لغة انجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الثاني

دليل المعلم لغة إنجليزية للصف 7 فصل ثاني

دليل المعلم لغة إنجليزية للصف السابع فصل ثاني




دليل المعلم لغة إنجليزية للصف السابع فصل ثاني


هدا الملف ل الصف السابع لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الثاني


Bridge to Success

Teacher’s Guide 7

Chris Barker and Libby Mitchell

Term 2 material 2017

All adaptations and modifcations to this UAE Edition have been made by a committee of specialists from the Ministry of Education and Cambridge University Press.



University Printing House, Cambridge cb2 8bs, United Kingdom

Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.

It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

© Cambridge University Press and the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education 2017

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2017

Printed in the United Arab Emirates

ISBN XXXXXXXXXXXX Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.


Scope and Sequence       


How to use Bridge to Success 

Teaching Strategies 

Unit 6 Using maps 

Unit 7 Health, food and exercise 

Unit 8 All living things 

Unit 9 World records 



Welcome to Bridge to Success Grade 7

Bridge to Success is a twelve-grade course for learners of English as a Second Language (ESL). The twelve grades range from the beginning of Cycle 1 to the end of Cycle 3. The course has been designed to fulfil the requirements of the English as an International Language (EIL) National Learning Standards Unified Framework.

Bridge to Success Grade 7 consists of twelve thematic units of study, which include a range of activities, text types and objectives, split over three terms.

The materials reflect the following principles

• An Emirati focus, with an international perspective

Specifically developed for young learners throughout the United Arab Emirates, the themes, situations and literature covered by Bridge to Success strive to reflect the Emirati context and encourage learners’ curiosity about the wider world. This fosters respect and interest in other cultures and leads to awareness of global citizenship.

• An enquiry-based, language-rich approach to learning

Bridge to Success engages children as active, creative learners. As learners participate in a wide variety of curriculum-based activities, they simultaneously acquire content knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and practise English language and literacy. The materials incorporate a ‘learning to learn’ approach, helping children acquire skills and strategies that will help them approach new learning situations with confidence

• English for educational success

To meet the challenges of the future, children need to develop facility with both conversational and academic English. From the earliest stage, Bridge to Success addresses both these competencies. Bridge to Success presents authentic listening and reading texts, writing tasks and end- of-unit projects similar to those learners might encounter in English-medium and international schools. Emphasis is placed on developing the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills learners will need to be successful in using authentic English- language classroom materials.

• Rich vocabulary development

Building a large and robust vocabulary is a cornerstone to success in both conversational and academic English. Bridge to Success exposes learners to a wide range of vocabulary. Many opportunities for revising these words and using them in personalised, meaningful ways are woven into the activities and lesson plans

Individualised learning

We approach learning in an individual way by both acknowledging the individual nature of the knowledge and background of each child, and encouraging their specific input. We also provide for differentiated learning in the classroom by offering a range of activities of varying diffculty and guidance for tailoring activities to the needs of different learners. Detailed support for this is provided in the lesson plans in this book

• Integrated assessment

Throughout the course, teachers informally assess their learners’ understanding of language and concepts. The Teacher’s Guide provides suggestions for extending or re-teaching language skills based on learners’ demonstrated proficiency. An end-of-unit Review in the Coursebook provides a simple-to-use evaluation measure: a quick progress check on learners’ understanding of key ESL and early literacy skills. At the end of each unit, learners apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired as they work in groups to create and present a project. This provides teachers with an excellent performance assessment opportunity

We hope that you and your learners will enjoy using these materials as much as we enjoyed developing them for you

The Bridge to Success team


Collaborative learning

Learners work together in pairs or small groups to solve a problem, complete a task or create a product. They participate in thoughtful discussion. and develop a more positive attitude about learning and each other by working together

Learners engage with one another and are responsible for making sure that everyone understands the task

 The teacher facilitates collaborative learning by organising the learners into pairs or small groups that complement one another and by supporting the development of the group tas

Active strategies (activities)

Backs to the board. This is a competitive activity format that can be used to check vocabulary or knowledge

 The teacher divides the class of learners into two or three groups

 One learner from each group sits in a chair with their back to the board. facing their group

 The teacher or a chosen learner writes a word on the board so that the learners sitting with their backs to the board cannot see the word

Each group provides hints to the learner from their group with their back to the board, who in turn attempt to guess the word

 The first one to guess the word gets a point for their team Learners act out or perform a particular role in order to explore and dramatise the thoughts feelings and experiences of another person in a simulated situation

 The role- play may be conducted between two learners, a small group or as a whole class led by the teacher

Role-play may be performed and presented to the whole class where other learners may be invited to make comment and analysis on the content

 Some role-plays may be simple re enactment but role- play can also include learners’ own development and interoretation of a given scenario


نموذج إجابة أسئلة امتحان تقويمي 2 علوم الصف 2 الفصل 3
برنامج الدعم الاكاديمي الإمارات

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