بوربوينت درس What does the future hold اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9
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بوربوينت درس What does the future hold اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9
How many words can you say
Beat the clock
solar energ
bio -degradable
: How does the author thin household. routines will chane
Read the following text about houses in the future
It’s hard to think what homes will be like in the future. Over the last 30 years there has already been so much change — who would have believed back in the 1970s that we would be living in such a technological world
So, imagining the future is really hard, given how quickly things change
Personally, I’d like to see household routines becoming far better for the environment. I think we’ll be using more clean energy at home in the future. For example, we’ll be using far more solar energy than now and using solar panels instead of replacing batteries
Hopefully, there will be a lot less rubbish in the future compared to now, so putting out the rubbish will be a thing of the past. There will be nowhere near as much non-biodegradable rubbish as today because companies will be rewarded for making their products out of biodegradable and sustainable materials
We will see far more recycling done at home — using composting bins
Maybe there will be a lot more robots being used around the house. All we will have to do is set up a program and push a button! That’s what many people predict. But I’m not sure I’d want a robot to do everything
What would we do ? There’s a lot ofpleasure in a job done well. Even though household routines can be hard work and really boring, they can also be very relaxing
Read the text again
Read the text again
Are these statements true or false
I. In the 1970s there was already a lot of technology
2. Things change quickly
. The author wants to live in a society which uses clean energy
. More recycling will be done by composting
5. Robots will take over our lives. T/F
The author likes the idea of a robot doing everything for her
Read this extract from the article on page 17 (W B)
Personally; i’d like to household routines becoming far Irtter for the think IR’II be using more clean energy at home in the film’. For eunple, well be uqngfar more solar energy than now and using solar panels instead of replacing batteries, Hopefully, be a lot less rubbish in the future compared to now, so putting out the rubbish will be a thing ofthe be nowhere near as much non- biod: gradable rubbish IS today because companies Will be rewarded for making their prcducts out of biodegadable and sustainable materials. We will see far more recycling done at home – using composting bins
What does the author hope household routines will focus on in the future
Running on renewable energy and meeting your every need, this is the robot of the future
This robot will make your preferred breakfast in the morning and have dinner waiting for you in the evening. It can even predict the weather and choose suitable clothes for the next day Before you leave the house in the moming, just tell your robot what you want to do in the evening and everything will be set up by the time you get home from school or work. If you want tickets for a football match or the cinema, a reservation at a restaurant or a flight to London — nothing is too much trouble
In time, it will even predict what you want to do
What would you like your robot to do for you
l. What activities would you like the robot to do
. What special abilities would it have
. What would your robot look like
. Where would it ‘live
Read this extract from the article on page 17 (W B)
Personally; i’d like to household routines becoming far Irtter for the think IR’II be using more clean energy at home in the film’. For eunple, well be uqngfar more solar energy than now and using solar panels instead of replacing batteries, Hopefully, be a lot less rubbish in the future compared to now, so putting out the rubbish will be a thing ofthe be nowhere near as much non- biod: gradable rubbish IS today because companies Will be rewarded for making their prcducts out of biodegadable and sustainable materials. We will see far more recycling done at home – using composting bins
Read this extract from the article on page 17 (W B)
Personally; i’d like to household routines becoming far Irtter for the think IR’II be using more clean energy at home in the film’. For eunple, well be uqngfar more solar energy than now and using solar panels instead of replacing batteries, Hopefully, be a lot less rubbish in the future compared to now, so putting out the rubbish will be a thing ofthe be nowhere near as much non- biod: gradable rubbish IS today because companies Will be rewarded for making their prcducts out of biodegadable and sustainable materials. We will see far more recycling done at home – using composting bins
Read this extract from the article on page 17 (W B)
Personally; i’d like to household routines becoming far Irtter for the think IR’II be using more clean energy at home in the film’. For eunple, well be uqngfar more solar energy than now and using solar panels instead of replacing batteries, Hopefully, be a lot less rubbish in the future compared to now, so putting out the rubbish will be a thing ofthe be nowhere near as much non- biod: gradable rubbish IS today because companies Will be rewarded for making their prcducts out of biodegadable and sustainable materials. We will see far more recycling done at home – using composting bins
Will we be putting the rubbish out in the future
Why does the author think there will be less bio -degradable rubbish
What will we be using composting bins for