paper money from deer skin was

a) easier to carry

b) bigger

c) more expensive to produce

d) more trusted

8- The first, round, metal coins were made. in

a) the 15Ws

b) 100 B.C

c) about 700 B.C

d) 1200 B.C

9- Coins were than paper money

a) more common

b) lighter

c) more long -lasting

d) less common

IO- The writer thinks paper money

a) will not cmnpletely disappear

b) will be used only in developing countries

c) will entirely soon

d) will be used more in the future

11- According to the text

a) the whole world will use one universal currency soon

b) the number of around the world will reduce

c) the IJS dollar will be the only currency in Canada and Saudi Arabia

d) the number of currencies will increase around the world

12- Paragraph G is mainly about

a) The picturæ on money

b) Different forms of money

c) Materials to make money

d) The conæpt of money

13- A suitable title for this article would be ….m……

a) The History of money

b) The future of money

c) Using coins

d) Exchanging gis with other


Section 3


There is a fixed timer of 3 minutes for each question

Base vour iudqement on text. not your own knowledge

Read the text and answer the questions For each question (14 – 20). choose the correct answer according to the text True. False or Not given.

14- Before the invention of money, animals were for money

15- The first money was made from white colored goat skin

16- The pictures of the Chinese emperors were on cnins

17- Coins helped people to compare the of they needed

18- Wampum was for money by American Indians in the 15Ws

19- Electronic transactions will decline in the future for many reasons

20- The IJS dollar will continue to be the strongest universal currency



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