انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الاول

حل درس Unit 3 (كتاب النشاط) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 8 الفصل الأول

حل درس Unit 3 (كتاب النشاط) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الأول




حل درس Unit 3 (كتاب النشاط) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الأول


هدا الملف ل الصف الثامن لمادة انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الاول


حل درس Unit 3 (كتاب النشاط) اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الأول

3: The culture and traditbns Of the UAE

Read about A1 Ain. the Garden City of the UAE. As you read, think about the meaning Of the words in bold

A1 Ain is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has a large number of museums and forts, as well as greenery and oases. The National Museum has an impressive collection of finds from archaeological digs in the area. It also shows scenes of traditional life and includes the reconstruction of a traditional reception area (majilis).The A1 Ain Palace museum is situated inside a lovely Old fort. The museum includes lots of family items connected to Sheikh Zayed, who lived there up till 1966

At the Qatarra oasis. there is another fort but it is also the place where an important tomb was discovered by the Qatarra Tomb. This dates back to over two thousand years ago and some interesting gold ornaments and pieces of jewellery were found there. These are now on display in the A1 Ain Museum

Jahili Fort, near the gardens. dates back to 1891. and contains many works by the British explorer. Sir Wilfred Thesiger (‘Mubarak bin London’). One of his greatest expeditions was crossing of the Empty Quarter (Rub’al Khali) in the 1940s. He was the first to map the oasis of Liwa and the quicksands of Umm As-Samin. He loved his Bedu travelling companions very much and the memory of those days in the Arabian desert was to remain with him till the end of his distinguished life

Unit 3 P. 39

 You can use the context Of the sentence and the text to work out the meaning of new words. What do you think the words in bold mean Write down a definition next to each word, as it is used in the text

1 dig (noun) _the careful removal of soil and objects from an area

2 reconstruction (Hint: can often again. Think the ‘mining Of the tub ‘construct’.) The process of building or creating something again

3 reception Entrance of a place


What do the Bedouins believe about the camel ? Gift from Allah is the camel so well suited to the desert environment&ndurance Endurance – sneed

9 Name two qualities that the Bedouins adnure about the camel

10 What was the significance of the camel for the tribesmen ? Sig of wealth

Workbook Unit3 P. 40

Correct these sentences about the UAE

I VVater makes up most Of the UAE’s territory

Desert makes up most of the UAE’s territory

2 The first in sand dunes

The first Bedouins discovered source of water in sand dunes

 The tribes wander during the summer to find camels

The tribes wander during the summer to find grazing

 The Bedouins carried their gcxsds through the desert with the help of the tribesmen

The Bedouins carried their gtXds through the desert with the help of the camels, 5 saw camels as a sign of fun

Tribesmen saw camels as a sign of wealth

 The following words are in the text o

Coursebook. Use them to make sentences of your own

The books are available for you on the LMS channel

People inhabit on the banks of the rivers in the past

There area lot Of clans in the Arabian Peninsula  economic development in the UAE is clear via technology and construction

Running a marathon is a test of the human endurance

3: The culture and traditions of the UAE

Read the following text and write three reasons why the date tree is important

‘ helps keep people cool when they si under it The leaves can be used to make lots of different household and other ibedsuit is healthy because it has lot of vitamins


Write a descriptive sentence using the adjectives provided. Add a qualifier exotic beautiful

 The date gardens were very exotic and beautiful difficult challenging

 It’s difficult to understang the danger in challenging me friendly amusing

 My neighbours are friendly and amusing hot interesting

 lt washotEHo educated intelligent

 My penpal is educated and intellige interesting enjoyable

 Leaning English is so interesting and enjoyable refreshing

Drinking apple juice is cool and refreshing

Write a short paragraph about how education helps a person develop. Try to use some of the qualifiers you have learned in this lesson

Education is extremely important in our life in order to succeedvl farevell- educatedy surely ,you will beaverw successful persom for example;you uill probably getu well- paid job. Thus, you can achieve your goals

unit 3 P. 46

the word box to write a summary about A1-Taghrooda. Remember to use the correct tense: past simple, present perfect or present perfect continuous

 The Bedouins have shared the tradition of

 The tribesmen chanted the poetry around campfires

 The Bedouins have been re-telling their past history in this way for generation

 The Bedouins believed that chanting poetry made the camels walk in time to the rhythm

 A1-Taghrooda has played an important cultural role in the UAE

Write a few about the following

 livo things that you have doing for a long time

 Two things that you did last year

I visited my cousins in Dubai last year

I passes all my exams easily last year

 Two things that you have done so far in your life that you are proud abcut

I have visited many countries around the world

I have attended an English Course in the British Council

unit 3 P. 46

3: The culture and traditions Of the UAE

Lessons 12—13 Nabati poetry

Match the words with a definition

a baæd on true facts or events an account from the pase


Find the word from this Unit 3

To repeat a rhythmic phrase with other people

A large family

Ability to face difficult situations

Wandering from place to place

To move about without a definite destination

Grass or pasture

Traditions and language of a particular culture

A nomadic Arab of the desert

An animal found in the desert

Relating to a social group with the same ancestors,

customs and traditions

A hundred years

ISpe of sailing vessel

Make up your own sentences using five




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حل درس الفلزات العلوم الصف 7

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