لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث فصل ثالث

تدريبات في مهارة القراءة والكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 3 الفصل 3 2022 2023

تدريبات في مهارة القراءة والكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023




تدريبات في مهارة القراءة والكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023


هدا الملف ل الصف الثالث لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث فصل ثالث


تدريبات في مهارة القراءة والكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثالث 2022 2023

PART -End of Term 2 2022- 2023

Part Bl

Reading text

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A , B or C

People built different houses in different parts of the world. Beehive houses are made of mud, water and dry grass. People build beehive houses in some hot, dry places . The mud walls and very small windows keep the homes cool Stilt houses built in hot and wet places. Stilt houses built above the water or land. The “stilts” are tree trunks. The air blows under the houses and keeps them cool

Beehive houses are made of

A. mud

B. tree trunks

C. metal

Beehive houses built in Stilt houses built above the

A. sky

B. tree

C. land or water

………. Stilt houses made of


PART -End of Term 2 2022- 2023

Reading text

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A , B or c

Part Bl

Cave houses are built in rocks and mountains. Some cave homes are very old. Cave homes stay cool during the summer. They stay warm during the winter

In cities all over the world, people live in tall buildings called skyscrapers. Skyscrapers are made of metal, concrete and glass. This skyscraper has more than 160 floors and 57 lifts

Cave houses are made of

A. rocks

B. tree trunks

C. metal

Cave houses stay Skyscrapers are made of …….. in summer and in winter

A. mud

B. rocks

C. concrete, metal and glass

……… This skyscrapers has more than


PART -En o Term 22022-2023

Reading text

Read the texts and choose correct answer A , B or C

Part Bl

went to the playground at the weekend. I met my friend Yassir. Nent on the slide . We played in the tunnel too. Next, I climbed adder with Yassir. We raced to the top but I slipped and fell. I hl knee. My mum came to help. She asked my dad to bring a plaste Ne waited for a long time . Finally, my dad arrived with a plaster knee. He said, II I couldn’t find a plaster at home , so I went to th

They went to the playground

A. at the weekend

B. In last summer

C. last Friday

Essa fell down from the Essa hurt his

A. leg

B. arm

C. knee

…….. Mum asked Essais dad to bring a

PART Bl -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Reading text

Part Bl

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A , B or C

Hi, I’m Saif. Last week, I went for a ride in a helicopter. First, I put on my seat belt. When the helicopter was off the ground, I looked out of the window. I could see a shopping centre and a hospital. When the helicopter was back on the ground, I did not go home. I went to the park to play

What could Saif see when he looked out of the window

A. his home

B. a hospital

C. helicopters

The text says that Saif rode in a Saif went to the

A. home

B. hospital

C. park

When the helicopter was off the ground, I looked out of

Part B2

PART B2 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Maze 1

Example: Now/ yesterday I went to playground 1 .(first / finally) lc ed up ladder with my brother. We 2.(race/ raced ) to climb up high. My brother 3.(slips/ slipped ) on the ladder. He 4. (hurt/ fell ) his knee. My mum 5.(ask/ asked ) my dad to bring a plaster  Then , we 6.( wait / waited ) for a long time . 7.(First /Finally) my dad arrived with a plaster for my knee. He 8. (say /said ), II couldn’t find a plaster at home , so I went to the shop . We 9 .(walk / walked) home slowly. Look! I’m going to the playground 10.(yesterday / tomorrow)

Maze 2

Last Wednesday, I went to the park. 1. (On / At) the park, I climbed up the 2. (ladder / wall) and went down the slide. I asked my dad to push me on the 3. (tunnel / swing). It was exciting

Part B2

PART 82 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Maze 3

Yesterday, 1 1.( go /went ) to the restaurant. I want to eat some Italian food. I ordered a small rounded 2.( pasta / pizza) . It was so delicious. I drank some 3.( hot chocolate / juice ) but the drink was so hot. There were 4.( many / some ) food. 1 5.( eat / ate ) an apple laughed ) when I saw a funny clown

Maze 4

Would you like something to drink I dilike to drink some 1.( hot chocolate / pasta )  never ) drink it when the weather is cold Would you like something to eat  1 6.( laugh / 2. ( always / I dilike to eat some 3.( hot chocolate / pasta ) . 4.( What / can ) I have some chicken nuggets, please? How was the food ? The food was 5.( delicious / horrible) . I will come again 


Part B2

PART 82 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Maze 5

The 1.( hole / hive ) is home for rabbit. The hole is under the 2.( ground / tree) . The bee 2.( is / are ) very helpful insect. It 3.(make/makes) healthy honey. The fish lives 4.(underground / underwater A house is a home for people. It should have 5.(roof / hole ) . People make many 6. (windows/ roofs ) to keep the house cool inside

Maze 6

Hello friends! I will talk about my daily rountains . I l.(always/ never wake up early. 1 2.( brush/ brushes) my teeth . 1 3.( eat / ate ) my breakfast 4.(First/ Then), I go to school . 1 4. ( sometimes / always ) watch TV because I have to do my homework. 1 5.( never / always ) do my homework on time . After that, I go in the playground and I play on 6. (computer/ slide) . I lm meeting my friends at the playground 7.( on / in) Tuesday. 11m going to the sleep 8.(on / in ) the evening


PART B 3 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing

Part B3

full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

I went to the playground at the weekend. I met my friend Amna

First, we went on the slide. We played in the tunnel too. Next, I climbed up the ladder with my brother

I. When was your last visit to playground

I went to the playground at the weekend

2 .Who did you meet in the playground

3 .What did you do in the playground

I played football with my friends

4 .What would you like to put in the playground

I’d like to put a slide and tunnel in my playground

5. Do you like a playground ? Why


PART B 3  -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing

Part B3

full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Beehive houses are made of mud, water and dry grass. People build beehive houses in some hot, dry places . The mud walls and very small windows keep the homes cool

  1. What is your house made of

2. Where do you live

I live in Fujairah

3 .Who do you live with in your house

4. What would you like to put in your bedroom

lid like to put a big bed in my room

5.1f you have a robot , what would your robot do ? Why

It will cook, wash up and tidy my room


PART B 3 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Read the story. Answer the question by writing complete sentences

Part B3

Hello, I’m Salma. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. I want to work at the animal hospital. My favourite animals to take care of are rabbits and birds

1. What is your name ? How old are you

My name is Maryam . I’m 9 years old

2. What do you want to be when you grow up

3. What is your favorite pet ? Why

My favourite pet is a cat because it is so cute

PART B 3 -End of 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Read the story. Answer the question by writing complete sentences

Part B3

Malik and his dad are going for a ride in a helicopter Malik use fantastic way to see a city. They saw zoo library, shopping centre , hospital and museum

1. What did malik and his father do

Malik and his dad went to a ride in a helicopter

2. What jsyour favorite place ? Why

My favorite place is park. I like to play football with my friends

. What must you do in museum ? What mustn’t you do in museum

You must follow the rules. You mustn’t run in the museum

PART B 3 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to  hel ou

Part B3

At the weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. We saw many animals . There are many rules , all the visitors should follow them

What must you do in the zoo

You must follow the rules

What mustn’t you do in the zoo

You mustn’t run in the zoo

What would you like to do in the zoo

I’d like to feed the animals . Ild like to see a lion

PART 3 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to hel ou

Part B3

The Jungle café is inside a building, but it looks like a jungle! You can hear jungle birds and insects. You can see some jungle animals and some fish. There is a menu for adults and a menu for children. The food is delicious 

When was your last visit to the cafel

My last visit to the cafe’ was on last Friday

Compare between jungle cafel and a cafel in your town / city Jungle cafel is more beautiful than my town ‘cafe 

Describe a jungle cafe’ animals

If you went to jungle cafe’. What would you like to order

I’d like to have a pasta and pizza






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