اللغة الانجليزية

بوربوينت درس Alternative shopping اللغة الإنجليزية الصف 8

بوربوينت درس Alternative shopping اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن




بوربوينت درس Alternative shopping اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن


هدا الملف ل ملفات البوربوينت لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


بوربوينت درس Alternative shopping اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن

A recent survey showed that about six in ten people in the uAE go to a shopping centre at least once a week. They usually buy clothes and other items, eat or have coffee at a restaurant. Around 20% of Emiratis who were surveyed said they go to a shopping mall almost every day. One of Dubai’s largest malls claims to have 200000 shoppers a day’ tik.xi shcvping malls may everything and you desire, but there is more to uai shopping than you thirk The traditioral market’ English. is an interesting tcuist attraction. The different rxisos, colours arxi srTVAs of tho souq 

The Gold Souq At Gdd Souq in Dubai can tind almost any style ot Arabian
pwellery you can thir of. delicate Bahraini

pearl rucklaces. to hea” Ornani Bedouin bracelets, you are spodted tor choice, It is best to visit in the evening when the lights reflect Otf the giant golden wedding necklaces in shop windows rnaking you think you are in Aladdins sparkling cave

The Spice Souq Deiras Spice Souq is like a lesson in Arabas rich spice history. In the srnall, covered lanes. you can dd rnen talk they unload rough sacks of rice. dried fruit and runs

Bright coloured herbs, spices and dried chilli cutside the shops are a delight. Pick up a handful ot cardamun, or a pinch sattron, and inhale ttk arcma. The sights. and smells will ccN1vince you tEt yal have travelled back ancient tirnes


Reading strategy: Reading for gist When reading for gist, it isnt necessary to stop at every word you don’t know in an article. Try to understand the main idea of each paragraph instead of worrying about words you don’t understand

 Read the text again and answer these questions

 How popular are modern shopping malls in the uAE ? Why do people go there?

 According to the article, who prefers shopping in the souq ? Why do they like this experience?

What can they see ? What can they smell ? What can they hear?

Read the following paragraphs to the SO uqs in i. Find five adjectives and five WB. page nouns in the text

The Gold souq
At the l)eira market you can find almost any style Of Arabian jewellery you can think Of. From
delicate Bahraini pearl necklaces to heavy Omani Bedouin bracelets. you are spoiled for ch01Ce.
It is best to visit in the evening when the lights reflect off the giant golden wedding necklaces in
Shop windows, making you think you are in Aladdin” sparkling cave.
Spice Souq is like a lesson in Arabia; rich spice history. In the small. covered lanes. you
can hear Old men talk in Arabic While they unload rough sacks Of rice. dried fruit and nutS.
Bright coloured herbs. spices and dried chilli outside the are a photographer’s delight. Pick
up a handful of cardamom or a pinch of saffron and inhale the aroma. The sights. sounds and
smells will convince you that you have travelled back to ancient times.
1 delicate
1 chdc.e


امتحان وزاري رياضيات للصف الثاني الفصل الثاني 2016-2017
كتاب الطالب المجلد 3 إسلامية الصف 2 الفصل 3

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