اللغة الانجليزية

بوربوينت درس Household routines in the past اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9

بوربوينت درس Household routines in the past اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9




بوربوينت درس Household routines in the past اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9


هدا الملف ل ملفات البوربوينت لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


بوربوينت درس Household routines in the past اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 9

Objective Learning & Outcomes


Listen and identify specific information in simple, extended texts on familiar and concrete topics


Speak coherently in short exchanges using a range of phrases and expressions. Express own ideas, opinions and personal perspective


To use : used to / didn’t used to


To write about one of the household’s jobs

Household Items. from the Past

Lesson 10 Household routines in the past



lesson 10 Household routines in the past Match the two halves

1 chop

2 pick up

3 pick

4 hangout

5 put on

fresh vegetables

for the fire

the washing

d. afire

fresh milk from the corner shop

the kettle the fire


Let’s Discuss

Critical Thinking

Is life easier now or in the past Who used to do the jobs at home in your What is one job todo in the house

grandparents’ and great -grandparents’ house ? Which jobs are the same as today’s jobsز? Which ones are different

Language tip

Notice the difference bety pick and pick up

pick: to collect fruit or vg He picked all the apples from the tree

pick up: to collect from a picked up the newspaper

my way home. She picked 1 children from schcool

Key Vocabulary


Complete the sentences using one of the words below

pick up   turn on   chop up   pick   hang out put …   on

 In the past,   we used to……… wood to make the fire every morning

Then we would ……….. the kettle ………… the fire to boil the water

We didn’t use to buy milk from the supermarket. We had to…………. it from the corner shop

……….. On Mondays, I used to help my mother the washing to dry

Then we used to …….. fresh vegetables from the garden for dinner

In the evening, we used to ………….. wasn’t any central heating


Listen to Emily talking about life when she was a child. Then discuss the questions in pairs

I What does Emily say about modern appliances

 Who did all the work when Emily was a child

 What was the first job of the day

 Where did the food for breakfast come from

5 Who did the washing up

 What did Emily like doing on windy days ? Why

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences

In the past, people used to / didn’t use to have electrical appliances

People used toldidn’t use to boil water on a fire

Children used to / didn’t use to help hang out the washing

People used to / didn’t use to make their own clothes

Milk used to / didn’t use to be bought from the supermarket

I think life used to / didn’t use to be a lot harder in the past than today


L00k at the jobs below. Then write about one Of them

doing the washing

• cooking

• heating the house

• cleaning the house

1 Explain how you do this iob now

2 how you think it used to be done in the past


In the past




نموذج أسئلة وفق الهيكل الوزاري رياضيات الصف 10 الفصل 2
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