انجليزي حادي عشر الفصل الاول

دليل المعلم الوحدة الأولى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 11 الفصل الأول

دليل المعلم الوحدة الأولى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 11 الفصل الأول




دليل المعلم الوحدة الأولى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 11 الفصل الأول


هدا الملف ل الصف 11 عام لمادة انجليزي 11 الفصل الاول


دليل المعلم الوحدة الأولى اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 11 الفصل الأول

l. Put learners into small groups. Have them discuss the starter questions. Ask: What sort of trade did the people of the UAE do in the past? (For example, pearling, fishing, seafaring, oil drilling began in the 1930s.) How did the dhows help with trade ? (By transporting goods by sea and for ERarling.) Which countries do you think the UAE does most Of its trade with nowadays ? (India is the UAEs biggest trading partner — trade is in excess of AED 275 billion — other top trading partners are Saudi Arabia,
Oman, Switzerland, the US, Japan, China and Germany

2. Ask: What types of transportation are used by businesses in the UAE? Write answers on the board. In their groups, learners choose at least three form of transport. Ask What types of goods are transported using these

3. Use the photos to pre-teach / elicit cargo ship, cargo, port, crane

Main Activity

Listening: Activity 1

l. Write the following words on the board: trade route, communication highway, trader, offshore, infrastructure.

2. In small groups, learners discus the meaning of the words.

3. Elicit learners ideas and prompt them to discover the meaning of these words.

4. Read aloud the instructions in the Coursebook

5. Learners listen and then discuss their ideas for a title for the interview



Elicit answers and write them on the board. If you wish, have a class vote for the best title


Learners’ own answers

Listening: Activity 2

l. Tell learners they are going to listen to part of the interview again

2. Give learners time to read the sentences and to check any unknown words. Encourage learners to guess the answers based on what they from the first time they listened to the interview

3. Explain that they must listen and for each sentence circle T if the sentence is true, F if the sentence is false. Point out that the audio may not give them the answer and in this case they should circle NI for no information

4. Play the audio. Learners listen and circle. If you wish, play the audio again

5. In pairs, learners check their answers



Elicit answers and check as a class

1. F (Dhows were anchored offshore; it was a slow process moving cargo to the until a crane was brought from Scotland.)

2. F (Transport infrastructure was very only donkey carts or pick ups on sand tracks through the desert.)

4. NG (The UAE has an amazing network of communication highways connecting
emirates with each other and other GCC but it doesn’t say whether it’s the in the world

Differentiation activities (Support)

l. Learners can listen along with the audioscript

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

l. Encourage learners to be able to explain why statements are false

Workbook: Activity 1

I. Learners write sentences using the words given. They work individually

2. Learners work in small groups discussing their answers



l. Encourage feedback for this activity. Monitor learners and check their answers as you go around the room


Learners’ own answers

Differentiation activities (Support)

l. Put learners into mixed ability pairs or learners requiring support can work together

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

l. Learners produce sentences with two or more key words/phrases. This could also be extended to paragraphs depending on the ability of the learners. For instance, a sentence using more than one target phrase: ‘It is important to ensure trade routes have good infrastructure so that goods can be transported quickly and easily


l. Ask learners: What is the future is for trade in the UAE ? Learners work in small groups and feedback, or have a whole class discussion. Possible ideas: Learners may be aware that the UAE is diversifying its economy so that it is not reliant on oil or natural gas. Tourism, for instance, is a major source of income now for the UAE

Ask: How else could the UAE move forward? Prompt/explain that there is a big focus on innovation, science, maths, engineering and the arts. Ask: What could this mean for the UAE


Groups report back to the class and compare their answers. Write some examples on the board


 Language tip

I. Read through the Language tip box as a class Look particularly at the example given and the target structure

2. Give (or elicit) some more examples, for example Mohammed ate his breakfast after I had eaten mine. Write them on the board. Introduce learners to the use of contractions, for example Mohammed ate his breakfast after 17 eaten mine

3. Ask learners to read the audioscript in the back of their Coursebooks (Track 8) and to underline any other examples of the past vxrfect tense.

4. In pairs, learners compare the sentences they underlined

5. Elicit some examples from the class Write them on the tx»ard. Highlight the past perfect tense



I. Explain that this activity requires learners to decide whether the grammar and meaning of the sentences is correct or incorrect. They read the first sentence and then decide if the sentence below matches it in meaning and uses the correct grammar

2. Do the first as an example with the class

3. Learners complete the activity individually

4. In pairs, learners check their answers




Nominate a learner to lead whole class feedback

Ask learners to identify which two sentences did not match and to say why. Write the correct sentences on the tx)ard 1 2 wrong, t:mause the ænWnce is missing 3 4 wrong •had’ is missing

: Activity 3

I. Learners combine and rewrite the sentences using the past tense

2. Tell learners to refer to the Language tip box for guidance. Tell learners to use the same format as for the previous activity



Have learners peer check their work in pairs or small groups Then have whole class feedback. Write the answers on the board

a I had to the BBQ I went to the cinema; b She had eaten breakfast when the phone rang; c Ahmed had studied English at schcx)l before he went to in the US; d I had left my phone at home so I couldn’t ring my friend

 Activity 4

I. Tell learners to refer to the notes they made for Cours&ok Activity 3

2. Have learners choose one of the themes from the listening

3. They write a summary in the space provided



Collect Worktx»oks and write individual targeted


أوراق عمل الوقت رياضيات منهج إنجليزي صف ثاني فصل 3
بوربوينت قصة طريف الطاووس اللطيف التجريد الكتابي اللغة العربية الصف الاول

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