حل درس Exploring Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السادس
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حل درس Exploring Life العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف السادس
How is microbiology to health care
: Many diseases are caused by bkKteria and other microscopic organisms
What is one way that is related to : Bacteria and other microscopic organisms play imcxrtant roles in ecosysterns. so might study these organisms
What are some examples of living things that are made up of many cells
Any type of plant or animal, many types of fungi, and a few types of protists are multicellular
What are some examples of living things that are made up of one cell
Any type of bacteria, archaea, and some protists and fungi are unicellular
How are unicellular and multicellular organisms similar
Both are made up of cells
What can you infer about the functions carried out by the single cell that makes up a unicellular organism
The single cell must carry out all of the functions required for the organism to survive
What is a difference between prokaryotic and eukary- otic cells
Eukaryotic cells have genetic material surrounded by a lining
ASK: What groups of organisms have eukaryotic cells plants, animals, fungi, protists
ASK: What groups of organisms have prokaryotic cells prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea)
ASK: What kingdoms are part of the Domain Eukarya Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
ASK: How many kingdoms are in the Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea ? one each
ASK: To what domain and kingdom do humans belong
Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Animalia
ASK: What types of information are used to classify organisms into domains and kingdoms ? Sample answers: cell type, habitat, ancestry of the organism and contrast cells and eukaryotic cells by the Venn on next page
S. an Arwment friend trunks suxfyng is a of says. -Cens are so sman. most ot them cant even be seen with-wt a So why waste your tjrne focus.nq reseychÉ” things can’t ewn see?” Construct an argument deta.ung the *nportance of studv•ng cees and how it can affect your triond•s life
Answers may vary. Sample answer: Our bodies are made of cells so it is intportant for people like doctors to understand how cells work. People also study cells of other organisms so they can learn more about how to prevent those organisms from making us sick
Answers may vary. Sample answer: Engineering and technology advances. such as microscopes. have allowed us to have a deeper scientific understanding about living things. Without these advancements. we might not know all living things are made of cells. or know about the different parts and types of cells
Analyze and Conclude
. If the wire mesh in this model represents the cell membrane. how do you think the cell membrane controls what materials enter atEi a cell
Answers may vary. Sample answer: The cell membrane has small openings. like the wire mesh. Materials that are small enough to fit through the openings can enter or leave the cell Materials that are too large cannot enter or leave a cell
. Would a cell with a smau surface-area-to-volume ratio able to transgrt nutrients and waste through the cell as efficiently as a cen wth a large swface- area -to -volume ratio? Explain why or why not
Sample answer: The cell with a small surface -area- to- volume ratio would not be able to transport materials as efficiently as a cell with a large surface -area -to volume ratio. In the demonstration, the dye moved farther into the smaller cube because it had a larger surface area to transport materials through compared to its volume
ASK: What is the relationship between Golgi apparatus and vesicles? The Golgi apparatus packages proteins into small structures called vesicles
ASK: Chloroplasts are green. What kinds of organisms do you think they might be found in ? Answers may vary, but students should connect that chloroplasts are found in plants and other organisms, such as algae, that are green in color
ASK: What organelle controls the cell’s activities? the nucleus
ASK: What is the relationship between DNA and chromosomes
Sample answers: DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes; DNA makes up chromosomes
ASK: What is the dark structure shown in the center of the nucleus? the nucleolus
ASK: What are some differences between plant and animal cells
wall, but animal cells do not : Plant cells have a cell
ASK: How many cells make up a Vorticella organismز? one
ASK: What are some functions a unicellular organism needs to carry out ? Sample
answers: getting food, getting rid of wastes, responding to the environment After You Read
ASK: What are some specific structures that can be observed when looking at Vorticella ? Sample answers : cilia, stalk
ASK: What are the functions of these structures ? Sample answer: The cilia bring food toward the cell; the stalk allows the cell to latch onto surfaces
explanation for why it iS important for a cers surface – area – to – volume ratio to not be too small
Wastes and nutrients need to the menbrane
If a ceus surface – area – to – volume ratio was too small. the cell would If a cell’s surface – area – to – volume ratio was too small. the cen would not produce enough waste materiaL If a cells surface -area -to -volume ratio was too small. the organelles would grow too large to fit the cell
. Suppose that are a been “n of ‘.nknown cees By M the ceas unr a be able to determine Organisms ceas ‘ran
: By looking at the cells under a
microscope. I would be able to infer what kind of organism the cells came from. I could see if the cells had cell walls. and if so. I could infer they came from a plant. fungus. bacteria or protist If the cells had chloroplasts. I could infer that they were either from a plant or were a protist
. Your a Of a and wmtS to
to cell membrane because is said and emer the ce why pu wRh reasting
: I disagree because cell membranes are flexible and allow certain materials to enter and leave cells