انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول

أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 7 الفصل الأول 2022 2023

أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول 2022 2023




أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول 2022 2023


هدا الملف ل الصف السابع لمادة انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول


أوراق عمل Coverage grammar & functional language اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول 2022 2023



Preparation — grammar

Preparation — functional language

Term 1 Academic Year 2022- 2023

The Coverage, Grammar and Functional Power Point

Within Will find inforrnation the for this term. The lexis family that Will is as well as the particular grammatical and Kinctional language EXints that will tested in the exams at the end of this term. In the preparation sections, pu find examples and explanations for the grammatical and functional language points that will be this term The grammar preparation has an example that the grammatical It follows this With an explanation of the meaning of the example sentence. Next. the swcific grammatical syucture used w’thin the example sentence is tolloved by an explanation of the circumstances uMer which the particular structure is Mcre example using the strudure are given at the end Of the slide

In the functional lanwage prepaation section. there are examples of the particular langu point followed by an explanation of how the particular are used. In the assæiated grammar section. language that comprise the structure or can be used to in cnnjunction With the to express the stipulated function are detailed  Although detaied. the slides within this PowerPoint are to used as a starting point for teachers construct lessons around the language points that are explored here. The slides are intended to be used individually as a resource Within a lesson and to be incogxjrated as part Of instruction incrernentally throughout the term to ensure that students have to all ttE language points in the mverage ahead Of their end term exam. Therefore, the PowerPoint should not be presented at a single event or in its entirety Some functional language points may overlap with grammatical points in the coverage. and in that it is possible to combine slides. However, this resource should be to a Of individual slkes that teact -ers can use to enhance studnts’ learning


I have some more tea

I’m sorry, I play football on Saturday. my brother come instead

Meaning The speaker asks permission to drink more tea

The speaker the offer to play and asks if his brother is permitted to play

Grammatical structure Modals: present modals

can + subject + main verb

could +  main verb (polite requests)

subject + can’t + main verb (declining offers and invitations)

Usage We use modal vertbs to express (can) and to make (mud). We can also rnodals to decline offers and invitations (can’t)

Other examples Can I help you? I have some more? you go to the shop with I go. I have to do my hornework. Why you come to my hm  I have a cup Of water 


I would -like – to go to the mall  I a latte, please


Meaning The speaker wants to visit the mall

The speaker is requesting a coffee

Grammatical structure Modals: present modals

subject + would like + object (polite request)

subject + would like to + infinitive (wish or intention)

We use modal vertb with ‘like’ and the infinitive Of the verb with ‘to’ to indicate something we want to do. We can use with ‘like’ to make requests

Other examples Would she like an ice cream


Will you visit me next month

we go swimming

Meaning The speaker wants to know if his friend wants to visit him. The speaker asks if his friend wants to swimming

Grammatical structure Future time: future simple (will, shall) will / shall + subject + verb

We can use the future simple to ask or make about gxtential future events

Other examples you go to the tomorrow ? we go to your friend’s house  we have a cup of tea after dinner   I will be qoinq back home


Turn left at the restaurant and you will find it

Meaning The speaker will be returning to his house

The speaker is telling someone how to find a plaæ

Grammatical structure Advebs: movement

subject + verb + adverb

Usage We use adverbs Of movement (back , left , right , north , down , inside) to tell us the direction of the action

Other examples He is comina down the stairs. They are DO you want to go inside What are you do tomorrow ? I am visit my friend in Fujairah


What are you do tomorrow ? I am visit my friend in Fujairah

Meaning The speaker wants to know what his friend wants to do the next day. The speaker will visit his friend in Fujairah

Grammatical structure Future time (going to)

(Wh) + subject + going to + infinitive

subject + to be + going to + infinitive

Usage We use ‘going to’ to talk about a future plan or intention

Other examples What are you qoinq to do tonight ? We are go shopping next week They are going to meet us tomorrow

Term 1: Preparation

Functional Languag


It is a beautiful lake, surrounded with palm trees

It is found in the centre Of the city

What is Dubai famous for

Functional language point  Describing places

Associated grammar Adjectives, noun phrases


How do I get to the bus station

Turn left when you reach the restaurant, then keep going until you see the sign

Walk to the end of the road, after that turn right

Functional language point  Asking and giving directions

Associated grammar Prepositions of movement, adverbs of movement, present continuous

Friday would be a good day to meet everyone

Let’s meet next week to discuss our homework assign ment

Are you free at I pm

I am sorry, I can’t make it at that time

Functional language point Making arrangements

Associated grammar  Modals (would), future time

It would be great if I get a job as a police officer

I hope to visit Spain someday

I am planning to go to the cinema this weekend

Functional language point Describing hopes and plans

Associated grammar Modals (would , can), future time (will)



Modals: present modals

Future time: simple future (will and shall)

Adverbs: movement

Future time: future time (going to)



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