تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 10 فصل 3

كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 10 فصل ثالث




كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 10 فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي


كتاب الطالب 2020 2021 تربية أخلاقية منهج إنجليزي صف 10 فصل ثالث

Conversation Communication can lead to the sharing of dialogue or conversation with another person or group. The most important element of conversation is being a good listener. Most of us attempt to understand what another means when they speak; however, often we are too busy thinking about what we want to say or what our reply should be to actively listen. We feel a deep need to contribute or participate, whilst someone else is speaking, even if it is a polite remark or nod of the head here and there

All of this is going on and at the same time we are anticipating how we should respond before the other person has even stopped speaking. It is not that we wish to be rude, it is just human nature to want to share information coupled with a misguided sense of self-importance or etiquette that makes it difficult for us to stay tuned-in’ during a conversation. This becomes even harder when the conversation is on a topic that we hold little or no interest in. In all of this we fail to listen and when we fail to listen then that leads to misunderstanding of what the other person was attempting to tell us and can make the other person feel that we have no interest in their thoughts or opinions

Part of establishing and maintaining a real connection, during a conversation, is the ability to be not just a listener but an active listener. You will have studied this in some depth in Unit 3 in Grade 10. Recall that active listening means understanding that the right and need for others to express themselves is just as important as your own rights and needs. People often expose their values, opinions and beliefs in what they say

By really listening and recognising what they are saying, you will be able to understand more about them as a person. It is not just about having common values or perceptions, though if you listen long enough you may find that you share at least one thing in common with nearly everyone you meet, it is about the creation of an atmosphere of understanding. The more you listen, the more you understand and the more you understand then the more you feel connected to the world around you

Copyright Ministry of Education United Arab Emirates


 Tolerance The word tolerance stems from the Latin word ‘tolerantia’ which means fortitude or endurance. It is our ability to endure the opinions, beliefs, practices and behaviours of others, who we may dislike. We can endure a behaviour or practice but it does not mean that we are willing to either accept or understand it

In today’s globalised world, the word tolerance has started to take on a slightly different meaning. It has become a beacon for multiculturalism and fair treatment wherein we become more accepting and understanding of others and their culture, beliefs and practices that are different from our own. Tolerance is quite pragmatic and is used often in reference to describing a fair and just community or society. It is a moral obligation as well as a legal responsibility in the form of anti-discrimination laws and regulations that most modern societies have in place

Being tolerant is neither a luxury nor an allowance but a positive perception of the rights of others to fundamental liberty rights. What this essentially implies is that by today’s standards, we should treat others as we wish to be treated. It is essential to understand that both definitions of tolerance are still thought of today. For the purpose of this lesson we will focus on tolerance as we first described it

Intolerance, on the other hand, is a breeding ground for hatred which may lead to distrust and then may ultimately result in disunity. It is the lack of tolerance that creates enmity which if it spreads on a large scale can weaken a community or society. Intolerance is like a winter flu bug. If one person has it then it is sure to spread to other people. This in turn may lead to discrimination and instability of a group or community. Think about the propagation of stereotypes through social media or entertainment and how they subconsciously impact on the way we see or approach someone from another culture

When people lack the ability to tolerate they then lose sight of what is important and become fixated on why they should be pushed to be fair in an unfair world. Current events are filled with both small and large scale examples; however, some nations have recognised this and have set up centres or ministries to tackle these issues. Here in the UAE, measures have been enacted for the promotion of tolerance including the Ministry of Happiness and Tolerance and the Hedayah Institute in Abu Dhabi



We looked at the role of peer pressure in Unit 2 of Grade 10 in relation to our work on addiction. Some believe that peer pressure ends when we become an adult. Unfortunately, that is not the case. As an adult, you will be faced with peer pressure just as much as you are now, if not more. Peer Pressure happens when either a Peer or a group of peers attempt to make you conform to a uniform code: to dress a certain way; own a certain brand of mobile phone; lose weight; stop a bad habit; or being asked to do something which seems to be a normal activity but may be unethical or even illegal. The consequences of peer pressure can have either a negative or positive outcome depending on the attentions of the peer or group in question

Effect of Adult Peer Pressure

Adult peer pressure may be more subtle, insidious and indirect than the peer pressure faced by young adults, but it can be just as destructive. A classic sociology study is to have a participant engage in a peer group by answering a series of simple questions which are written on a board in sequence of who answered. What participants do not know is that the group is actually attempting to influence them to agree to something that they know is wrong. Usually the larger the group, the easier it is to influence the participant. Imagine a group of ten students sitting in a circle with you

The research assistant places a simple maths question on the board for the group to answer: ‘What does 2+2 equal?’ The members of the group must answer the question one by one starting with you. You are confident that everyone knows that the answer is 4. It is basic elementary school addition after all. You answer 4 but then something strange happens, all other participants in the group say that the answer is 5. The next question is: ‘What does 1+1 equal?’ Once again you give the logical answer of 2 but everyone else says the answer is 3


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