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أوراق عمل Exam Practice اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 4 الفصل الأول

أوراق عمل Exam Practice اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول




أوراق عمل Exam Practice اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول


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أوراق عمل Exam Practice اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

Read the text. Answer the questions

My name is Maryam. I am twelve years old. I live in Sharjah

Everyday, I wake up and I pray. Then, I eat a healthy breakfast. I eat bread, fruit, and drink milk. Then I go to school by bus

I like school. I study hard in class. My favorite subject is Math. I finish school at two o’clock. After school, I go home and I read books. I love books

I. Where does Maryam live

a) Dubai b) Sharjah  c) Ajman

2. What does Maryam eat for breakfast

a) cake b) bread  c) cereal

. Which word means the opposite of healthy

a) fit  b) unhealthy  c) unhappy

4. What time does school finish

a) 10:00  b) 12:00 c) 2:00


Read the text. Answer the questions

17 August 2019

Dear Susan

Thank you for your letter. I liked reading about the holidays in your country. I want to tell you about Eid A1 Fitr

The celebrations last three days. We Start the day early in the morning. We go to the mosque and pray. Then. my family visits my grandparents. We talk, play games, and sometimes go to the park

We eat lots of food. My mother, grandmother, and aunt spend all week preparing it. I love the sweets my grandmother makes for the celebration. After lunch, we go visit more family. We have a great time

Your friend, Zainab

1. Who wrote the letter

a) Susan b

2. Who makes the sweets for Eid A1 Fitr

a) mother  b) aunt  c) grandmother

. Which of these is NOT something the family does for Eid

a) Shop b) eat  c) plan


Read the text. Answer the questions

My name is Ahmed. My family lives in Dubai. My uncle. aunt, and cousins live in Abu Dhabi. Every year in December, we usually go camping in the desert. Last year. we couldn’t go camping. I was very unhappy until my dad said we would go to Abu Dhabi

We visited my grandfather and grandmother. My grandfather is very kind and my grandmother is very funny

We visited the most interesting museum in Abu Dhabi. There were old books and pictures of Abu Dhabi from long ago. We Saw a few books about desert animals like Arabian wolves, camels, and scorpions. I don’t like scorpions. I had a lot of fun

. Ahmed’s family goes camping in November

a) true   b) false

2. Why was Ahmed unhappy

a) He couldn’t camping

b) He couldn’t See his family

c) He saw a scorpion

 Which word in the story means the same as nice

a) unhappy  b) memory  c) kind

4. This is a

a) happy   b) funny  c) sad

5. Complete the Sentence

Ahmed doesn’t like


Desert animals

Deserts are the driest places on Earth. It may seem like nothing can live in a desert. But most deserts are home to many plants and animals. Two animals that live in deserts are jerboas and oryxes


Jerboas live in the deserts of Africa and Asia. They Sleep underground during the day and come out at night. They don’t drink water. They get moisture from the food they eat. Jerboas have long legs to keep their cool They don’t walk. they hop


Oryxes live in the Arabian Peninsula. They dig a shallow hole to keep cool during the day and rest. They move around at night

The oryx eats roots, herbs and fruit. They don’t drink water. The oryx can cool the blood in its brain by breathing through the nose. They only sweat when the temprature reaches 46 degrees

Answer the questions below

1. The oryx is ……….. than the jerboa

a) bigger b) biggest  c) big

2. How are the jerboa and oryx alike

a) They both eat fruit

b) They both get moisture from food

c) They both sleep underground

. Which animal lives in the Arabian Peninsula

a) jerboa   b) oryx   c) both the jerboa and oryx

4. Complete the sentence

……………. The oryx sleeps

5. This text is

a) fiction   b) nonfiction  c) a play


Bts Grade 4 Exam Practice – Term 1

Circle the correct answer

What is he doing

a) playing a game  b) writing a story  c) sticking pictures

What is he doing

a) reading a Story  b) a cutting pictures  c) sticking pictures

What are they doing

a) climbing a wall  b) tying a rope  c) skipping rope

My name is Ali. I love the water. My family goes to the beach every summer

Which sport does Ali probably like

Look at the family tree

……….. Omran is Zainab’s

a) sister      c) uncle

b) brother   d) cousin

Which month of the year is the seventh month

a) May  b) July   c) September

Which month comes next August, September,

a) April  b) January  c) October

Which word in the sentence should be capitalized

Last december. we went camping in the desert

a) december b) camping c) desert

Which end mark should be used in the sentence below

How many people are in your family You should

a) always brush your teeth  b) usually c) never
Look at the picture. What is the weather like

a) It’S windy  b) It’S Sunny.  c) It’S cloudy

We’re getting wet! Put up your umbrella. It’s

a) cold  b) raining

Deserts are very hot

a) wet  b) cold  c) dry

A camel can run fast

a) It  b) Him  c) Sunny

places that get very little rain

can run as fast as a horse

This helps the camel reach leaves on tall trees

a) a long neck

b) long eyelashes

c) wide feet

The camel uses this to store fat for when there is no food or water

b) long legs c) a hump  a) thick lips



أوراق عمل وملخص وحدة الجهد الكهربائي فيزياء الصف 12 متقدم – نموذج 2
حل درس حكايات الأعشاش لغة عربية صف 7

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