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مواضيع لغة انجليزية للصف 10 فصل اول

مواضيع لغة انجليزية للصف 10 فصل اول




مواضيع لغة انجليزية للصف 10 فصل اول


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة انجليزي 10 الفصل الاول


مواضيع لغة انجليزية للصف 10 فصل اول


Driverless Cars

The automotive sector is one area where technology is developing at a significantly fast pace. From developments in green technology to forward emergency braking in luxury vehicles, innovation is at the heart of the automotive sector

A particularly popular area of interest is driverless vehicles. Essentially, these self-driving cars use a vast range of sensors to understand the environment around the vehicle and use this information to navigate through the streets to your destination – without the need for assistance from a human

One of the main reasons behind the development of driverless vehicles is the potential to significantly reduce the number of road traffic accidents, some of which can be deadly. Human error is a natural part of life, but when this occurs behind the wheel of a car, it can lead to catastrophic outcomes which driverless vehicles are designed to avoid

So why haven’t driverless vehicles hit the roads already? What’s stopping self-driving cars from gaining mass market approval? Although driverless vehicles present a wealth of new opportunities and advantages, there are numerous disadvantages behind the use of these vehicles, including the high costs involved


Education in past and present in the UAE

Hey i am Moustapha . In this blog I will give information about the education during the past

and present. Education in the past before the oil came it was a lot different than its now. people used to send their children to the mosque to. read the holy Qur’an, learn mathematics

principals and the basics of life. It was hard for them to learn because there weren’t hi-tech equipments or fast and comfortable transportation. Zayed ruled and united the 7 emirates he hired oil

companies to search the for black gold”oil”. After the oil discovery the UAE developed in all fields including education. The education now is a lot easier than before. The UAE government realized how education is important these days. They built schools everywhere and equipped them with hi-tech projectors, computers and boards. It’s easier now because the student can get information from the internet or the library



A car is a road vehicle used to carry passengers. Cars usually have four wheels and an internal combustion engine. Another name is automobile from Greek “auto” and French “mobile”. This name means “self-moving” as cars do not need horses or other external sources of power to move. Cars have been around since 1885

Some small “city” cars carry only two to four people, and have little luggage space. Other types are able to carry many passengers or heavy loads. For example, family station wagons or estate cars carry from 5 to 9 people, or fewer people with lots of luggage. A van or pickup truck is a car-like vehicle made for carrying medium sized loads, for example, goods for delivery or plumber’s and builder’s tools and materials. Heavy lorries are used to carry deliveries and heavy loads

In order for a car to work, it must have fuel. The most common fuel is petrol, which is called gasoline in America. Some cars burn diesel or ethanol. A few can run on several different fuels. Alternative fuel vehicles use less common fuels like natural gas, wood gas or electricity. Some car-making companies have also tried building vehicles that run using hydrogen fuel cells, which do not give out any polluting exhaust gases (but most of the hydrogen that people use comes from burning fossil fuels). In some countries, such as Brazil and Sweden, a mixture of ethanol and petrol, called gasohol in Brazil and E-85 in Sweden, is used as automobile fuel


Driverless Cars

The automotive sector is one area where technology is developing at a significantly fast pace. From developments in green technology to forward emergency braking in luxury vehicles, innovation is at the heart of the automotive sector

A particularly popular area of interest is driverless vehicles. Essentially, these self-driving cars use a vast range of sensors to understand the environment around the vehicle and use this information to navigate through the streets to your destination – without the need for assistance from a human

One of the main reasons behind the development of driverless vehicles is the potential to significantly reduce the number of road traffic accidents, some of which can be deadly. Human error is a natural part of life, but when this occurs behind the wheel of a car, it can lead to catastrophic outcomes which driverless vehicles are designed to avoid

So why haven’t driverless vehicles hit the roads already? What’s stopping self-driving cars from gaining mass market approval? Although driverless vehicles present a wealth of new opportunities and advantages, there are numerous disadvantages behind the use of these vehicles, including the high costs involved


Camel Racing

Thoroughbred Racing Camels are first put through their paces when they are about two years old. Initially the animals are trained to obey basic commands issued by the jockey. Then, a crucial two-kilometer gallop decides which have the ability for racing. To help build their stamina, the camels are made to run certain distances every day, which varies in proportion to their age. Recently jockeys were banned from racing and instead robots were used it their place according to human right laws

Dhow Racing

Traditional boat racing involves traditional boats called dhows, which were used in the past for pearl diving or merchandise transportation. Dhow races are held during the winter season, and use 40 – 60 feet dhows and up to 100 oarsmen who use their physical strength and traditional practices passed down to them from their forefathers to raise the mast and slide down swiftly through waves


Good citizens are actively involved in their community and in the betterment of their fellow citizens. They take pride in where they live and strive to make it a better place. We all want to be known as a good citizen, and with a little thought and effort, anyone can be one

Get a good education. One of the best things you can do to help your community is to get a good education. When you’re well educated, you can get better jobs and contribute more to the economy

Work hard. No matter what job you have, working hard is an important part of being a good citizen. When you work hard, you provide services to others and you earn money, both of which contribute to a stronger economy in your area 

Stay healthy. When you get sick, you put others at risk and you take up valuable space in doctor’s offices and hospitals that could go towards someone else. Exercise, eat right, and make sure you stay current on all your shots, important to take care of your body and stay as healthy as possible It’s

Pick up litter. If you see trash lying around don’t just stare at it and walk pass it. Try to make time once a month to go around your neighborhood and pick up all of the trash that you see. Just be sure to use a grabbing stick or gardening gloves, to prevent hurting yourself on something dangerous


Write a paragraph about the advantages of studying in a university

There are a lot of advantages of studying in a university. For instance, in the university you can meet new friends. Furthermore, university offers the chance to encounter people of all ages and different backgrounds. However university offers such a wide range of activities and finding new interests. Moreover, university can boost your confidence and value of independence in your own abilities. Specially if you apply for an institution which is far from your home

Write paragraph about your future learning goals

I think I’d really like to go to university. First I want to finish school and get these exams out of way. So one of my first learning goals is to make a revision timetable for every subject each week. Then I am going to lots of exam practice. Then I’ll see I get on. If I get good marks, I will probably apply for university



رواية الشيخ والبحر اللغة العربية للصف 10 2021-2022
تلخيص وحدة الجهاز العصبي احياء الصف 10

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