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كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 الفصل الثاني 2021 2022

كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 الفصل الثاني 2021 2022




كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 الفصل الثاني 2021 2022


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كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 12 الفصل الثاني 2021 2022

Entrepreneurship and business

Lessons 3—4 A nation’s entrepreneurial vision

DO you have any entrepreneurs in your family

• Would you like to have your own business ? What kind of business would it be


1 Read the following text and answer the questions that follow

What is an entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to take the risk Of setting up their own twsiness. An entrepreneur sees an opportunity, or a better way Of doing something, tries to make a profit from it. They have to be wiling to work hard, inspire Others and learn frorn their mistakes

Why is entrepreneurship important to the UAE

Vision 2021. the I-JAE’S national agenda, puts in place plans and strategies for the Success Of the Country One particularly key element that is focused on is entrepreneurship; this shows the commitrnent of the leaders to supporting entrepreneurship arnongst its citizens. For any economy, having a variety Of businesses encourages competition and productivity and generates wealth, which in turn contributes to the overall efficiency and health of the economy

What are the challenges for developing entrepreneurs

There are a number of challenges to encouraging entrepreneurship here. Many Emiratis prefer to work in the public sector. Government jobs are perceived as being rmre secure. and they offer a good salary and benefits Public sector jobs are a good fit with the family and the wider community and the working environment is culturally familiar. Other challenges include the lack ot funds to set up the business and an unwillingness to take a risk — after all, the business might not be a Success

What does entrepreneurship offer

The benefits ot entrepreneurship are that it encourages the person to ‘follow a dream’ or work in an area that they are utterly passionate about. Developing entrepreneurship will help diversify the economy as rnore and rnore small business are established and people begin to work in the private sector. Entrepreneurship will also attract those who not have a job or who did not go to university, as it gives them an opportunity to set up a business and contribute to the econorny of the country

Did you know

Developing entrepreneurship is part of Vision 2021, the IJAE’s national agenda Entrepreneurs will be supported by practical programmes that will help develop businesses Language tip Adverb intensifiers are used to add emphasis to a verb, adjective or adverb



I Read this extract from a teen magazine and answer the questions

1 According to paragraph one, what makes up ‘brand you’

2 What two pieces of advice does paragraph one give about creating ‘brand you’

3 When is your initial opportunity to market ‘brand you’

‘Brand you’ exists! It is not about what you do, but who you are. It is particularly important for your career and the best way to market your skills and abilities. A positive brand can lead to a great career. Build your own brand — you know more about yourself than anyone! Be positive, be honest and showcase all your talent and ability

Where to start? Well, first you need to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Try drawing a mind map of all your skills and give examples that demonstrate your abilities

What’s next? Take the first chance you get to market ‘brand you’ to employers. This will usually be the cover letter you write when applying for a job. Introduce yourself and write about your experience. Show how you are the best person for the job

A word of advice! Understand what the employers want by reading the job advert carefully Show how your talent and ability match this and then you are on your way to a great career



As part of our series on young, successful Emiratis, this week we are speaking to Majed A1 Kaabi. At the age of nineteen he has already set up his own food delivery company which is currently valued at 20 million AED. We asked him how he got the idea for his business

‘Well, we were studying healthy eating habits at school and I found it really interesting. I also became worried about my family since the lessons made me realise how unhealthy our diet was.’ So, Majed decided to try and change his family’s dietary habits. He had always been interested in cooking so he started to prepare the daily meals and eventually took control of the weekly grocery shopping. When his family noticed the benefits of their new healthy lifestyle, they began to tell their friends and neighbours

‘Whenever a neighbour was having a dinner party, they would pay me to prepare and deliver the food. Pretty soon I was getting orders every day and often several orders for one evening. It was crazy

I wouldn’t have been able to cope with both school and the business unless I changed something.’ So how did Majed cope with the increasing demand for his healthy food as well as keep up with his school work ? It must have been difficult to balance school while expanding his business


A Single Global Currency

At many B)ints in history, there has a currency which has dominated the financial markets, like the U.S. Ihllar However, there has never been a truly “global” currency. I-cm»king at a current monetary union such as the “Euro” might give us an idea how to create a globally integrated currency

Many argue that a global currency could make the international market more accessible for countries with developing economies. Other countries would be more willing to invest in developing nations if there was risk Of a rapid currency devaluation. It could also force nations that rely on one primary commodity, such as tourism, manufacturing or natural resources, to save money by making it less
advantageous to spend when the income from the commodity is high, and going into debt when the income is low

On the other hand, there are several advantages in having national currencies. For example, it allows who live in countries with an unstable currency to keæp their life savings in a more stable currency. It would also difficult to build a system where all countries could agree on a single organisation that would regulate the This could lead to countries losing the ability to control their national economies

Whether the near future holds an answer to the question of a single global currency or not, it is certainly that will continue to be researched by economists worldwide. Who knows, in a decade you will using a “20 Globals” banknote to pay for your film and popcorn


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