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كتاب دليل المعلم 2 Reveal Volume الرياضيات منهج انجليزي للصف 5 فصل 3 2021 2022

كتاب دليل المعلم 2 Reveal Volume الرياضيات منهج انجليزي للصف الخامس فصل ثالث 2021 2022




كتاب دليل المعلم 2 Reveal Volume الرياضيات منهج انجليزي للصف الخامس فصل ثالث 2021 2022


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كتاب دليل المعلم 2 Reveal Volume الرياضيات منهج انجليزي للصف الخامس فصل ثالث 2021 2022

Welcome to Reveal Math

We are excited to share with you the Reveal Moth

In developing Reveal Math, we had a clear visim for elementary math instruction It was invtant that the we developed key findings from recent research on best practices in math instruction. It was also important that the reflect an emphasis on building students’ and emotional as well ensuring their growth

We also thought extensively your needs teaching math and ymjr for a high-quality math curriculum. It was irtwtant to us that the provide flexibility in instructional and implementation to meet the of instructional settings and the range of learners

We were purposeful the organization of concepts and the and sequence to make sure students build deep conceptual understanding and develop proficiency with essential concepts and skills

We are confident that Reveal Math incorporates all these

 The less -M rncxiel offers two instructional optims for lesson: a guided exploration that is teacher -guided and an activity -based exploration that has students exploring concepts through small group activities and drawing generdizations and understanding frorn the activities

 The lesson incorwates an initial sense making activity that builds students’ proficiency with problem solving. By focusing systematically on sense -making. students develop and refine not just their observatim and questioning skills, but the foundation for

 Both instructional options focus on fostering mathematical language and rich mathematical discourse by including probing questims md prmpts

 The Math is… unit builds agency for mathematics. Students consider their strengths in mathematics, the thinking habits of proficient “dærs of mathematics,- and the classrwn norms that are to a learning environment

 The and sequence reflects the recommended by leading mathematicians and mathematics educators. It emphasizes developing deep understanding of the grade – level concepts and fluency with skills, while also providing rich opportunities to apply concegs to solve problerns

Thank you for using Reveal Math

The Reveal Math author team

Effective Teaching Practices

Ambitious Teaching

In 2014. the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics Principks to Actøns: Ensuriry Mathernatkal Success for AN, a puNication to teachers in implementing -ambitious teach an approach to teaching that views students as abe to engage in the and encourages and val æs thinking and To implement  arnbitious teaching,” the authors of Principles to Ans offer eight teachülg practices

practices are in the goals of helping students devel sense- making, tinking. and reasonmg skills Each unit ll highligmt one of  eight teaching practices, pro”ng an ovewiew of what the practice means and mw it helps to contribute to studems • success in learning mathema tics


Math Practices and Processes

Promoting students’ sense-making, thinking, and rea  In unit, Lessons 1-2 through 1-5 students’ learning on the mathematical habits of rnind that are integral to proficiency in mathematks- Each lesson mases on two hatts of mind

 Lesson 1-2 — Moth Is Expbrirv ond Thinkirv: Students are with the Oinking hts that can help ttwn make sense of a problem analyze and unknowns. think through a solution strategy. and consider to persevering when they run into in tie Students also corsider the meaning of quantifies and the relationship among the quantities and values in a problem

 Lesson 1-3 — Is In My World Students expWe real -world enomena and lmk to model these phenomena using the mathematics they knvw- Students cmsider the different twls they know that they can
use to the mathematics and make decisions arwnd the appropriate twl the problem


Social and Emotional Learning

Build Student Agency

This unit students to the Math Mindset feature of the This feature is designed to build agency by masing on students’ s«ial and emotimal leaning, spifically the fivethat make up the framework established by the Cd fM Acadernic, and Emotional Learnilg (CASEL). The five are Self – awareness: Students learn to their emotions and their influence on their behaviors- Students learn to ther emotions, and effectively in different sittions

awareness : Students develop of and empathy fM others from different backgrounds cdtures

Relationship SWs: Students leam to establish and matltain healthy relatiomtips with students from ifferent backgrounds and cultures –


Numoer Routines

Build Fluency

The number routines found at the of each lesson help students build number sense- They al so help students the thinking habits of mind that are important for doers of math

Math Pictures

Build estimating and visual discrimination skills

Overview : Students examine an interesting and answer a question atmjt it

Lesson 1-1: Students are presented with an of people riding in gondolas They to the prompt, -What can describe the picture

Lesson 1-2: Students are shown some plastic ducks, most of which are yellow and one is purple and to the prompt, “What fractions can you use to describe picture

Sense- Making Routines

Notice & Wonder (Lessons M. 1-2, 1-3.1-5, 1-6)

In Lesson I-I. students notice a nd wonder a reflecting. For Lesson 1-2, students notice and wonder about two stacks of coils (one of quarters and one of dimes). each about the same height Students may wmder mich stack has the greater value. In Lesson 1- 3, students notice the of squares of each color in two 4 x 4 grids. They may wonder about the part of the whole that each coW represents

The for Lesson 1-5 shows a sunfower. Students may notice the pattern and wmder whether there is a rule that can define pattern- In Lesson 1-6, students wonder what students are working on and how they work together

Math Language Routines

The Mathematical Language Rwtines used in this unit give teachers a structured. yet adaptable for amplifying and developing and academic language. These routines can also be used as formative assessment Wttnites as students develop proficiency in English and mathematical language. They can tk used in ways that support real -time -. and self-assessment. more informati on the Math Language Rotiines. see


Lernonade Stand

This Igrite! sets the stage for decimal division by using – frimdly” to allow students to apply informal strats. such as &awing pictures or recmted subtraction, to chtain ttp answers

1. Have students observe me sizes of glasses of lemonade they will sell and the sizes of jugs in which they will make the lemonade. have them work in pairs to do problem 1

 Share some of your questions with the class

2. Ask the questions below. and have record the resdts in the table with problem 2. Remind students that they can draw pictues, use knowle#e fractions, other to answer me questims

• How many small glasses can be made from each of the three jug sizes ? How much lemonade will be left over in each jug ? Explain

• How many regular glasses can be made from each jug ? How much lemonade will be left over in each jug ? Explain

• How many large glasses can made from each jug ? How much lemmade will be left over in each jug ? Explain

3. The questions have explore quotients “wolvülg decimals by cmsidering problems involving whde

 How many 2 -liter containers could filled from a 20-1iter tank

 How does that answer compare to the number of 0.2 -liter glasses that are in a 2-1iter jug that you found in the table

 How many 2- 1iter containers could be filled from a 30 -liter tank from a 50 -liter tank


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