لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثالث

دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 10 عام الفصل 3 2021 2022

دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 10 عام الفصل الثالث 2021 2022




دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 10 عام الفصل الثالث 2021 2022


هدا الملف ل الصف 10 عام لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف 10 الفصل الثالث


دليل المعلم اللغة الإنجليزية للصف 10 عام الفصل الثالث 2021 2022

I. Ask learners how they choose which restaurant to go to


Lead an open class discussion. Jot down on the board some of the criteria mentioned in the listening, for example outdoor seating, distance from the centre, cost and type of dishes

Main activity

Listening : Activity 2

I. Read the rubric and ensure learners understand there is one extra restaurant

. Draw learners’ attention to the Listening strategy and encourage them to identify key words in the descriptions, which are the phrases numbered I – 4 , before they listen. For example. outside the city. recently, special meals. etc



Learners compare answers with other pairs, then teacher provides answer key. Ask learners to justify their choices


1 e; 2 b; 3 c; 4 a; Extra restaurant: d

Differentiation activities (Support)

I. Play the track more than once, pausing when key information is mentioned

Provide learners with the audioscript if necessary

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

l. Learners recall any additional information included in the descriptions

Workbook : Activity 3

l. Write three headings on the board: Where? What kind Why do you like it ?

. Select and say some sentences from the audioscript which address the question headings on the board, for example There are two central restaurants. Theyve been offiring special corporate lunches for a long time. I go there often because their prices aren’t too expensive so the tips are low toa Ask learners to match a sentence to a heading

. Learners complete Activity 3. Remind them that some sentences can answer more than one question


Learners compare in pairs Then elicit answers and write just the sentence number on the board under the appropriate heading

Where ? 4 and 6; What kind of food ? 1, 3 and 5; Why ? 2, 5, 6 and 7



I. Introduce the topic of focxi. Elicit some typical focxis eaten in the Middle East and write them on the whitard

2. Tell learners to read the questions

3. In pairs, learners discuss their opinions Ask learners to tell you the foods they enjoy. Write all their suggestions on the board and see what kind of is most m»pular. Is it healthy

Main activity

Vocabulary : Activity 1

l. Ask learners to look at the diagram. Ask what it is and what they think it represents. Explain it is a food pyramid, but don’t tell them what it represents as they will find the answer in the text

2. Give learners a few minutes to look at the diagram then ask individual learners to name some of the items in the pyramid

3. In pairs, learners label the pyramid with the pictures


Ask individual learners to read the headings aloud and explain which part of the pyramid they go with


From to top: D, C; E; F; B: A is outside the pyramid

Workbook : Activity 1

I. Tell learners to look at the empty pyramid and the words in the box

2. In pairs, learners complete the pyramid with the words


Draw the pyramid on the board and ask learners to come up and complete it in front of the class


From to top: tomato, riæ. bread, nuts, carrots, grapes, olive oil, garlic; fish, prawns; chicken, chæse, lamb,

Differentiation activities (Sumxrt)

I. Allow learners to look back at the Coursebook to check what kind of focxl in each swtion

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

I. Ask learners to add two or three more words to each section


Reading : Activity 2

l. Ask learners to read the title of the article. Ask: What do you think the article is going to be about

. Ask what the learners know about the Mediterranean. Do you know which countries are considered Mediterranean

. Write their suggestions on the board

 Tell learners to read the article and ask if their suggestions were correct

. Elicit why the word poor is written in speech marks Explain that it isn’t a bad diet, but one with little meat, and in the past was associated with poor people who couldn’t afford to buy meat

. Ask learners to read the Reading strategy before they attempt to answer the multiple choice questions

 Put learners into pairs to answer the questions Point out that in Question 4 they need to choose two answers

. Monitor learners while they are working and help with unknown vocabulary


Elicit answers from the whole class Answers

Workbook : Activity 2

I. Tell learners that the words in the box are all from the reading text in the Coursebook. Tell them to look back at the text to work out the meaning from context if they are unsure

. Ask them to complete the sentences with a word from the box. Advise them that there’s a distractor in the word box

. Learners check their answers in pairs


Check answers with the class Answers

1 calcium; 2 decade; 3 life expectancy; 4 expert; 5 depression; 6 lifestyle Plenary

I. Ask learners if they consider themselves healthy or unhealthy eaters and why

. Learners discuss the questions in small groups

An open class discussion about the topic


I. Ask learners what they can remember about the Mediterranean Diet

. Put learners into groups and ask them to write as many food words that they can in one minute


Elicit the words and ask learners how to them, then write the words on the whiteboard

Main activity

Reading: Activity 2

I. Ask learners to quickly read the article on the Mediterranean Diet again

. Read the Language tip with the class Ask : What other words could you use instead of since and as? Tell them that these words are in the same way as because

 Tell learners to scan the text and underline the five examples (two — since, three — as)



Ask one or two learners to read out the sentences they have found

Work: Activity 3

I. Learners match the two halves of the sentences

2. In pairs, learners check their answers



Go through the answers with the whole class. Explain any problems that learners have



I. Learners write their own sentences with as and since about things which are gocxi and bad about their diet and lifestyle. (EXTENSION)

Writing : Activity 3

I. Tell learners to read the bullet B)ints and explain that they need to re-read the article and write notes on the imvrtant points under each heading

. Encourage them to write several points under each

. Monitor and help whilst they are note-making. Tell them to first identify and underline / highlight the important points in the text. Then ask them to identify the key words Tell them they should note down those key words rather than writing whole sentences If necessary, do an example with the class



Elicit a few suggestions from the class and write them on the board


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