علوم سادس الفصل الاول

مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الاولى صف 6

مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الاولى صف سادس




مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الاولى صف سادس


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة علوم سادس الفصل الاول


مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الأولى صف سادس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف تلخيصا شاملا للوحدة الأولى ، من منهج العلوم  الصف السادس ،و قد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل


Grade 6 Science Summary

AY 2017-2018 – Term 1

Chapter 1

The Big Idea : What processes do scientists use when they do scientific investigations

Lesson 1-1 Case Study

Essential Question : How are independent variables and dependent variables related

Success Criteria

 A variable is any factor that can have more than one value

 An independent variable is the factor that is being tested

  A dependent variable is the factor that is observed or measured during an experiment

  When the independent variable is changed, it causes the dependent variable to change

 A controlled experiment is a scientific test done under controlled conditions, where just one just one factor changes and the other factors stay the same

 An experimental group is used to study how a change in the independent variable changes the dependent variable 

 A control is necessary to determine if experimental results are caused by the variable that is tested or from another factor 

 Scientific investigations may include observations, inferences, hypothesis, predictions, tests, analysis, and conclusions

  Scientists do not use all skills of scientific inquiry because there is more than one way to test a hypothesis

 An observation is the act of using one or more of your senses to gather information and take note of what occurs 

 An inference is a logical explanation of

observations based on past experiences. • A prediction is a statement of what is expected to happen

• A hypothesis is a possible explanation for an observation that can be tested by scientific investigations

 Scientists concluded that around 5.300 year ago, Otzi, the Iceman, traveled from the high alpine region in spring to his

native village in the lowland valleys. There, during a conflict, the Iceman sustained a fatal injury. He retreated back to the higher elevations, where he died


Essential Question

How is scientific inquiry used in a real-life scientific investigation? Success Criteria : • Scientific inquiry was used throughout the investigation of the Iceman when hypotheses, predictions, tests, analysis, and conclusions were developed


Lesson 1-2 : Saruq Al-Hadid Study

Essential Question : How is scientific inquiry used in a real-life scientific investigation in modern discovery? Success Criteria

 Scientific inquiry was used to determine the location of the Saruq Al-Hadid

  The Saruq Al-Hadid is one of the largest and most important sites dating back to the times of Iron Age in the Arabian Peninsula

  The site has a global importance as it opens the way to our knowledge for Industrial activity and daily life during the Iron Age Arabian Island 

 The site provides comprehensive evidence to prove the manufacture of copper alloys and works of gold and iron 

 Manufacturing of iron has special importance because the evidence related to the iron industry at this time is very rare in the Arabian Peninsula




أوراق عمل Term One Revision Handout مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 4 الفصل الأول
وحدة الأنظمة الخطية والمصفوفات الرياضيات الصف 10

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