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حل درس Man in conflict with nature لغة إنجليزية الصف 9

حل درس Man in conflict with nature لغة إنجليزية الصف 9




حل درس Man in conflict with nature لغة إنجليزية الصف 9


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حل درس Man in conflict with nature لغة إنجليزية الصف 9

Listen and identify details Identify a range Of features Read and understand details Express own ideas

Read and understand the overall meaning

Use of English Present Passive

Present Perfect Active and Passive

Let’s Discuss

 What that are threatened with extinction ? Why are they threatend ? Are there any animals protected by law in your country ? If so, what are they?

Listening strategy

When listening to a bnger audio remember to

 listen for the general idea on the first listening

 note down any key or content words you hear – these are usually stressed

 focus on the information you are specifically listening for a prize


Match the with the definitions

1 extinction

2 habitat

4 threat

5 poachin

6 conservati

7 teritory

place where people build houses to live

 an ananimal claimsasitsown

ibility that something may if something

isn’t done to stop

ling animals illgglly

when something doesnt exist anymore

on of wildlife

where a plant or animal lives in nature


Listen. Doesur A think there are pröbien•rs between huma animals in settlement



proud, helpful,–….to compete to look forward to something, to take part in something, to win a prize for something


mammal: warm -blooded

animal which has hair and feeds milk to its young

bird: animal which has feathers and wings and lays eggs

reptile: cold -blooded animal

amphibian: animal which can live on land and in water

 Copy the table in your notebook. Listen again and complete the table

Threat 1

Reasons for threat

Threat 2

Reasons for threat

Listen again. Are these statements true or false

The human population is growing slowly

New towns and villages are being built on wild animal territory

Farmers always put fences around their animals

Habitat loss is one reason why wild animals come closer to human settlements

Elephants are hunted for ivory Rhino horns are used for food


Reading and speaking

  Read this short article about two in the UAE What activity was threatening thern writh extinction

The UAE is well known for its enormous variety of wildlife – mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. And this is mainly because the region. is very concernli about nature and the natural environment

Some of the animals that are found in the region include the Arabian oryx and the Arabian leopard. Forty years ago, both of these animals were almost extinct in the wild as a result of hunting activities

Thanks to important and urgent. conservation work, successful breeding programmes were introduced. Now, both these animals are. growing in numbers in the wild

To ensure that the Arabian oryx and Arabian leopard remain part of the. Emirati landscape and culture, both animals have now been protected by law

Read the text again and discuss the questions-

Why is there still an variety of fe in the Emirates

Why hat are the two rnentioned in the article

Was the situation the sarmve 40 years ago ? If not,  what was the situation

Today the of these. anirnals is growing. Y-how did this happen?

What additional action was done to help protect these ax-rixnals in the future

What other anirnals do you to are typical of your region


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences

Many wild animals are under threat of extinction / conservation

Human populations / problems have grown enormously

Human settlements have been built on wild animal land / territory

Animal threats / habitats have been destroyed

Elephants cause damage when they walk across settlements / crops

Lions go closer to / further away from settlements looking for food

Complete the sentences with the words from the box

• population  •territory  •ivory •  medicine •food  •extinct

Rhino homs are use in traditional

New towns are being built on the ……… of wild animals

Elephants in the wild will for ………. in less than 20 years

The human………. is growing very quickly

Elephants are killed for ……. to make decorations

Wild animals look for ………. near new human settlements

Write four sentences using the words from the box

• survival  •  hunting  • breedingb   • urgent



 Talk about the wildlife that lives in your region Answer the questions and use the sentence prompts

What is their habitat

 Are there any threats to their sunrival ? If so, what are they

 What can we do to help protect wildlife from extinction


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