حل درس Poetry اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع
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حل درس Poetry اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع
Learning objectives
Reading : To read a postcard poem and make inferences
Speaking : To discuss the content of a postcard poem and justify their conclusions
Listening : To recognise words that rhyme by their sound
Writing : To write pairs of rhyming sentences
Key vocabulary
day trip
school camp
stay alive
PS. script
Answer the questions
What do you learn Ben’s trip from his postcard
Why has the pcxt chosen to write a poem that looks like a Bystcard message
Where do the rhyming words usually apvar in a poem ? Where do they appear here
Why is the PS. a surprise
I You learn that Ben isn’t with his parents, the weather is bad, he dæsn’t like the focxi, he thinks the teachers are grumpy, sleeping in a tent isn’t comfortable and he isn’t enjoying the outdoor activities
Because it’s unusual, which makes it interesting and because putting it on a postcard suits the content of the pæm
Rhyming words usually appear at the end of a line in a but in this poem, they sometimes appear within a line and sometimes at the end
Because Ben has written a lot about the things he doesn’t like, and then in the P.S
he says he wants to go on the school camp again next year
Work with a partner. Find the words that rhyme in the postcard poem and
practise them
dad / bad / mad
night / tight
tough / enough
soon / afternoon
Ben is on a trip in New Zealand. Read his postcard poem and answer the questions
1 What kind of trip is he on
2 Is it a day trip or is he staying longer
3 How do you know
1. Ben is on a school camping trip
2. The trip is longer than a day
3. he says it is ‘cold at night
Lesson 15 Poetry
1 1 tkn ison a trip in New Zealand. Read his postcard poem and answer the questions
1 What kind of trip is he on
2 Is it a day trip or is he staying longer
3 How do you know
Postcard from School Camp
Dear and Dad
WeaB1er’s bad, teachers are grumpy, instructors are mad. Cramped in tent nght, no dry clothes, boots too Eight
Didn’t like came.ing, the hiking ttugh, au in I’ve had encugh Bge for now, see gcu scon If I survive this
Your loving son
P.S. Can I cane again next gear