بوربوينت قواعد ووظائف نهاية الفصل الثاني اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11
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بوربوينت قواعد ووظائف نهاية الفصل الثاني اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 11
The Coverage, Grammar and Functional Language Teaching Resource
The slides within this resource, although detailed, are designed to be used as a starting point for teachers to construct lessons around the language points that are explored here. The slides are intended to be used individually as a resource within a lesson and to be incorporated as part of instruction incrementally throughout the term to ensure that students have been exposed to all the language points in the mverage ahead of their end of term exam. Therefore. the PowerPoint should not be presented at a single event or in its entirety. Some functional language points may overlap with grammatical points in the coverage, and in that case, it is possible to combine slides. However, this resource should be
considered to be a collection of individual slides that teachers can use to enhance stucknts’ learning
Within this document, you will find information about the coverage for this term. The lexis family that assessrnents will contain is mentioned as well as the particular grarnmatical and functional language points that will be tested in the exams at the end of this terrn. In the preparation sections, you will find examples and explanations for the grammatical and functional language points that will be assessed this term
The grammar preparation section has an example sentence that illustrates the grammatical point. It follows this with an explanation of the meaning of the example sentence. Next, the specific grammatical structure used within the example sentence is detailed followed by an explanation of the circumstances under whidl the particular structure is used. More example sentences using the structure are given at the end of the slide. In the functional language preparation section. there are examples of the particular language point followed by an explanation of how the particular are used. In the associated grammar section, language points that comprise the structure or can be used to in conjunction with the language point to express the stipulated function are detailed
I had been workinq at the company for five years before I got the promotion
Meaning The promotion and the job both took place in the past, and the person continued to have the job after being promoted
Grammatical structure Past time: Past perfect continuous
subject + had + been + verb —ing
Usage The past perfect continuous tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up to and potentially after another action happened in the past. It is often used to say how long the first action took place before the second one Additionally, a cleft sentence helps us to focus on a particular part Of the sentence. using phrases like ‘the fact is, the thing that, it was I wasn’f at the beginning of the sentence can help do that
Other examples Martha miles a day before she broke her leg
Cathy bad- been- playm the piano for over 5 years when she joined the band It several hours before the village flooded
By the time I reached home, Mum had already left
Meaning The speaker is that he reached home and fourxi his mum wasnt there
Grammatical structure Adverbial clauses of time (used with past perfect)
adverbial dause of time + past perfect dause main clause + adverbial clause (in the past perfect)
Usage Adverbial clauses function as adverbs in that they can modify a verb, adjective or another adverb. They are introduced by adverbs Of tirTE (as soon as, just as, when. before, after, while. by the time). In this case. the adverbial clause has been used with the past perfect to show that one past action happens before another past action (the use of the past perfect indicates that that action happened first)
Other examples Maryam called after I had gone By the Salem finished reading. I dinner -as I saw my bag I realised I bad -left my lunch at home
Meaning The instruction from the speaker is that ‘he’ cannot leave the classroom until he finishes the work
Grammatical structure Verb tense: imperative
‘he /you /they will’ + VPinf for instructions
Usage You can use the imperative form to give an order, to give a warning or advice, and make a request. We use will + imperatives to give instructions or commands. To a make the imperative, use Will’ plus the infinitive of the verb without ‘to’. Imperatives are commonly in the second person, directly addressing another person
Other examples You wilL do as you are told or you will be in trouble
They till they’re called to the reception desk
Everyone listen carefully to the instructions before starting the test
DO so as to be on time for work
Meaning She had to get to work at the right time (the action), therefore she got up early (the purpose). The reason she got up early was that she had to be at work on time
Grammatical structure Verb tense: Conjunctions: subordinating
‘so as to’ + VPinf for purpose
Usage The phrase ‘so as to’ joins two clauses. One clause expresses an action the other expresses the purpose. ‘So as to’ is used before the clause. which indicates the purpose, i.e. why the action is done (this is the subordinating clause)
Other examples So as to be healthy, I go for a run every morning
I will go to the cinema watch the new sci-fi movie
We must burn more wood So- as- not be cold. (negative form)
Meaning You use this phrase after cnnsidering the relevant facts of a situation and forming a (Mlclusion. Here, the person is that. of other and events, they will make the final decisions for the company
Grammatical structure Clefting and fronting
adverbial phrase + subject + verb + rest of sentence
Usage A fronted adverbial is a word or phrase that starts a sentence and occurs before the sentenæ subject Fronted adverbials emphasise to other people that the speaker is making a mmment and giving their opinion. The adverbial phrase is usually separated from the sentence by a comma
., laptops are more convenient than des top computers
Taking the long view, the wmpany will be financially stronger next year
UndoUhtedly. Dubai is a fantastic place to live and work