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حل درس Listening 2 Avian Flu – A Potential Pandemic اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12

حل درس Listening 2 Avian Flu – A Potential Pandemic اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12




حل درس Listening 2 Avian Flu – A Potential Pandemic اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12


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حل درس Listening 2 Avian Flu – A Potential Pandemic اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12

Lesson Objectives

Listening: Outlining a presentation and answering comprehension questions; identifying context clues

Speaking: Discussing flu epidemics; summarizing a presentation using an outline

Vocabulary: Words related to viruses and epidemics

Skills Focus: Using context clues Critical

Thinking: Using a graphic organizer to brainstorm questions about a topic; constructing an outline; using context clues to determine meaning

Did You Know

 The average sneeze or cough can send around 100,000 contagious germs into the air at speeds up to 160 km (100 miles) per hour

The 1918 influenza pandemic, commonly known as the Spanish flu, infected about 500 million people worldwide. It is estimated that 50 to 100 million died of the flu, making it one of the deadliest epidemics in human history

 The Spanish flu was the first of two pandemics involving the HINI virus. The second occurred in 2009 and may have taken more than 200,000 lives

Discussion — Padlet ( Please remake it I Dins; the following questions in pair small groups

Have you heard of any other dangerous Viruses or epidemics ? Describe know

, What precautions can people take to avoid catching flu viruses

Vocabulary Listen to the following underlined words Then use the context in the examples to match them with their definitions

An epidemic is a highly contaqious disease that spreads quickly and affects many people at the same time

،When an outbreak or an epidemic occtrs. health agencies work at findinq the source in order to stop the disease from spreading

Young children and the elderty are usually more susceptible to disease because their immune system iS weaker

Innuenza is caused by a that infects the body and creates disease

Medical scientists carefully study a harmful virus in order to create a vaccination that can ryevent others from being infected in the future

The same virus may appear in different forms One strain or the virus may not pose a serious threat. while another strain could be deadly

The Spanish nu killed an unprecedented number or people. No other innuenza virus in history is known to have caused so many ratalitjes

Most viruses do not usually transmit from animals to humans

However. a mutation in the genetic material of an animal virus could occtr. thus making it able to transmit to people

When two different viruses exchange genetic material. it creates a virus

Work in a small group. Take turns answering the following westion. Write Considering the topic your ideas in the small circles of the graphic organizer. Afterwards, share your grotv’s ideas with the whole class

Based on the tme of the presentation -Avian Flu – A Potential Pandemic ?’ what questions do you have about the topic? Add more circles if needed

What does avian mean

What are its symptoms

Who is mostly infected with this virus

Avian Flu — A Potentid Pandemic

Where does it take place

How can we avoid it

What makes it a unique virus



easily harmed or affected by something

a change or alteration in genetic material

combined from two different species

able to be easily spread to others

never seen or done before

organisms or a species that have unique characteristics

an injection that protects against a virus or disease

a sudden appearance and spread of disease

to transfer from one place to another

a very small organism that causes disease


While You Listen

Listen to the presentation. Take notes mder the following headings the presentation in yow notepads. Listen a second me to complete your notes. Then compare and combine your notes a partner to improve yow oudine

l. What is Avian Flu

II. Jumping the Species Barrier

Ill. Possibility of a Pandemic

IV. Actions Taken

Comprehension and understand

Listen to the presentation again if necessary

Whatis avian flu ? What is the name of its virus

Avian flu is a viral infection that affects birds. The name of the virus is H5N1

. What does the term -jump species barrier mean

“Jump the species barrier” means that the virus has the abilitv to transmit from birds to humans

. What are two ways in which the avian flu virus could merge vath a human flu virus

One way is for the human flu virus and the avian flu virus to meet in a persons o yan exc ange genes secon way IS viruses 

. Why is it difficult for scientists to develop a vaccine against the avian flu

It is difficult to develop a vaccination because the virus is constantly changing and evolving

. Why do infected migratory waterfow pose a threat in the spread of avian flu

Migratory waterfowl pose a threat because they can spread the virus across the go an canno econ roumans  

Words and Phrases

saliva. feces. and mucus

A. body secretions

B. parts or the body

C. types of food

domesticated poultry

A. farm animals

B. farm birds

C. wild birds


A. unusual

B. contagious

C. deadly


A. to dominate

B. to unite

C. to meet


A. causing

B. infecting

C. preventing


A. to become smaller

B. to transmit

C. to become ill with


A. to limit

B. to destroy

C. to hold inside

Context Clues

based on student’s knowledge of how viruses spread

threat to bird populations / farmers


Avian flu virus and human flu virus become a hybrid virus

spread the flu virus across the globe / global pandemic

human- to – human transmission from her sick daughter

control the spread of the virus / decrease the potential of spreading

Identifying context clues

Read the following list of words and phrases. Then listen carefully for context clues that help you determine the meaning of each word or phrase. Write the context clues in the chart and choose the best definition for each word or phrase. Compare your answers with a classmate

Context Clues

Skills Focus Context Clues


Using Context Clues When you listen to a lecture or a presentation in English. it can sometimes be challenging to understand every word. However. you can often get the general meaning of a word or phrase by listening carefully for context clues Context clues include

• surrounding words sentences, and ideas

• synonyms and paraphrases

• transitions

• intonation and speaker’s tone of voice

• your own knowledge of the topic

• images

Work in a small group to disass the following question 

. Have there been outbreaks of avian flu in your country ? What was done to contain it

. Do you think it is necessary to kill all inected and potentially inected poultry

. Creating flu vaccinations is an ongoing process that can take mmths. Wtklt steps do you think are involved in manufacturing vaccinations


What do you want to change

What did you like most



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