لغة انجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث

مفردات وقواعد وبرجرافات 12 day and night 4

مفردات وقواعد وبرجرافات 12 day and night رابع




مفردات وقواعد وبرجرافات 12 day and night رابع


هدا الملف ل الصف الرابع لمادة لغة انجليزية صف رابع فصل ثالث


مفردات وقواعد وبرجرافات 12 day and night رابع فصل ثالث

Unit 12

Day and night

Midnight: 12.00 mid night

Challenge: a difficult thing

Summit: the top point of a mountain

Rocky :covered in rock

Cloudy :covered in cloud

Rainy: weather with lots of rain

Stormy: weather with lots of wind and rain

Solar system :a sun and its planets

Planet: a large object in space that travels around a sun

Space: beyond the earth,where the planets and stars are

Habit: an action that something usually does

Habitat: a place where some thing usually lives

Ahmed is———-than Ali-

(old, older, the oldest)

Sara is as————as Ola-

(good, better, the best)

Sahara desert is the…………desert in the world-

(large, largest, larger).

Ola is……………..than Sara-

(beautiful , beautifuller ,more beautiful)

It was…………..day of my life-

(happiest ,the happier, the happiest)

Solar system

?How many planets are there in our solar system

There are eight planets in our solar system

?Which planet is nearest to the sun-

Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun

?Which is the smallest planet in our solar system-

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system

?Which is the biggest planet-

Jupitar is the biggest planet

?What colour is Mars-

It is red

?What is  Saturn famous for-

Saturn is famous for thousands of bright rings

?How long is a day in Jupitar-

It is around 10 hours

Give me examples of nocturnal natures

Fruit bats, some owls, desert hedgehogs, camels Arctic fox and Arctic hare

Fruit bats :have short brown fur, large pointed ears. It has wings,but no feathers and no tail-

Some Owls :have large wings-

Desert hedgehog: have long brown spikes, sharp. claws,a small body and long pointed nose-

Camels: have long eyelashes,hump,wide round feet. long neck and hard lips-

Arctic foxes: have long white fur and short pointed ears-

Arctic hare: has white fur,a small whitetail,long pointed ears and a small black nose-

Saw-scaled viper: has brown scales,long sharp teeth and it is poisonous-

Snowy owl: has large wings,longs harp claw sand soft white feathers-

?Which landscapes can you find in UAE-

In  UAE, I can find sand dunes, mountains and oasis 

?When do you usually getup –

I usually getup at 6,o’clock

?When does school begin-

School begin sat 7 o ’clock

Write a paragraph about What happened in your amazing day

Last week end I went with my family to the park. We went to the park by car. I saw tall trees, beautiful flowers, Birds and many children. I played foot ball in the park with My brother and I read stories. I felt very happy, as Is pent a happy time with my family

Create your own planet. Give your planet a name

.Write about your planet

?Describe your planet. What is it like-

My planet is called earth. It is small and rocky

It is light blue with white clouds

How many moons does it have-

It has one moon. The moon turns around the earth

?What is special about your planet-

My planet is the only planet to support life.There are living things in my planet


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