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مراجعة هيكل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية Reading End of Term Exam للصف 10 الفصل الأول

مراجعة هيكل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية Reading End of Term Exam للصف 10 الفصل الأول




مراجعة هيكل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية Reading End of Term Exam للصف 10 الفصل الأول


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة انجليزي 10 الفصل الاول


مراجعة هيكل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية Reading End of Term Exam للصف 10 الفصل الأول

Top tips

The End of Term Exam is made up of three sections

part 1

Part 1 Of Reading Summative is a narrative text. The a narrative text is to entertain rather than inform. It can a literary text, a story written from either a first- or This text is by inforrnal direct characters and plot

5. When do the family have breakfast

• 8 multiple -choice questions

A. before they go for a walk

B. after they finish their walk

C. during their morning walk

Top tips


written using a narrative text students atxwt information from events, and characters in the text. The outaynes in 1 are detaihd in the individual assessment planners for their and include fdbwing

Overall meaning — around overall meaning ask students for informaton from the entire text They could ask about an alternative titk for the text, for example, as this the stLRient to have comprehended whole text to answer mrredty

Specific information — questions that ask students for the inforrnation Of a few words in the text. Students to demonstrate that they can pingxint the inforrnatbn in the text

Thew questims often involve facts arri with what.’ •when’ or Where Details — questions that require the information from a whole sentence or clause to ansær. They are Often around the reasons or Of and rnight with why’ or how


Top Tips

Mood and tone — questions that ask about either the way the author feels (tone) or ttE way the text. makes the feel (mood). questions could include. How does the autu feel at the end the text ?’ , What ches the writer think about global or ‘How does the weattv in ‘The Storm’ affect how feels about Éurney

Connections — questions that require students to link the infixmation between two pieces of specific information or details. At lower levels, the specific inforrnation or details can be in different clauses or sentences. At higher Evels, they can be in different parts of ttE text. Questions nght be formed around the similarities differences between thirw For example, What food do both Arnna and Khalifa like or do Latifa’s feelings about scmol change from the to the end of story

Top tips

Part 2 of the Assessment is an informative text. This text type’s purpose is to impart information arxi it has a lot of facts. The language used can informal (blog posts, for example, can informative texts) or formal (newspaper articles or academt journals can also be texts)

Informative texts can be written from a firstv- person perspective (blog posts and repMs, for example) or can be forrnal and impersonal (articles)

•  multiple – choice questions

5. What is the best way the mountain

A. hiking

B. helicopter

C. toboggan


Top tips


Assessments written using an inforrnative text ask students fætual The in part 2 are in the individual assessment planners mude the follow 

Specific information



Main — that ask students to information from an entire or section of the text. In an informative, factual text, this could be from the topic senterwe of a well- constructed paragraph. Examples of main points questions could What is topic of paragraph thræ ?’ or, ‘In paragraph 4, what Salim say about future jobs

Top tips

Part 3 of ttE assessment is a MAZE. This is a short informative text with nine gaps æntences that aswss students’ proficiency in grammar, functional and lexis. This type is a MAZE it is a textual maze. Students to able to make right ‘turns’ within a short text by selecting the word or words to complete sentences. It requires students to make connections tetwæn different parts of a text and apply their skills and knowledge in an authentic way

This is a MAZE 1 (text / texting / texts). It has that students 2 (have to / don’t have to / might) fill by the 3 (grammer I grammar / gramar), functbnal or vcrabulary It is an efficient of testing students 4 (due to / but / it allows testing of multiple different elements of language in a single 5 (assessement / assessment I assessment). It is also quite cw-.itively 6 (demanding I demand I demanded) as students may need the context of sentences around the one with the gap 7 (in of / in order to  / in wth) correctly



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