علوم منهج انجليزي فصل أول

كتاب الطالب العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف 7 الفصل الأول

كتاب الطالب العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الأول




كتاب الطالب العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الأول


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة علوم منهج انجليزي فصل أول


كتاب الطالب العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الأول

Science Challenge

After You Read Structure and Support

these in yotr Science Notebook the muscular system interacts with other systems does rmjscular system interact with the skeletal system

does system interact with the circulatory systen

After You Read Obtaining Energy and Removing Waste

these in yotr Science Notebook  the system interacts with other body does Ogestjve system with the muscular system

does the system with the excrry system After You Read Moving Materials these in yotr Science Notebook het argumert tlat body systems that transport materias interact each interact other body systetns

does systetn interact with the does the systern interact with the system

After You Read Control and Information Rocessir the system that ccmtrds tretjons Hcm the debate that this Write Your phnrg that did after eæh lesson- Use that a script for the argurnent that wil present åJring the debate


How are organs organized in the body

Each individual organ is imcxrtant to an organism’s survival. What furtics cxcur organs are organized into groups



. Think about au the different tasks bodies to stay dive In you Science Notebook. brainstorm functions of the body

. In your group. think about the body function assigned to you by your. teacher. What organs do you think need to work together to perform that function? How do you those organs work to perform the particular functio

Organ Systems Usuany organs do function alone, systems are groups of (Efferent organs that work together to complete a senes of tasks For the human system is of many organs including the the intestine. the liver. and the These organs and others to bred down f and take it into the body

Plants have two major organ systems—the shoot system and the root system. The system includes leaves. stems. and flowers. Fd and water are trmsported the plant by the system. The root system anchors the plant and takes in water


How are cygans grouped together in an organism to form a system within the body. similar to the way dots in ‘ art are orgaruzed? Record eviderxe (C) in your Science Notebook

How are organ systems organized in the body

In a organism. snilar cens work and a TisqS ue organized into organs. and organs are organized into organ systems vquch work together to keep an organism How can you the levels Of in an organism


How does digestion work

By breaking down a slice of you just modeled is and chernical breakdown of into small particles rnolecules that bcxfry cm absorb and uw In order for a to obtain nutrients. l must Ogested„ Let’s suppose that you the slice of from the previous We cyserve the prcxess of digestion by the path of the your digestive system of Digestion Before your body can absorb nutrients frorn the bread. it must be broken down into small molecules by digestion. There are tvo ot mechanical and chemical. In “*chanical fd is ptysicalty broken into smaner Mechanical happens anen you chew. mash. and Yind with your teeth and tongue. Smaller pieces of focxi are easier to swauow and have surface area. which helps with chemical In reactions break down pteces of focxl into small molecules

The M’Rh Mechanical cgestion of begins in your nmath. muscles in you jaw, you mechanically digest your bread as you chew. But even chevhng begins your mouth prepares for digestion. As you at the beginrmg of tNs crackers. saliva contains chernicals that help break down carbohyOMes Saiva also contains substances that neutralize acidic fcxds

The After you swdlow a bite of your enters your esophagus (ih SAH fuh gus). The is a musctja that connects the mouth to the stomach. Focxl moves the esophagus and the rest of the trat by waves caned pristalsis (per uh STAHL sus) Peristalsis is sunilar to squeezing a of toothpaste When you the bottorn of is forced toward the top
of the As muscles in the esophagus md relax. partjay digested focxi iS pushed down the esophagus and into the the Lab The Greatest Thmg Since Sked Bread. you mechanical digestion when you tore the into srndl eces

After the was physically broken down. md
mixture turmer broke the bread down. much like chemo soon


Why is digestion for organisms such as the chameleon ? Record your evidence (A) in your Science The SWnach axe your grtiaUy leaves the emers. The is a honow ttnctn me stynæh  to. store  Another the is to  in cherncd sornah

The Small Intestine Most chemical digestion occurs in the smau intestine. a long tube connected to the stomach. it is also where nutrient absorption occurs The folds of the small intestine are covered with fingerlike projections called (VIH ‘i) (singular. villus) Each villus contains small blood vessels. Nutrients in the small intestine enter the blood through these
blood vessel

The Large Intestine Most of the water in ingested foods and liquids is absorbed in the small intestine As the bread travels through the large intestine. any remaining water is absorbed. Materials that pass through the large intestine are the waste products of digestion

The waste products become more solid as excess water is absorbed. Then the semisolid waste is eliminated from the body


As the bread was digested. it interacted vatti other body systems. Explain the different body systems veere involved in the digestion of the bread. Record your explarunion in your Science Notebook
Removing Waste when you rnodeled digestion, you may have noticed that there was leftover bread representing food waste. The body produces other waste products as well. For example. some water and vinegar remained in the tovæl representing liquid waste. Liquid waste is handled by the urinary system

Your body excretes. or eliminates. different Substances from different body They are processed by the excretory system. The excretory system collects and eliminates wastes from the body and regulates the level ot fluid in the body The excretory system is made of different body systems. For example. you just read that liquid waste is handled by the urinary system. The respiratory system. which you wil
 learn about in the next lesson. releases waste as carbon dioxide, Your skin also waste in the form of excess salt and water through sweat glands

GO ONLINE for additional opportunities to explore’ Investigate digestion further by performing one of the following activities



حل درس lesson 9 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 5
حل درس النباتات الطبيعية الساحلية والجبلية اجتماعيات للصف 8 الفصل 3

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