اللغة الانجليزية

بوربوينت درس My Ideal Room اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9

بوربوينت درس My Ideal Room اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9




بوربوينت درس My Ideal Room اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9


هدا الملف ل ملفات البوربوينت لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


بوربوينت درس My Ideal Room اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9

Objectives and. Outcomes


Listen and identify specific information


Retell detailed information


Use own and others’ ideas to plan

Let’s Discuss

 How much choice do you get in the design and decoration of your room at home

What changes would you make if you could

Name one thing in your room

Let’s watch

 Name one thing in the room that you


Critical Thinking

Why is bedroom design important

Let’s read an example

I really like the room where I spend my nights, but sometimes in my dreams there’s a much more beautiful one. It has a very big balcony with a view of the sea and it’s bigger than mine. It’s lighter and it also has a wide window from where you can see the mountains and a country landscape, too. Its walls are light blue and there are nice pictures hanging from them. In one side, there’s a huge bed covered by a patchwork cover, and small lamps on the bedside tables. There’s a small white rug on the wooden floor and plenty of books on the shelves opposite to the bed. I hope one day this dream will come true


You are going to write a description of your ideal room to feature in a magazine. Before you write, plan your writing in your notebook. Use the checklist below for ideas

• What style is it

• Is it light / dark

• What is the floor /ceiling like

• What furniture is there and where is it

• What is on the walls

 What does the room feel like ? Does it reflect your interests and personality Brain

Writing tip

When vvriting descriptions. try to include a variety Of adjectives- This roakes the text roore interesting and helps the reader visualise what is being described. Cornpare the sentences below Which gives you a better picture There are sorne photos on the in My room My room is blue. There ore sorne Old photos on the The walls Of rny room are painted pale b’lue. There are sorne Old family photos on the wall


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