علوم سادس الفصل الاول

مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة 3 صف 6

مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الثالثة صف سادس




مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الثالثة صف سادس


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة علوم سادس الفصل الاول


مراجعة وتلخيص علوم منهج انجليزي الوحدة الثالثة صف سادس : نقدم اليكم في هذا الملف تلخيصا شاملا للوحدة الثالثة ، من منهج العلوم  الصف السادس ،و قد تم تصميم هذا الملف لمساعدة طلابنا الاعزاء، في دراستهم و تحضيرهم للامتحان النهائي بشكل متكامل


Grade 6 Science Summary

AY 2017-2018 – Term 1

Chapter 3

The Big Idea : How does energy cause change

Lesson 3.1 Types of energy Essential Question: What is energy? Success Criteria

 Energy is the ability to cause change

Essential Question: What are the different forms of energy ? Success Criteria

 Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because it is in motion

  Kinetic energy depends on mass. If something has less mass it has less kinetic energy than

something with more mass. Electric energy is a form of kinetic energy that an electric current carries. Potential energy is stored energy that depends on the interaction of objects, particles, or atoms. Gravitational Potential Energy is a potential energy stored in an object due to its height above Earth’s surface. The further an object is from Earth’s surface, the more Gravitational Potential Energy it has. Chemical energy is the energy that is stored in and released from the bonds between atoms. Nuclear energy is energy stored in and released from the nucleus of an atom

Mechanical Energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy in a system of objects

 Thermal energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy in the particles that make up an object

 Geothermal energy is the thermal energy from the particles in Earth’s interior

 Sound energy is an energy carried by sound waves

 Sound energy travels in the air

Seismic Energy is the energy transferred by waves moving through the ground

 Radiant energy is the energy carried by electromagnetic waves

 The sun’s energy is transmitted to Earth by electromagnetic waves


Essential Question : How is energy used

Success Criteria

 Energy is used to move cars, heat homes, produce light, move muscles, catch prey, and cook food

Lesson 3.2 Energy Transformations and Work

Essential Question : What is the law of conservation of energy? Success Criteria

 Energy transformation is the conversion of one form of energy to another

 The Law of Conservation of Energy says that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can be transformed from one form to another

Essential Question : In what ways can energy be transformed ? Success Criteria

 Energy is transformed from one kind into another

 Energy is also transferred when it moves from one object to another


The electric energy in the wiring of a heat lamp is transformed into thermal energy


When the blades of wind turbines rotate they turn a generator that changes the kinetic energy of the moving blades into electric energy.l

 Hydroelectric energy plants convert the gravitational potential energy of water into electric energy

 Burning fossil fuels breaks the bonds of its atoms apart changing chemical energy into thermal energy

Essential Question : How are energy and work related? Success Criteria

 Work is the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move in the direction of the force while the force acts on the object

 Work depends on the amount of force applied to an object

 Work also depends on the distance the object moves

 CALCULATING WORK work ( in joules ) = force (in newtons ) X distance (in meters ) W=Fd

 Doing work on an object transfers energy to the object

Lesson 3.3 Machines

Essential Question : What are simple machines? Success Criteria

 Simple machines are machines that do work using one movement

Simple machines do not change the amount of work required to do a task, they only change the way work is done. EXAMPLES OF SIMPLE MACHINES o An inclined plane is a flat, sloped surface

A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder

A wedge is an inclined plane that moves A lever is a simple machine that pivots around a fixed point

 A wheel and axle is a shaft attached to a wheel of a larger diameter so that both rotate together

 A pulley is a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it. A complex machine is two or more simple machines working together. Efficiency is the ratio of output work to input work. Efficiency is the measure of how much work put into the machine is changed into useful output work EFFECIENCY EQUATION output work in Wout efficency (in %) =* 100% = ” x 100% input work in 


Essential Question : In what ways can machines make work easier. Success Criteria

Machines make work easier by changing the size of the force required, the distance over which the object moves, or the direction of the input and output forces



ملخص Changes Affects Organisms العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف 3

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