رياضيات منهج إنجليزي فصل ثالث

دليل المعلم Volume 2 الرياضيات Reveal للصف 8 منهج انجليزي الفصل 3 2021 2022

دليل المعلم Volume 2 الرياضيات Reveal للصف الثامن منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021 2022




دليل المعلم Volume 2 الرياضيات Reveal للصف الثامن منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021 2022


هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة رياضيات منهج إنجليزي فصل ثالث


دليل المعلم Volume 2 الرياضيات Reveal للصف الثامن منهج انجليزي الفصل الثالث 2021 2022

Mindset Matters tips located in each module provide specific examples of how Reveal Math Integrated content can be to promote a growth mindset in all students. Another feature on promoting a growth mindset is Ignite! Activities developed by Dr. Raj Shah to spark student curiosity atLJt why the math works. An Ignite! delivers problem sets that are flexible enough so that students with varying background knowledge can engage with the content and motivates them to ask questions. solve complex problems, and develop a can – do attitude toward math

Mindset Matters

Growth vs.Fixed Mindset

Everyone has a core mindset how they learn. Pegle with a growth mirdset believe that hard work will make them smarter. Those with a fixed mindset that they can learn new things, but can’t become smarter. When a student changes their mindset they are mwe likely to work through challenging problems, leam theu mistakes, and Intimately learn more deeply

How Can I Apply It

Assign students tasks, such as the activities, that can help them to develop their mtelnce. Let them know that each time they learn a new idea an electric current fires that connects Mferent parts of the bran

Teacher Edmon Mindset Tip

Formative Assessment

The key to reaching all learners is to adjust instruction based on euh student’s understanding. Reveal Math Integrated offers powerful formative assessment that help teachers to efficiently and effectively differentiate instruction for all students

Math Probes

Each module includes a Cheryl Formative Assessment Math Probe that is focused on addressing student misconceptions about key math topics. Students can complete these probes at the beginning. mickile. or end of a module. The teacher support includes a list of recommended differentiated resources that teachers assign based on students’ responses

Example Checks

After multiple examples. a formative assessment Check that students complete on their own allows teachers to gauge students’ understanding of the concept or skill When complete the Check online. the teacher receives resource recommendatww which can assigned to students


This correlation shows the alignment Of Moth I to me Standards for Mathematical Practice


1 Make sense of md ” them

Mathematically proficient students start by eVairing to themselæs the meaning of a and lcking for points to its sdutim. They analyze givens. cmstraints, relationships, and goals. They make cmjectures about the tarui meaning of the solution and plan a solution pathway rather than simply jurnging into a sdution attempt Ttpy E consider problems, and try cases sünpler forms of the original problem in to gain
into its sdution. They mcnitcr and evaluate their and course if n«essary. Older students might depending m the cmtext of tm problem. transform expressions change the viewing window on ttpWZ graling calcuatcy to get the infcymation they need. Mathematically proficient students can between verbal descriptions. tables. and or draw diawams of inwtant features and re graph data. and search fM reglarity or trends. Wnger students might rety using concrete objects or tures tol help conceptualize a probem. Mathematically proficient studems check their answers to problems Mferent and ttpy cmtülually ask themselves. this make sense ?- They can understand the Ot others to solving complex problems and identity correswldences Mferent awoaches-

2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively

Mathematically proficient students make sense of quantities and relationships in problem situations. They two cmvlementary to on invdvmg relationshps: the ability to abstract a situation and represent it symbdically manipulate the syr&ls as if they have a life of their cran, without necessariy attencfng to their referents—and the ability to to as needed å.Jrmg the manipulation in order to prche into the referents for syr-ls involved. Quantitative reasoning entads Of creating a coherent representation Of the at hand: the units involved; attendmg to the mearing Of quantities, not just how to compLne them; and knowing a rÉ flexibly using diffent Of and

 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

Mathematically gyoficient students mderstand and use stated definitions, and meviously established results in cmstructing arwnents. They make conjectures and buid a of statements to eVore the truth ot their They are able to analyze situations by tyeaking them cases, and can recognize and use comterexams. They justify their communicate them to others and to tte arguments of others. They reason inåxtively atm.Jt data. making øausble arguments that take into account the context frcyn which the data arow Mathematically proficient students Me also able to the effectiveness of two plausble arguments. cMrt reasoning from that which is flawed. and—if there is a an arwnent—explain what it is. Elementary students can construct arguments using concrete referents such as Üawings. &agrams. and Such arguments can make sense and be even though they are not or made until later grades. Later, students leam to determüle domaüls to which an argument at dl yades can listen or the arguments Of Othes, decide whether they make sense. and ask useful questions to clarity or improve the arguments

4 model whith mathematics

Mathematically profriert students can apply tte mathematics they know to solve prouems Mismg in everyday life. and the wMkplace. In early grades. ttüs might be as süTWe as writülg an a”tion equation to
descritk a situatim. In middle a student might apply prowtjmal reasoning to g an a schch ewnt or analyze a in the By high sctm a student might use to solve a a function to tow me quantity of interest on another. Mathematically moficient students who can what they know are making assunpt:ims and approximations to shplity a cnplicated situatim, realizing that these may ned revisim later. They are able to identity irnportant wantities in a practical situation and map their relationships using such as &agrams. two-way tables. yaptB. flowcharts and They can analyze those relationships mathematically to draw conclusions. They routinely interpret their mattwnatical results the CMtext Of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense. possiby Worovmg the model if it has not served its Standards Mathematical Reveal Math I


Reveal Math Key Areas of Focus

Reveal Math Integrated l, II. Ill (Reveal Math Integrated) have a strong focus on rigor—especially the development of conceptual understanding—an emphasis student mindset. and ongoing formative assessment feedback


Reveal Math Integrated has tmn thoughtfully designed to a balance of the three elements of rigor. conceptual understanding. skills and fluency. and application

Conceptual Understanding

Explore activities give all students an to work and discuss their thinking as they build conceptual understanding Of new concepts. In the Explore activity to the left. students use Web Sketchpad’ to build understanding of the relationships corresponding sides and angles in congruent triangles

Skills and Fluency

Students use different strategies and to build fluency. In the Example shown. students build proficiency with writing equations in form


Real-world examples and practice problems are for students to apply their learning to new situatims

In the real -wMd example shown students apply their understanding by solving a multi -step problem


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