لغة انجليزية الصف الثاني عشر فصل ثالث

دليل المعلم انجليزي ثاني عشر عام الفصل 3

دليل المعلم انجليزي ثاني عشر عام الفصل الثالث




دليل المعلم انجليزي ثاني عشر عام الفصل الثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف 12 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 12 فصل ثالث


دليل المعلم انجليزي ثاني عشر عام الفصل الثالث

Speaking: Activity 1

 Refer learners to the photos-

Ask learners to work in groups and complete the speaking activity-

 Encourage learners to come up with a list of goods that are transported by each different form of transport-

Encourage learners to analyse the importance of these to the UAE’s economy-


Elicit answer from groups – create a brainstorming cloud on the board-


Learners’ own.

Suggested answers – these forms of transport are used for transporting goods mostly but also people, good for trade as it brings money into the economy from the sale of goods, the industry also employs a lot of different people e.g. drivers, ships crews, catering staff, etc

A large amount of goods can be transported on the ships this reduces cost because air travel is expensive, on the back of pickups you often see furniture, animals, animal feed etc. On dhows there is a lot of trade between the gulf

Listening: Activity 2

 Give learners clear instructions as in the Coursebook-

Pairs discuss questions 1 and 2 and look at the pictures-

 Explain how to play the bingo game and ask task checking questions to ensure the learners know what to do-

 Learners listen and complete the activity individually-

 Whenever someone has circled three of the images they shout out ‘bingo’-



Elicit answers and check as a class


  pick-up – crane – donkey cart –  ship –  dhow – railway-  lane  – highway-  Jebel Ali port

Listening: Activity 3

Learners complete the activity individually-

 In pairs, learners check their answers-


Elicit answers and check as a class.


 traders – cargo – caused – crane – been – port – man-made

(Differentiation activities (Support

 Replay the listening a number of times to support learners, alternatively give them the answers before the listening and they select which ones

goes where

(Differentiation activities (Stretch

 Ask learners to read the text before listening and to guess which words are missing

Workbook: Activity 1

Learners complete the task using the words given-



Peer correction and whole class feedback


infrastructure – offshore – trade route – trader – communication highway

Workbook: Activity 2

1. Learners write sentences using the words given.



Peer feedback, teacher monitors and checks answers


Learners’ own answers.

(Differentiation activities (Support

Put learners into mixed ability pairs or learners requiring support can work together-

(Differentiation activities (Stretch

Learners produce sentences with two or more words/phrases in it Resources Plenary

 Learners work in small groups discussing their answers to Workbook

Activity 2


Groups report back to the class and compare their answers. Write some examples on the board-

SPEAKING: Activity 4

 Learners work in groups and discuss the points-

 Monitor and note ideas. Support and pose additional questions if any of the groups need encouragement to expand their discussion-

Listening: Activity 5

 Give learners clear instructions as in the Coursebook-

 Elicit from learners what type of note-taking they would prefer to use-

 Learners listen and complete the activity individually-

(Differentiation activities (Support

Organise the learners into groups. Replay the listening a number of times to support learners, or add a number of prompts into the table for them-

Encourage learners to check each other’s notes

(Differentiation activities (Stretch

 Give the learners a target number of key points to listen for. And ask them to add more if they can. Make it a competition – to encourage intensive listening



NB. AS a homework activity learners can check their answers are correct

Workbook: Activity 2

. Learners read the selection of ten words extracted from the text

. Learners choose five words from the selection

. Learners write definition / clues (following format of Activity 1)



Class/ group / pair discussions. Check / compare answers


Answers will not be uniform and accuracy to a specific definition Will vary amongst learners. Oxford definitions supplied below,  She ‘ be flexible regarding learners

interpretations/ definitions

Ailment —An illness, typically a minor one Method —A particular procedure for accomplis ngo approaching something, especially a systematic or esta liShed Pattern — A repeated decorative desigm (Q
Heritage — Valued objects and historic buildings and cultural traditions that have passed dow rep previous generations

Paste — A thick, soft, moist ingredients with a li e typically produced by mixing dry Ingredients— or substances that are combined to make a particular” / A 9mvOnent or element of something

Palms — The in r surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers

Decoration — The process or art of decorating sornething

Tethns — A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution orierformance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure

Century / Centuries — A period of one drGe

Differentiation (support)

. Learners can work in groups with weaker

2. Dictionaries could be allowed

3. The teacher can give clues

Differentiation (stretch)

 learners can be paired

. Learners can write sentences that include the words they have chosen

. Learners can list synonyms / antonyms for the words they have chosen

. Teacher can lead an informal ‘Spot Quiz’ checking words / definitions covered in lesson


this could be a competition – learners decide whether definition is true or false. If
false, they must correct it to get full points

Some definitions are taken from Oxford English Dictionary: venue = The place where something happens, especially an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports competition; tie the knot = to get married; expense = the cost incurred; limit (spending) = restrict spending; groorn = the man who iS getting married; honeymoon = the holiday a bride and groom take after the wedding ceremony; bride = the woman who iS getting married; dowry = an amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage; lavish (gifts) = luxurious, expensive; fund = money tha is provided for a articular ur ose

Differentiation: Support

, refer them Give leamers sentences with the vocabulary in cont to the transcript

Differentiation: Stretch

Learners provide sentences and contexts fer the . Following on from feedback, learners can provide more tru definitions for lexis learnt in revious lessons

Speaking: Activity 5


mind mapping. Have they ever used Elicit what learners know mind mapping techniqus?’ Why and when are such techniques useful? Draw a map diagram on the board. Ask learners to look at the table in the previous lesson’s listening activity

Cornßlexhe boxes together e.g. traditional — green dresse Explai learners are going to use the mind map to help them prepare for a speaking activity arners complete the rest of the map. They might need to add more boxes / bubbles

Feedback: Ask volunteers to come t ardy a  ormation to the mind ma

Speaking: Activity 6


Remind learners of used to / seuctu . Elicit example sentences using the information in the min Play the listening again to remind learners of the conversation structure

Learners have a Similar conversation. Learner A iS parent and Learner B iS child about to get married

Monitor but don’t correct. Deal with common errors during feedback session

Feedback: Select pairs to perform conversation. Deal with common errors as a class and encourage peer correction. Don’t forget to praise good use of language especial use of tar et structures


كتاب المنهج المتكامل (المجلد الثاني) الصف 3 الفصل الأول 2022-2023
حل درس الاقتصاد الأخضر إجتماعيات الصف 8 الفصل الثاني

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