علوم صف سادس فصل ثاني منهج انجليزي

ملخص Cells and Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف 6

ملخص Cells and Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السادس




ملخص Cells and Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السادس


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ملخص Cells and Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السادس

Lesson 1: Cells and Life

Revision Notes

Key Words

Cells — basic functioning unit of living things

Microscope — a deviæ used to magnify (make bigger) any specimen (object under observation)

Magnification — the number of times the object gets bigger under the micrcEcoFE (e.g. 1000x means the object gets bigger ICM) times)

Light microscope — a that uses light to see the specimen and has a lower magnification

Electron — a microscope that uses beam of electrons and has a higher magnification

Living things — include all forms of bacteria, fungi, protists, plants, and animals and have characteristics of life (MRSGREN)

Hierarchy — arrangement from Simple to complex

Unicellular — made up of one cell

Multicellular — made up of many cells

. Prokaryotic — cell without the nucleus and the genetic information (DNA) is freely floating on the cytoplasm

I I. Eukaryotic — cell where the DNA or the genetic formation is within the nucleus

. Homeostasis — ability to maintain constant tXdy conditions

. Stimuli — anything that causes a response

. External stimulu/stimuli — changes that outside the body and is passes to us through our sense organs (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, skin) e.g. levels of sunlight

. Internal stimuli — any change that happens within the body e.g changes in sugar levels



 For a living thing to be called living thing, it must possess certain characteristics

 Such characteristics are





Growth & Development




1. Living things are organized

 Living things are organized from simple to complex

• Organization starts from cells * tissues * organs * organ systems – orgamsm

2. Living things grow and develop

 Living things grow and develop Growth refers to the increase in size

 Development refers to the growth in mental and other skills

3. Living things reproduce

 Reproduction is the ability to make offsprings similar to the parents

 It can be sexual and asexual reproduction

4. Living things respond to stimuli

 Stimuli are changes that happen either inside or outside the body that the living things have to respond to

 Internal stimuli are changes that happen inside the human body such as hunger, changes in blood sugar levels etc

 External stimuli are changes that happen outside the human body such as temperature, light levels, sound etc

 Response is the result or the outcome of the stimulus

. Living things maintain internal conditions

 Homeostasis is the ability to maintain stable intemal conditions

 Humans need to maintain constant conditions such as: water levels, blood sugar, PH, temperature in order to survive

6. Living things use energy

• Living things need energy to survive

 It can magnify up to 100,000 x the original Size of the Object


1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

• Here the electrons pass the object and after reflected or bounce off the specimen to create a 3-D image

. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)


Robert Hooke

Here the electrons are transmitted or is absorbed by the object First person who investigated the cells using a cork stem Image of Robert Hooke “Cork” cells Anton van Leeuwenhoek

 Made the microscope that iS more powerful than the one used by

Robert HOOke

 He also studied cells from rain water and discovered animal cules


1. All thing things are made up of cells

. Living things are the basic functioning unit of life

. All cells come from pre-existing cells. (e.g. when we are wounded, the wounds heal


TYPES OF CELLS according to Number

I. Unicellular — only one cell, bacteria are the best example of unicellular organisms

. Multicellular — consists of many cells, cells of plants, animals, protists, and fungi are all multicellular


f. Nucleus

2. Cytoplasm

the central part of the cell, the •control center” or the “brain” of the cell because it is the one that controls all the activities within the cell it contains the genetic information called the DNA that iS responsible for the traits that parents pass to the offspring

The fluid or the watery part of the cen This is where all the parts of the cell are found In the cytoplasm, all chemical reactions take place such as the photosynthesis and respiration

3. Cell Membrane

The outer part of the cell It is the one that controls what comes in and out of the cell (including oxygen, carbon dioxide, waster materials etc) It is like a security guard


1. Prokaryotic

 These are organisms that do not have nucleus but they do have the DNA or the genetic material

 The genetic material or the DNA is not surrounded by the nucleus but it is located on the cytoplasm

 Moreover, they do not have organelles (or parts)

 They are typically smaller than eurkaryotes

• Bacteria are the example of prokaryotic

2. Eukaryotic

 They have a definite nucleus where the DNA is found inside

 They also have membrane – bound organelles

 All forms of plants, animals, fungi and protist are eukaryote


All living things need to be classified

The biggest level of classification is the Domain

Kingdom is the next level of classification to Domain

There are three domains

Domain Archaea

Domain Bacteria

Domain Eukarya

There are Six Kingdoms of Living Things

Kingdom Archaea

Kingdom Bacteria

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia


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