دراسات اجتماعية منهج إنجليزي

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 إجتماعيات منهج إنجليزي صف 4 فصل 3

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 إجتماعيات منهج إنجليزي صف رابع فصل ثالث




كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 إجتماعيات منهج إنجليزي صف رابع فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة إجتماعيات منهج إنجليزي


كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 إجتماعيات منهج إنجليزي صف رابع فصل ثالث


Governments often charge for their services. For example, every community pays taxes. In some countries, people pay tax on their income, property, goods and services. In the UAE, VAT (Value Added Tax) of 5% was introduced in 2018. Governments may charge fees for goods or services. People in the UAE pay fees for electricity, water, sewage, public transportation, and so on. Residents pay for visas to live and work in the country

Some of the money collected by taxes and fees is used to operate the government of provide the services. The governments pays government employees, purchases equipment, and pays for services. The government may save money for a special purpose such as city planning, urban development, or disaster relief. A disaster relief fund is money set aside to help people rebuild the community if is a natural or man-made disaster

Soldiers Cleaning the Community after Floods



The government makes laws to protect people. People have to obey the set of laws in their community. The police protect people and enforce the laws. People who do not obey laws may have penalties. The penalty depends on the law broken. Penalties may include paying money, spending time in prison, or other penalties. The government makes laws to prevent conflicts between people. If people have conflicts, judges decide who is right and who is wrong. Judges decide if a law is broken. Judges decide the penalty when a law is broken. They must be fair to everyone


Some communities have councils. A council is a group of people that represent the interests of the people who live in the community. They are part of the local government. Their duties include meeting on a regular basis, and discussing and making decisions related to their community. For instance, when the community gets a budget, the council decides how the budget is spent

Schools often have student councils. Student Councils are representatives of students who meet with school officials, plan events for students, and give feedback. The Security Council of the United Nations give
recommendations to the General United Nations Council, USA Assembly related to international relations issues


Lesson 3 Safety and Security


Computers and the internet have made life more convenient. People have access to a wealth of information and can complete transactions using smart devices. With the benefits have come dangers. The word cyber means computer, so cyber security means computer

security. Not all online information is accurate. It is important to check the sources (where the information comes from). The source has to be reliable or trustworthy Talking to strangers can be dangerous in person and online. Sharing personal information and pictures with strangers is not a good idea. Online strangers may pretend to be your peers 

you to share details with them. They could use your data to create fake identities which could cause you to get in trouble later. You should always create strong passwords and keep them secret. Sharing your password with friends is not a good idea. It is important to stay safe. Hackers are people who are able illegally access other people’s account details. In the case of banking information, they may use other people’s money to pay their own


Lesson 6 Infrastructure


Communities need infrastructure to function properly. Infrastructure can be divided into several parts: physical structures, institutions, facilities, and services. Physical structures are the roads, airports, highways, and ports. They include everything related to transportation Institutions (government structures that serve people in the country) such as public hospitals, schools, museums, and libraries are part of the infrastructure. Institutions provide services for education, health, cultural experiences, and so on. Every community uses water and energy services, sewerage (waste water), and garbage removal. Police officers, firefighters, and military are part of the service infrastructure. Communities on the border with another country have border patrols


Some communities are busy places. Communities that are well developed and have easy access are more attractive to new business. New businesses mean more income for the community. People pay taxes for the services offered by the government. If the – services are good, people will be willing to pay more to stay in that community. When a
community has more money, it can offer better services to its citizens. One for the community to make more money is to become a tourist attraction. The community has to be easily accessible by roads, railway, ports and airports, so that more tourists can visit. If the community has a big zoo, for example, people may travel to the community to see the animals. Tourists may stay at hotels and spend money on food. All this is revenue (income) for the community that can be invested into more and better infrastructure


Social Studies Grade 4  Term 3


What is tolerance? Tolerance is the ability to accept others as they are even if they are different. Good citizens are open minded. They learn from others and accept their peers. For example, Fatima lives with her mom and dad in an apartment. Every day at 5pm, they sit at the table and eat together, while they talk about their day. Fatima’s family likes to eat meat and rice at every meal. Fatima’s friend, Sarah, lives with her extended family (mom, dad, aunt, uncle, three younger cousins, grandma, and grandpa). The family eats dinner together late at night while sitting in a circle on the floor. Sarah’s family do not eat meat and they do not speak during the meal. Sarah and Fatima are friends whose families have different rules and habits. They know about the differences their families have and accept each other anyway. The year 2019 was named the “Year of Tolerance” to raise awareness of the many cultures and nationalities that leave peacefully in the UAE


Lesson 8 Citizenship


Honesty means telling the truth and not doing things to deceive or cheat others. When we are truthful, people trust us. People who tell lies eventually get caught. After people get caught telling lies, other people no longer trust them. Why do people lie? Sometimes people lie to get out of trouble. For example, a boy played soccer in the house and knocked
over the flower pot. The pot broke. When – his parents asked what happened, he
said his baby sister did it. His parents knew that was not possible. What do you think his parents thought of him after that


Honesty means not cheating in school on projects and exams. This is academic honesty. It is important to study well so that you can your knowledge and skills with you to use in the future. Teachers can often tell when a student is cheating on a test or has had someone else complete a project. The consequences for cheating could be getting an F on the text. Your parents could be notified. In some schools, students can get suspended or even expelled. The purpose of going to school is to develop knowledge and skills. When students cheat on exams or projects, they are mostly cheating themselves



كتاب الطالب وحدة المناخ علوم صف 7 فصل 3
مراجعة عامة لغة عربية الصف 4 الفصل الثاني

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