انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

نماذج مواضيع انجليزي صف 5 فصل 3

نماذج مواضيع انجليزي صف خامس فصل ثالث




نماذج مواضيع انجليزي صف خامس فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف الخامس لمادة انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث


نماذج مواضيع انجليزي صف خامس فصل ثالث

Write a paragraph about your favorite invention / discovery

What is your favorite invention

-Has it saved lives

-Has it changed how or where people live

-Has it helped businesses

-Would your life now be possible without it

-Why is it more important than the other two invention

للطالب الحرية في اختيار أي اختراع والتحدث عن أهميته في الحياة

Medicines / fridge / engine

It is a very important invention . If  My favorite invention is our lives. It makes our lives better. It helped business men to sell their products. We can’t live without it. I like it because it makes my life more easier

Imagine you are a doctor and you write an email to another doctor to tell him about Ibn Nafis’s book

تخيل نفسك طبيب وتكتب ايميل الطبيب تخبره عن كتاب ابن النفيس

Dear Doctor

Hi, How are you? I hope you are very well. I have read Ibn Nafis’s book. It is about his idea of how the heart and lungs work together. I think this idea will change medicine forever
I will use it to help my sick people. I want to see you to tell you about my plan

 See you soon


ملاحظات على الطالب قراءة المواضيع وفهمها وليس حفظها ، وللطالب حرية التغيير في الفكر الموضوع والتعبير   

على الطالب الالتزام بمعايير الكتابة كتابة العنوان = ترك مسافة بداية الفقرة – الحرف الكبير بداية الجملة – النقطة نهاية الجملة الكتابة بخط واضح ومرتب

Write an email to your friend to tell him about your favorite person

………………. Hi

How are you ? I’m writing this email to tell you about my favourite man

He was Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan. He gave his life to Emirate people. He worked hard and he was very generous. He helped to make the UAE a great country. He changed the desert to a green garden. He built schools, hospital and houses. He was a brave and wise man

Please write for me about your favourite person

See you soon

………. From

Write a paragraph about your special/famous person(Person you admire him)

My favourite man is Sheikh Zayed. He gave his life to Emirate people. He worked hard and he was very generous. He helped to make the UAE a great country. He changed the desert to a green garden. He did amazing thing for all people in different countries. I love him because he was a kind and wise man


Write a short story(characters-setting-events-problem-ending)

One day, Ali went to the desert with his family. First, they put up a tent and made a fire. Second, mum and dad started to make lunch and Ali took wonderful pictures by his dad’s camera. Suddenly, Ali lost it in the sand duns and he was sad. Then, he told his dad and they searched for one hour. Next, they found it. Finally, they were happy because they had so much of fun

One day, I went camping with my family. First, we drove to the desert. Then, we put up a tent and started to cook. While I was talking to my sister, we heard a noise. We felt very scared so we screamed and ran. We thought it was scorpion, but my brother made a trick. At the end, we were tired, so we went home and slept

Write a paragraph about your special / famous person(Person you admire him

Write a short story (characters – setting-events – problem – ending)

Write a paragraph about your favorite invention / discovery

 What is your favorite invention

-Has it saved lives

 Has it changed how or where people live

-Has it helped businesses

– Would your life now be possible without it

-Why is it more important than the other two invention

Write an email to your friend to tell him about your favorite person


اختبار التقويم الأول التربية الإسلامية الصف الثاني الفصل الثاني
اوراق عمل اسلامية صف 8 فصل اول

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