لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثالث

موضوع انجليزي الإمارات في الحاضر والماضي 10

موضوع انجليزي الإمارات في الحاضر والماضي 10




موضوع انجليزي الإمارات في الحاضر والماضي 10


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثالث


موضوع انجليزي الإمارات في الحاضر والماضي 10 انجليزي فصل ثالث


مواصفات ملف موضوع انجليزي الإمارات في الحاضر والماضي 10 : 

  • نوع الملف : موضوع انجليزي
  • الصف – المادة : 10  – اللغة الانجليزية
  • الفصل الدراسي : الثالث


Introduction In my research for this day , I will discuss the old and modern Emirates  man lived in 

ancient times and periods of ignorance This is because people do not know what is going on in the other world 

on  the other side of the world itself , but there was some of the children go and study at mutawa .

They used to try to save a living for their family through Fishing or diving in search of pearls

.grazing and agriculture 

Display Recently there is no such thing as ignorance , but all people

 They persevere to science and success and there are graduates from universities sophisticated

There have also been many jobs

 :such ad

 Agriculture and trade Education , industry , grazing and oil extraction 

The  means of transportation differed from those of modern times . 

For some thing he does : 

Transport large amounts of wheat , for example , or anything else

The use of wood for shipbuilding was started Is the only way to transport

The means of communication differed from recent times they have evolved 

The means of communication greatly after the development 

.of Arab societies 

Foreign people , so people are using mobile phones and 

. Wireless , email , and many more Advnced and advanced scientific means 

.The mosques differed recently from ancient times , because it was the mosque

 Al-Mutawa ( the imam of the mosque )  teaches the children of the neighborhood 

and teaches them the Arabic language and Tajweed 

and the provisions of religion and the preservation of the koran 

The markets differed from recent times . 

.There were different forms of market , the UAE market , the old market , 

large shopping malls and huge shops 

Education has differed from ancient times . Modern education has recently evolved . 

We are now studing in schools and learning many things , including

 ( Arabic language- religious education – socialism- mathematics )

The houses were originally made of arish and some of them are simple tents . 

Now , the houses are made of stone and cement and it is developed into 

villas and high buildings.


How beautiful to preserve our civilization and differentiate between old and new . 

And that we strive in the study and learning in order to give our state a beautiful 

future fragrant with all love and appreciation 


عزيزي متابع موقع نجاح المناهج الاماراتية ننصحك بمتابعتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي :

صفحة نجاح المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )

قناة نجاح المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا ) 







حل درس قوة الذكاء الاجتماعي لغة عربية صف 6 فصل 3
تدريبات على اختبار النص الشعري لغة عربية الصف 7 الفصل 2

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