رياضيات منهج إنجليزي فصل ثالث

كتاب الطالب Assessment Resource Book الرياضيات للصف الثاني منهج انجليزي الفصل 3 2021-2022

كتاب الطالب Assessment Resource Book الرياضيات للصف الثاني منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021-2022




كتاب الطالب Assessment Resource Book الرياضيات للصف الثاني منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021-2022


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة رياضيات منهج إنجليزي فصل ثالث


كتاب الطالب Assessment Resource Book الرياضيات للصف الثاني منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021-2022

Part A

On Day l. Ezra’s family drives to the Wildlife Refuge. On Day 2. they drive to Tombstone. How many miles do they drive in the first two days ? Show your thinking

Part B

On Day 3 , they drive to Lincoln Forest, which is 80 miles more than the distance they drive on Day 2. How far do they drive in all three days ? Show your work Assessment Resource Book 181

Part C

On Day Ezra and his family stop in Roswell, New Mexico. Then they drive to Amarillo, Texas. How many miles do they drive in all on Day 4 ? Use a different strategy to solve the problem. Explain why it is a useful strategy

Part D

Ezra’s family has two more days to travel. They plan to go to Pawhuska. 0K the first day and to the Ozark National Forest the last day. How many miles will they drive on the last two days ? Use a different strategy to solve the problem. Explain why it is a useful strategy

13. There are 196 children and 502 adults at a fair. How many people are at the fair ? Explain two ways to adjust both addends

ILI .What is the sum ? Decompose one addend to solve Use a number line to show your work

643 + 247 =…….

15.Andy adds 731 + 129 by place value. He the addends as 700 + 30 + I and 100 + 2 + 9. Andy says the sum is 842. How do you respond to him 16. Use two different addition strategies to find the sum of 497 + 384. Which strategy do you think is more useful for this equation ? Why Assessment Resource

Unit 10

How Readu Am I


Unit 10

Performance Task



Ida and her friends go to the aquarium for the day. They get there in the morning to wait in line

Part A

There are 1145 people in line. It is a special day so the first 100 people get in for free. How many people pay for their ticket ? Explain how you solved the problem

Part B

There are 256 people that work at the aquarium. There are 137 paid workers. The rest of the workers are volunteers. How many volunteers work at the aquarium ? Represent and solve the problem

Part C

The dolphins eat 765 fish that day. They eat 524 fish in the morning. How many fish do they eat the rest of the day ? Show your work

Part D

685 visitors eat lunch at the aquarium. 203 visitors eat dinner. How many more visitors eat lunch than dinner Use a different strategy to solve the problem. Explain why it is a useful strategy

Part E

There are 975 types of animals at the aquarium. 378 are mammals and 121 are reptiles. The rest are fish. How many types of animals at the aquarium are fish ? Show your work

Assessment Resource


Unit 10

Unit Assessment, Form A (continued)


. Which needs regrouping to subtract 736 — 479

A. tens   B. hundreds   C. both

. There are 287 people at a museum. Then 1214 people leave the museum. How many people are at the museum now ? Use base-ten shorthand to represent and solve the problem

II. Write two ways to adjust the numbers in 853 to make friendlier numbers to subtract
_ 5149

. A sports store has 279 bikes. There are 10 bikes at the store with training wheels. How many bikes at the store do not have training wheels

A. 379 bikes   C. 269 bikes   B. 289 bikes  D. 189 bikes

. a. To count on to find the difference of 682 — 365,  start at

b. To count back to find the difference of 682 — 365, start at

. There are 228 books in the returned book bin and 135 books on carts at a library that need to be put back on the shelves. By lunch time, 1147 books have been put back on the shelves. How many books still need to be put back on the shelves

. Yuri is putting together a 650 piece puzzle. So far Yuri has put together 322 pieces of the puzzle. Explain why regrouping is needed to find how many pieces Yuri still needs to put together

. A farmer grows 1477 pumpkins. The farmer sells 268 of the pumpkins. How many pumpkins does the farmer have left ? Choose a subtraction strategy to solve Explain the subtraction strategy you used

. On Friday, 531 people go to the movie theater. On Saturday, 105 fewer people go to the movie theater than Friday. How many people go to the movie theater on Friday and Saturday in all ? Explain your

Assessment Book

. There are 3514 pictures waiting to be framed at an art store. Customers bring in 289 more pictures to be framed. Over the weekend, 192 pictures are framed How many more pictures need to be framed

. Suki is using 525 building bricks to make a castle. So far Suki has put together 218 building bricks. Explain why regrouping is needed to find how many building bricks Suki still needs to put together

. A store has 1436 watermelons. The store sells 129 of the watermelons. How many watermelons does the store have left ? Choose a subtraction strategy to solve. Explain the subtraction strategy you used

. On Sunday, 602 people go to the zoo. On Monday, 2614 fewer people go to the zoo than Sunday. How many people go to the zoo on Sunday and Monday in all ? Explain your thinking


Unit 10

Unit Assessment, Form B (continued)


. Which needs regrouping to subtract 565

. A. tens B. hundreds  C both

. Zoey wants to practice the violin for 360 minutes before her recital. She practices 118 minutes. How many more minutes does Zoey need to practice ? Use base- ten shorthand to represent and solve the problem

II. Write two ways to adjust the numbers in 652 to make friendlier numbers to subtract.  — 347

. A cell phone store has 714 cell phones. There are 10 cell phones at the store with no camera. How many cell phones at the store have cameras

A. 604 cell phones  C. 704 cell phones

B. 614 cell phones  D. 724 cell phones

. a. To count on to find the difference of 493 — 268, start at

b. To count back to find the difference of 1493 — 268, start at


اختبار اجتماعيات الصف 10 العام الفصل 3
مذكرة وملخص وحدة تغيرات الارض علوم للصف 3 فصل ثاني

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