انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الاول

أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 8 نخبة الفصل الأول 2022-2023

أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن نخبة الفصل الأول 2022-2023




أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن نخبة الفصل الأول 2022-2023


هدا الملف ل الصف الثامن لمادة انجليزي الصف الثامن الفصل الاول


أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن نخبة الفصل الأول 2022-2023



Preparation — grammar

Preparation — functional language

Term 1 Academic Year 2022- 2023

The Coverage, Grammar and Functional Power Point

Within Will find inforrnation the for this term. The lexis family that Will is as well as the particular grammatical and Kinctional language EXints that will tested in the exams at the end of this term. In the preparation sections, pu find examples and explanations for the grammatical and functional language points that will be this term The grammar preparation has an example that the grammatical It follows this With an explanation of the meaning of the example sentence. Next. the swcific grammatical syucture used w’thin the example sentence is tolloved by an explanation of the circumstances uMer which the particular structure is Mcre example using the strudure are given at the end Of the slide

In the functional lanwage prepaation section. there are examples of the particular langu point followed by an explanation of how the particular are used. In the assæiated grammar section. language that comprise the structure or can be used to in cnnjunction With the to express the stipulated function are detailed  Although detaied. the slides within this PowerPoint are to used as a starting point for teachers construct lessons around the language points that are explored here. The slides are intended to be used individually as a resource Within a lesson and to be incogxjrated as part Of instruction incrernentally throughout the term to ensure that students have to all ttE language points in the mverage ahead Of their end term exam. Therefore, the PowerPoint should not be presented at a single event or in its entirety Some functional language points may overlap with grammatical points in the coverage. and in that it is possible to combine slides. However, this resource should be to a Of individual slkes that teact -ers can use to enhance studnts’ learning


This is the friend whose sister is a doctor

The speaker is saying she is talking a specific friend by using a description of what her friend’s sister dæs as her job

Clauws and phrases: defining relative clauses

noun + (relative pronoun) + rest of clause A defining relative clause gives us information a noun (either the subject or the object) within the sentence without which the sentenæ is not clear. Defining relative clauses are often introduced with relative pronouns •that’, ‘which’, ‘who’, ‘whcm, Whom’. We can also use ‘when’ and ‘where’ if the clause is to the pronoun by a preposition

The Where the turtles are is in Ras al Khaimah

The man who vou were mkinq hasjust left

This is the that I read

I Was doina my degree during the pandemic


The is describing something they were halfway through at the same time as the pandemic

Past time: past continuous

subject + was / were + verb -ing

We can use the past continuous tense is to describe an action in at a specific time in the past

I was studying for my exam last

He was. -Shuping in the mall at the time

We were living in France in 2016


I don’t see my best friend enough

The speaker doesn’t see her friend because she is studying a lot

Present time: present continuous

subject + am/ is / are + verb- ing

We can use the present continuous tense to talk about a habitual action or regular occurrence. In this example, the present continuous tense is used to show the speaker has a negative attitude towards the situation. This is done by adding an adverb Of frequency

This computer is never workina properly She is always morying My brother is usuallv olavina computer games when I go to see him

It was raining so hard that we had to go inside

The people went inside because of the rain

Conjunctions: subordinating

so (adjective / quantifier) that + clause

We can use subordinating conjunctions with so + adjectives / quantifiers andn’that’ to emphasise the adjective and that it had a particular result

The ice cream was so sweet that I felt unwell

After school, I Was went straight horne

The music was it gave me a headache

The movie has -already- been -seen by many people in the class

Lots of people watched the movie


The movie has. a.lreadye .enseen by many people in the class

Lots Of people watched the movie

Passive: present perfect passive

Object + has/ have + (just / already) + been + past participle

The present perfect is used to talk about actions or events that began in the past and continue up to or impact the present moment. The passive is used when we are interested in the person or thing it happened to rather than who/ what is doing the action. The Object Of the active sentence moves to the subject position of the passive sentence. ‘Just’ indicates that it happened recently. ‘Already’ indicates that sorneone did not expect it to happen Has it already been collected

The exams have already been makad


My sister Amal, who lives in Al Ain, is older than me. She is tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. She works as a teacher. She has worked in a school in Abu Dhabi for two years. Amal. loves sports and she really enjoys running

Functional language point  Describing people

Associated grammar

Personal / subject pronouns, defining and non- defining relative clauses present simple passive, adjectives


What do you do in your free time

I go to visit my grandparents. I usually go every day

What do you do there

I sometimes help my grandmother to cook dinner. I also do gardening with my grandfather

It’s hard work, but it’s good fun

Functional language point Describing habits, routines, tasks and jobs

Associated grammar

Wh- questions, present simple, adverbs of time and frequency


What were you doing yesterday

In the morning, I was watching a movie with my parents, which was fun. Then in the evening, I was finishing my homework with my sisters. I had to give it to my teacher first thing this morning

Wh- questions. past time I past continuous. adverbs of tirne grammar

In my opinion, you have made the right choice From my point of view, the exam was easy

I’m certain that you will enjoy your new school

I strongly that computers make studying easier Pronouns, pregxsitional phrases grammar verage grammar functional 





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