لغة انجليزية الصف التاسع الفصل الثالث

مراجعة Exam Overview اللغة الانجليزية للصف 9 الفصل 3

مراجعة Exam Overview اللغة الانجليزية للصف 9 الفصل الثالث




مراجعة Exam Overview اللغة الانجليزية للصف 9 الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف 9 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 9 الفصل الثالث


مراجعة Exam Overview اللغة الانجليزية للصف 9 الفصل الثالث

read about a famous painter and his work

Passage 1


Work in pairs. Read a paragraph each about Vincent van Gogh. Then explain to your partner What you learned about him and his art

Vincent Van Gogh was a painter from the Netherlands, who is known for his paintings Of landscapes With fields, trees and flowers. He also painted Eu•autiful pictures of streets and cafés in Paris and Arles, and portraits of his friends His self-portraits are also well -known. His style was different from that of other painters as he used very bright colours and thick paint that took days to dry

Vincent’s Bedroom in Arles by Vincent van Gogh Vincent was never famous or rich. He only sold one painting while he was alive, so his brother II-teo, Who worked in an art gallery in Paris, had to send him money to support him. Vincent got sick and died alone in Arles, in the south of France. Today, his paintinp; are among the most valuable in the world, His painting Portrait of Gachet, for instance, Excame one of the ten paintings in history when it   sold for over Hm dollars at auction in


Passage 3

Speaker I : My most treasured is a photograph of my grandparents when they were young. It’s a very old photo and it’s the only one we have. I never used to take it out of the photo album. I was afraid it would lost. But Ive scanned it and have it on my computer now, so that’s 0K

Speaker 2 : I love my flowers I keep them in inside my flat. They make my srxce more colourful and cheerful. I like looking after them and I often move them around my flat. Now I have most of them in the living room and in the kitchen

Speaker 3 : My most treasured possession ? It’s a T-shirt we made for our class when we finished primary school. All the names of my classmates are on it. It reminds me of the moments we had. I m a bit worried I couldn’t find it the other day. I horx I find it

Speaker 4 : It’s a watch my uncle brought me from Japan. It came in a very nice case and I have it in the drawer. I don’t wear it txxause its too big for rne, I will when rm older and my arms are bigger I can’t wait to start wearing it. Its so elegant


Read the conservation between Tariq and Ahmed then answer the questions

Track 46

Tariq Wow. Ahmed. you’ve got a great rcrn here

 Thanks it’s not bad. I really like thc loft – its a nicx to relax after I’ve done all my homework

Tariq: I’m sure I could sleep up there I might fall off the lader or hit my head on the ceiling

Ahmed Dont silly

Tareq And what is this

Dont! It’s my srxcial football sigmd by Xabi Alonso but nobcxly can towh it. Ill show it to you

Tariq : 0K, 0K. relax! You nr of my brother I share a trdroom mth him and he Ict nr towh his things either. Anyway, it’s a cool

Ahmed : Thanks You can sit on that rtxking chair if you want

Tariq: It’s really comfortable

Ahmed  Not really … but it was my granddads and its really Sxcial. I to sit with him on this chair and would tell me stories


1 Why doesn’t Tariq like loft beds

2 How is Ahmed similar to Tariq’s brother

3 Why do Ahmed and Tariq disagree about the rocking chair


1 He’s draid of falling from the ladder

 Ahmed and Tariq’s brother don’t ike it when other people touch

 thinks ifs comfortable but Ahmed disagrees

 He bought it in a market in Egypt

5 Ahmeds friends from Abu Dhabi

6 They’re going to play a computer game

Passage 6

I m here in one of the support centres where continue to arrive. They’ve lost their homes, their cars and all their Frsonal rxsscssions They’ve come here for fCXd, water and. if theyre lucky, some clean clothes Thousands of homes have txen destroyed and almost 2(Å) rx-ople have txen killed. Remote villages in the outback have txcn hit thc worst. I’ve just spoken to two volunteer firefighters and here’s what they told me

Firefighter I : We’ve worked flat out for three days now. trying to stop the blaze from spreading. But the wind has txen so
strong that it’s spreading really quickly and it’s very difficult to control it

Firefighter 2 : I’ve never anything like this in my life. It’s got to the worst ever

Reprter : It all started on Friday when  was well above 40 degrees …


Passage II

Almost 80 per cent Of the people in the world live in areas that are affected by frequent natural disasters. People living in these areas rnay have no access to fresh vvater or to land that is suitable for farrning. This results in a very diet

With change. the situation get Natural disasters seern to happening rnore often and this have an even greater on the people and their

The VVFC) (World Food Prograrnrne) is an aid organisation that tries to reduce the irnpact of these natural disasters on people in the region – It works VA’ ith the governrnents and ties of disaster areas to rnake sure that and fresh can get through to ail the regions affected by disaster. even the The organisation is also helping countries to find w•ays to w•arn people about disasters

By doing this. it hopes that the people svi11 ready for a disaster and know what to do when one is forecast. This will hopefully Lead to rnore surviving as they have tirne to rnove to safer areas-


Are these statements true or false

 People have now stopped arriving at the support centre

 People have gone to the centre for food and water

 Places close to the city centre have been hit the worst

 The fire is now under control

 It started on Friday when the temperature was above 40 degrees

1 F (People are still arriving)

 F (villages in the outback have been hit the worst)

4 F (the fire is difficult to control)



حل درس المرافق العامة للصف 4
حل درس الأخطار التي تهدد عالمنا التربية الأخلاقية الصف 3

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