تلخيص Fossils العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثالث
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هدا الملف ل منهج انجليزي لمادة علوم منهج انجليزي فصل ثاني
تلخيص Fossils العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الثالث
Change the environment
The remains Of organisms from the past or a trace Of the remains Of a living thing that died long ago
when there is no more of an organism’s kind left on Earth An example of this is a dinosaur – the mammoth and the dodo
. Animals and plants become extinct because (Their environment changed and they could not survive any more)
Trace fossils
Sometime an animal leaves a footprint on the ground as it walk an imprint in mud or clay
Preserved remains
the actual remains of an organism trapped in earths materials such as tree sap , tar and ice
the shell – shaped space that is left
the empty space can be filled with a new materia
Types of fossils and examples of them
Fossils that are buried close to the surface are younger than fossils buried deep in the ground
Fossils buried deep in the earth are considered older than those buried near the surface
Fossils can tell us how the Earth’s environment has changed over time
Fish fossils that are found on land most likely mean
( the land used to be covered with water / ZS
deep a fossil is buried gives scientists clues about its age
When there are not many of one kind of animal left, the animal is considered endangere
If not enough is done for a species that is endangered, then it ma become extinct
Change affect organisms
Invasive Species
An organism that is introduced into a new environment either by accident or on purpose by humans
the interaction Of living and non – living things in the environment
When plants and animals cannot adapt to their environment, their population dies off
A farmer accidentally planted seeds of an invasive species in his field. How is the plant harmful to the environment
It blocks sunlight and takes nutrients that native plants need
An environment can be changed by a flood , which washes away soil and plants Which could happen if people introduced a new animal into an environment
The animal uses up resources. -bidl Which is one way humans endanger animals Clearing rain
Which are reasons that an animal may become extinct
( loss of habitat – pollution – huntingæ)
Weather pattems
What the air is like outside at a certain time and place
Is a blanket of gases and tiny bits of dust that surround earth
Measure of how hot or cold something
Water that fall to the ground from cloud
Air pressure
Force of air pressing down on earths surface
Moving air
Precipitation, wind, and air pressure are all ways to describe the weather
kind of precipitation might fall on a very cold day snow , sleet and hail
A type of precipitation that may fall on a warm day in the form of rain
Temperatures get cold as they go higher in the atmosphere
Weather and season
Is pattern of weather in a certain place over time
Are time Of the year with different weather pattern
An imaginary line that runs through the center of the earth
Different seasons are caused by the spinning of the Earth on an imaginary line called its axis
Earth has four seasons
Places high up in the mountains tend to have colder climates than lower areas
A cold and wet climate will probably receive a lot of precipitation
Because of the Earth’s tilt , the Sun’s rays strike the Earth at different angles
A storm with lots Of snow, cold temperatures, and strong winds is called a blizzard
best describes climate average precipitation and temperature
Temperature cold
Temperature warm
Temperature hot
Natural hazards and the environment
Natural hazard
Is a natural event such as a flood , earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage
Is a shaking of earth’s surface. earthquake are caused by movement in earths crust
Water that flows over land that is normally dry
IS the rapid movement Of rocks and soil down hill Or mountain
Movement in earth crust
A hurricane Often causes a flood
high rain
Melting snow
An earthquake causes vibration that are strongest near the center
Flash floods are floods that happen with a very fast rise in water level
A large storm that forms over an ocean is called a hurricane
A storm with lots Of snow, cold
temperatures, and strong winds is called a blizzard
A storm with lots of snow, cold temperatures, and strong winds is called a blizzard
Wildfires can occur from lightning strikes in the forest
Buildings, bridges, roads and crops may be washed away
Prepare for Natural hazards
جدار الفيضان Floodwalls
Are wall built to reduce or prevent flooding in an area
هي عبارة عن جدار مبني لتقليل أو منع الفيضانات في منطقة ما
سد Levee
Is a wall built along the side Of rivers and Other bodies Of water to prevent them from overflowing
هو جدار تم بناؤه على طول جانب الأنهار والمسطحات المائية الأخرى لمنع فيضانها
مانعة الصواعق Lightning rod
Is a metal bar that safely directs lightning into the ground
هو قضيب معدني يوجه البرق بأمان إلى الأرض
A path that can reduce the damage a hurricane can cause
مسار يمكن أن يقلل الضرر الذي يمكن أن يسببه الإعصار
Some homeowners build their homes on higher ground or on raised platforms to prevent flooding
Flood walls can be reinforced using permanent or temporary methods
Windows can be taped to prevent them from splitting into many dangerous pieces
The lightning rod may prevent fires Evacuation of an area before a hurricane can be a way to stay safe from harm
Lightning hits the lightning rod on the building instead Of hitting the building
Levees can be used to prevent damage from floods
The best building structure that will help it to resist earthquake is a wooden building or a building with a flexiue foundation that absorbs vibrations
افضل هيكل مبنى سيساعده على مقاومة الزلزال مبنى لخشبي أو مبنى ذات اساس مرن ماص للاهتزاز