دليل المعلم Moral, Social, Culture اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول
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دليل المعلم Moral, Social, Culture اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول
هدا الملف ل الصف الخامس لمادة الفصل الاول
دليل المعلم Moral, Social, Culture اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الأول
Law is the that protects interests of everyone in the community. If a law contradicts moral values, there may a moral 2 dilemma. Should the law always be in agreement With moral values? or can these values be disregarded when necessary
Read the story In the Name of the Law. Then do the activities fllow
It was the eve of the feast and the people of the neighbourhood were celebrating. At the same time, four men sneaked into an old lady’s small, rnodest room and stole the few possessions she had. When the lady discovered the theft, she felt completely helpless. She sat down and began to cry. On account of the theft, the lady could not pay her rent for five months. The landlord took her to court • her remaining possessions were taken from her and she was evicted from the room
Passersby watched and cheered as repossession agents came for her property, while she sat there helpless, quietly crying, not knowing what to do
The men worked together to take the bicest item of furniture from the room. They took the bed where she slept, the table where she ate her food, and the chair where she often sat and looked out her
window. The old woman breathlessly ran up to them. She was very sad to see her possessions being taken away With much sorrow, she gently touched each item. She felt a mixture of emotions
• feeling thankful and sorry at same time. But these things no longer belong to her. HOW will she replace them Mai Zyada, quoted from “Darkness and Rays”
A. Work in pairs. Discuss
Read the story of Khalil. Then discuss the issues that follow
The bofs name was Khalil. But people did not know him by that name. Many people called him Limpy, making fun of his injured leg In fact, he would go days without hearing his name. As the taunts would not stop, Khalil became very sad. He lived in a poor area, working hard at the store to make his living. The streets were full of homeless children, fighting over scraps of food, money and shelter. Whenever Khalil saw these kids, he would try to run away despite his painful limp
One day, the mean homeless boys grouped around him in the neighbourhood and started pulling his hair. One of them grabbed hold of his injured leg and hit it with a stone, laughing at him ‘Limpy! Limpy!’ They all taunted him
Suddenly, a man passing by shouted at them threateningly. They all ran away in different directions. Khalil raised his head out of the dirt. His eyes were full of tears and he was in pain. He saw Karim, the confectioner, who owned the grocery store where he worked. He felt relieved and wiped away his tears. Dusting himself down, he said, ‘Every day they chase me, beat me and eat my food
He reached for his bag and started picking up the scattered bread, which was now covered in dust. Frowning, Karim said, ‘Leave them. I will give you food.’ Khalil raised his eyes, happy to hear that but wondering how to pay for it. Karim understood his worries and said, ‘Stand up! Don’t think about paying. I will give you food for free. I’ll teach you and help you to overcome your injury
Adapted from The Lame Boy by Tawfiq Yusuf ‘Awwad
Read article abmat His Highness Sheikh bin A1 Maktoum’s, God save him, rnessage on social compassion. Then answer question that
In order to mark the anniversary of his accession on January 4, the Ruler of Dubai and Vice President of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid A1 Maktoum, Cod save him, started a humanitarian campaign. He asked that this day should dedicated to honouring workers in construction sites, employees such as gardeners, janitors, buiders, public transportation drivers, drivers and dornestic workers, among others. He called the campaign ‘Thank You’. He tweeted: ‘As in previous years, I have asked the authorities not to hold any Accession Day celebrations on January 4. Each year,
we show our appreciation of a different segment of the working community, and this year we will a group that has not been honoured before, the general labourer category
‘These groups play an active role in our society. Some have spent many years doing their with all due dedication and they deserve a “Thank You” from all of us, for their efforts. We want to thank and
honour them. We also want to let them know that their services are valued and appreciated, as they make life in the UAE community easier and better,’ he added
‘Expressing compassion and gratitude towards these groups does not only reflect the compassionate society in which we live but also the authentic values and civilised principles that urge us to always
treat everyone well and thank and express compassion towards those who serve us, whatever those services are,’ he explained
Sheikh Mohammed asked everyone to give thanks and to give small gifts to workers. He also people to share their photos on his
Activity 1 (10 Minutes)
The teacher annouxes that the class will to cornplete all classroom duties over the course of a •week The texher asks students to work in groups of S (4 to S groups) to list all the tasks they must do
Then, the teacher assigns tasks to each group on a •weekty schedule
Teams work together to list the tasks. The complete list of tasks is shared with all teams. One selected, each student is responsible for completing specific component of the group task each week- A list of dany responsibilities is displayed in the classoom so the students can verify that their classmates are taking their responsibilities seriously- Students discuss the conseqLknces of a student’s failure to fulfill his role. Students surmise that this indkates a lack of commitment and that they have committed an irresponsible act
Over the following weeks, teacher monitors the students’ commitment to the tasks assigned to them and effectiveness in implernenting these tasks