انجليزي ثاني عشر الفصل الاول

بوربوينت درس Arabic Homes The Majlis اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12

بوربوينت درس Arabic Homes The Majlis اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12




بوربوينت درس Arabic Homes The Majlis اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12


هدا الملف ل الصف 12 عام لمادة انجليزي ثاني عشر الفصل الاول


بوربوينت درس Arabic Homes The Majlis اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 12

To identify the meaning of new words

To use the words in meaningful sentences

To read for specific information

To compare between the designs of Majlis in different countries. (Speaking)

Sunday, September 18, 2022

What is a majlis ? Describe

Do you have a Majlis in your home

How is it decorated

Do you think that the use of Majlis has changed over the years


Read a short introduction to the Majlis. Do you agree with the description ? What other information would you add ?

The Majlis is the traditional center of life in eggountries. The literal translation of the word is “a place for sitting”. In the Majlis, the head of the family hosts guests and family members to converse on religious topics and day -to- day life, and to share memories

What does GCC stand for

It stands for The Gulf Cooperation Council

;Read a short explanation of trends in Majlis design. What do you understand the job of an interior designer to be ?

The Majlis was and always will be the most important space in the Arabic home. Fresh styles, perspectives and interpretations are being introduced by creative interior designers, while respecting
the basic layout of the traditional Majlis. Themes vary and include Islamic, modern, classis, business and luxury. Clients express their tastes by carefully choosing designs, décor and lighting that will be admired by visiting guests and family

What does trend mean

It means a general direction in which. something is developing or changing


Lesson 9&10: Arabic Homes: The Majlis

Look at the images above and in your groups compare their design

1 , what different styles can you see

2. Are the designs similar

. What countries do you think these are in ? Why

 Read about the types Of Majlis thew functims. Where the Of the MaBis

Malis is a central part MWile Eastem life. The concept of the Ma /is dates back to the of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH and be d. It is an andent tradition which key functions are to e p a sense o community, and to create a place that is welcoming and mspitable to visitors. In the GCC muntries, this mcient tradition mlds great and it is focused on family ard friendly gatherings. It is also of great importance to businss, especially family twsiresses who use ttErn to arri interact with their community and KLrwait has its own form Majlis — the Diwaniya. Similar to the Majlis, it is an area where guests, neohtnrs and friends are received in order to discuss current everMs, “hews and share banter. The Diwaniya is a key part of Kuwaiti life ard traditiom It has played a crucial role in the development of the country, as it was in many Diwanyias that majcy issues were discussed ard agreed. The Diwaniya tus a relaxed atrnosphere ard is often with televisbns, ca•nputers and the Intemet. TYE Majlis is a form of informal education. It welcomes all and it is throLth otserving elders in the Majlis that young pegle learn the manners and ethics Of their mmmunity. They can also Observe key leaderships skills in action, such as didogLE, listening skills and respect fcy of citMs


Answer the following questions about the texts

1 . List three functions of the Majlis

Gain sense of community, create a welcoming place, business, interact with community, discuss current events, informal education, learn manners and ethics, observe leadership skills

. What subjects do people generally discuss in the Majlis

Current events, business, exchange views, banter

. How do young people leam in the Majlis

Observing elders (older people)

4. How is the Majlis used for business

Connect and interact with community and customers, plays role in development of country




مراجعة الامتحان النهائي علوم الصف 9 الفصل 3
ورقة عمل درس الإيمان بالرسل عليهم السلام إسلامية الصف الثاني – نموذج 4

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