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مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصحية للصف 12 الفصل الأول

مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصحية للصف 12 الفصل الأول




مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصحية للصف 12 الفصل الأول


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مراجعة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصحية للصف 12 الفصل الأول

Health Sciences Grade 12 Advance: Revision final Exam coverage / Term 1

Teacher: Osama Alfukaha

18/ HSC.5.4.01.Q how artificial intelligence (A1) is used in healthcare

How is A1 used in the early detection of disease

Early detection of disease

A1 is being used to detect diseases. such as cancer. more accurately and in the earty Al is used to review and read 30 times taster than humans. with 99% accurcxy. This level Of CXCur0Cy reduces the need for unnecessary follow- up examinations or cond Osmons

The rise Of medicol wearables and other devices with A1 technoloogy can used to &tect heart disease in the earty These devices help healthcare professionals to monitor and detect a potentid heart attack at an ecruer, more treatable

 How can A1 reduce loneliness in the elderly

End of life care

People are living much Onger than previous #neraticns are dying in a different and. slower way. They have conditions like heart disease, Alzheirners and osteosxyosis. The later years ot lite can quite a lonely tirne tor people

Robots can help to inckpendent for bnger, reducing the need for hospitalisation Al combined with newer technology means robots can have conversations and carry out other scxial interactions with people to keep minds sharp and to reduce loneliness

 HSC .3.5.01m3 Identify medical terminology used in medical record reprts

What is included in a medical record report

The will include details such as

l. Personal information

2. Medical history

3. Medical complaint

4. Physical examination results

5. Test results and diagnosis

6. Treatment plan and

What is recorded in the ‘test and diagnosis section of a medical recor report

5. Test results and diagnosis

This part Of the medical report will be used to record the results Of the physical examination and the results Of any Other tests that the patient has hcxi

The doctor might complete different tests to confirm the presence of an illness or disease These could include blood tests. X-rays, PCR tests or other diagnostic assessments

Medical will used to describe the different tests that have been taken and their results. This is so that anybcxiy treating the knows exactly what is wrong with Osama

13/ HSC.5.4.01m7 Describe how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are used in healthcare

What is augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is the technology that allows laying some information..videos and graphics on smart devices over reality (what you can see without Therefore,. this augments (changes) the real world by adding. additional data to it. AR is popularly used in gaming. for trying on clothes or make-up. for seeing consellations Of stars in the sky. among many others

What is virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated reality created by computer technolc»gy when a person completely enters into a digital environment and cannot see the real environment around them. There is a selection Of VR games available today. as well as car test driving and roller-cosster

HC3.6.OI. Explain how to provide emergency care for a diabetic episode

What is the treatment for hyperglycaemia

Emergency medical care for hyperglycaemia In most cases, can resolved by doing Of the following

@ Changing the of insulin

 Eating fewer carmhydrates and sugary foods

@ Exercising more

However. if blood glucose levels are very high, or if a has hyperglycaemia for a very long time, it can lead to life-threatening complications. If symptoms worsen. or if the has problems breathing. a very dry
mouth, Or a fruity smell in their breath, they should see a doctor

Drinking or eating something sugary is the treatment for which medical emergency


16/ HSC.3.6.OIm.4 Explain how to provide emergency care for seizures

What is a febrile seizure

 in young children due to a raised body temperature, often following an infection

 Why the Febrile seizure occurs

the brain is not developed enough to cope with the bcWs high temperature

What is the medical care for a febrile seizure

 The medical care for a febrile seizure is the same as that for an adult seizure, the only extra thing you should do is try to cool the child down

/ Wait until they have stopped having the seizure to remove any bedding and any extra clothing that could help cool them

/ Make sure there is fresh air circulating, you could use the A/C for this

 HC5.3.  Describe diseases of the immune system

What is multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

What is it

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune Of the brain and spinal cord. It hapens because the immune system attacks the protective covering (‘he myelin) of the nerve cells

This to the nerves and disrupts the communication between the brain and the rest of the MS makes it difficult to do everyday tasks. It is a chronic disease

What is an autoimmune disease

There are around 80 autoimmune diseases affecting different systems of the body. They include

 multiple sclerosis. which affects the nervous system

 certain of arthritis. which affects the musculoskeletal system

 certain twel diseases. which affects the digestive System


18/ HSC.5.4.01.Q Describe how artificial intelligence (A1) is used in healthcare

How is A1 used in the early detection of disease

Early detection of disease

Al is used to detect diseases. such as cancer. more CRcuratety and in the early Al is used to review and 30 times taster than humans. with 99% accuracy. This level Of CRCuracy reduces the need for unnecessary follow- up examinations Or second opinions

The rise of medical wearables and other devices with Al technoloogy can used to detect heart disease in the early stages. These devices help healthcare professionals to monitor and detect a potential heart attack at an earlier, more treatable

How can A reduce loneliness in the elderly

End of life care

People are living much bnger than previous generations and are dying in a different and slower way. They have conditions like heart disease. Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis. The later years of life can be quite a lonely time for people

Robots can help grople to for longer. reducing the need for hospitalisation

Al combined with newer means romts can have conversations and carry out other scxial interactions with to keep aging minds sharp and to reduce loneliness



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