علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف 5 منهج انجليزي الفصل 3

مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف الخامس منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث




مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف الخامس منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف الخامس لمادة علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث


مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف الخامس منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث

What is echolocation

Echoes can be useful. Bats example. make sounds echo off of theg preg- The returrung hoes teu the bat where eve preg iS loc Ftndng food or objects n ths marvler s known as Wholes and dolphns also use echoloccaon to theensows a to find food

Scentists developed a system caUed works like echoloccon does for Son starxfs for sound newsgauon ond rangtng  it is used under wcner to firxi obpcts- The soncy system sends out sound waves that reflect off of obpcts. then detects reflected sound The return tgne ond ot the soncy echoes are used to calculate the of the object

How does tight bounce and bend

When gou look Évto a mrtot. you see an An is a pcture- of the Ligtn source that Light makes when it bounces off a stung surfe

The imoge in a mirror is dear because most of the Ijght wave reflects the sorne wog off the mirrods surfoce. Reflectr.n is the organized scattering a wove – When light has a mgror. obeys the law of the angle of an Üicorning Ight roy equals the angle of the reflected Ight ray- An a flat rnrror appears to be betund the rnrrot The distance to the is eqtnl the distance the Ight traæled from the object the nrtoc


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What are minerals

you collt rocks. you find a rock wth red chunks in i. The red chunks are mnerols. A nütat is a solid. ‘X’turcfl mcnerial made from nonbvgtg substances in Earth’s crust

WneraLs. bke au kinds of are up of An element ts a pure substarxe cmncn broken down irto a sunpler substance. ts an as are alLrnnurn. oxygen. sulfur. iron Some such as made of a element. Other menercns are rnade of more rprts. For tt-e rnmetci purte s rncxie iron and sulfur. To . an of 0th net are made up of t mote elements

Minerals form naturally- Materials by people are not mtnerals Darnonds the* form beneath Earth’s surface are can make darnonds  a labormory. These diamonds are not mnerats Although minerals are found in rx’ture. do not conta.n anything thcn cmce cflræ. such as plant parts Coal. for example. is made of compressed plant rncnerk2L Because tie plants “to ttæ coal were once alWe. ts a



أوراق عمل أسئلة هيكل امتحان الرياضيات مع الحل الصف 3 الفصل 3
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