علوم الصف السادس الفصل الثاني

مراجعة شاملة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف 6 نخبة الفصل الثاني

مراجعة شاملة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف السادس نخبة الفصل الثاني




مراجعة شاملة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف السادس نخبة الفصل الثاني


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة علوم الصف السادس الفصل الثاني


مراجعة شاملة هيكل امتحان العلوم الصف السادس نخبة الفصل الثاني

How are particles arranged in gases

Particle Arrangement If energy is continually added to a substance. there reaches a pont where the particles cannot go any faster without changing to another state of matter. Recall that particles in gases are fast moving and spread out from each other. In liquids. particles are Closely packed but can Slide past each other. In solids. the particles are closely pocked ana held in a rigid formation. The reason eacn state of matter has different shapes is because of the particle attractions in each state of matter

Particle Attraction When energy is added and the particles cannot move any faster in the current state Of matter. the energy iS used to overcome the attraction between particles and causes a change of state. The additional energy increases the potential energy of the particles. Potential energy iS stored energy due to the interactions between particles or Objects. The potential energy increases as the distance between particles increases. Conversely. the potential energy decreases as the distance between the particles decreases. The particles that are farther apart have greater potential energy. The potential energy of the partkles determined by the state of matter present. contributes to the total energy of a substance

Use the above to how the movement of  with rertwval


Changes Between Solids and When the ternperature Of the ice reached O•C. the solid ice began to to a liquid. Whie a substance is melting or freezing. the temperature remains constant until the change of state, or phase change, is complete point at which a substance changes between a solid and a liquid is referred to as the melting point or the freezing point. The melting point and the freezing point are always the same for a given substance When the ice changed to a liquid. the temperature remained constant. What do you think happens 

when water changes to a gas Changes Between Gases and Liquids When the temperature of a gas becomes low enough. the gas changes to a liqua. The change of state from a gas to a liquid is grass

Changes between states of matter drive the water cycle. Water changes from a liquid on the ground into a gas and enters the atmosphere When the water vaporn the atmosctere undergoes condensation. it forms Clouds The. overnight condensation of water vapor often causes dew to form on blades grass

Vaporization The opposite of condensation is vaporization. the change in state from a liquid to a gas. There are two ways that vaponzation occurs. boiling and evaporation


Properties of States of Matter A solid is a state of matter with a defirute and volurne. Moving a solid from ‘ace to place or placing it in a different container does not chmge its volume or its shape. Solids are dtficult to compress. squeeze into a smaller vdume

A liquid is a state of matter with a definite volune but not a definte Liquid cm now between containers. Moving a “quid substance trom place to Place or Placing it in a different container does not its but does change its shape. Liquids are also difficult to commess A gas iS a State of matter without a definite or a deföite vdwne. Gases can flow between Moving a gas from container to contairwr changes its voltgne aryl its shape. Gases are easy to compress, Both gases and Equids are fl”ds because they can now from one container to

What are the properties of a solid

Properties of States of Matter A solid is a state of matter a definite shape and volume Moving a solid frorn place to place or placing it in a different container does not change its volume or its shape. Solids Me Otticult to compress. or squeeze nto a srndler volume

A Ikiuid is a state of matter with a defhite but not a definte shape Liquid cm flow between containers Moving a liquid substance from place to Place or placing it in a different container does change its veume but does change its shape. Liquids are atso difficult to comryess A gas is a state of matter without a definite shape or a definite vdune. Gases cm flow betvæen Mm•ing a gas from container to contaner changes its volume its shape. Gases are easy to compress. Both es and Equids are flüds because they can now from one container to another


Conduction Have you ever noticed that when you place a hot piece of toast on a plate the plate becomes warmer ? Thermal energy from the toast transfers to the plate through the process of conduction. is the transfer of thermal energy between materials by the collisions of particles. The particles in the hot toast are in contact and so collide with the particles of the plate. This causes the particles in the plate to gain thermal energy. Conduction can occur between solids. liquids. and gases

When particles at different temperatures collide. the particles with higher kinetic energy transfer energy to particles with lower kinetic energy. This changes the motion of both of the particles. When the
energy Of a substance changes, there is always another change in energy at the same time. For example, if a particle transfers or loses kinetic energy, it will move slower. If a particle gains kinetic energy. it will move faster

iation transfers energy by moving matter



type of energy transfer allows the Sun to warm Earth






Real- World ConnectionS

Argue A kitctænware is boking to a new Skillet. They want be able to say that it heats quiCkty an coob down cpc’dy The matenais they have it down to are: and glass. Develop supporting or the three choices based specific 

Spcific Heat The rotio that you lound describes the specific heat of o substance Specific is the amount 0′ thermal enegy required to the tempeature ot 1 kg a matersd by Every material has a specific heat. It does not take much energy to change the ternperature of a natertal Witn a IOW specific neat compared to a matetid With e high specific heat The cnatt lists spectk heats ot various matenats



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