لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

بوب كويز Pop Quiz 2 انجليزي صف 6 فصل 3

بوب كويز Pop Quiz 2 انجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث




بوب كويز Pop Quiz 2 انجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث


هدا الملف ل الصف السادس لمادة لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث


بوب كويز Pop Quiz 2 انجليزي صف سادس فصل ثالث 

Elite Stream English – Pop Quiz 2

Part 1

Read the text and match the sentences to the correct text. Choose A, B or C
There is one example

Unusual Jobs

Usually your pizza will be delivered by bike or car. However, if you are staying
at an underwater hotel, your pizza will be delivered by a diver. The pizza is put
into a case to stop it from getting wet and the diver swims to the hotel. Only
one person is needed to do this job because there are not a lot of orders for
pizza delivery underwater.

A stuntman works on TV and in movies. They do the dangerous things an actor
cannot do. Most stuntmen have many special skills. They can drive cars really
fast, ride horses or jump out of airplanes. Stuntmen start by doing smaller stunts
like jumping through windows and then they move onto more extreme stunts
like jumping from buildings that are on fire.

An aquarium is like a zoo for fish. You can see lots of fish in glass tanks, including
sharks. A shark tank cleaner has to be very brave because their job is extremely
dangerous. They wash the glass from inside the tank while the sharks are
swimming around them. For this job you must study sharks and dive really well

Example: You can see the people who do this job on TV. __B

 _____ People who do this job have to learn about an animal

 _____ People may need a parachute to do this job

 _____ A really small number of people do this job

 _____ This job gets more dangerous as people get better
 _____at it

Part 2

Read the text and choose the correct word to fill in the gaps. Choose A – H to
fill each gap. Each word can be used only once
There is one example

The UAE Before Us

Did you know that there is a lot of (Ex.) __D__ all over the UAE? In Dibba, Fujairah,
scientists have found many old things that people used over 3,000 years ago in
(5) _______ times. These items range from cooking pots to jewelry, swords and
gold. With all these items the scientists also found the bones of over 200 humans.
This is (6) _______ because no houses have been found. These sites have been
found along the Fujairah coast.

Near Al Ain, the ruins of (7) _______ very old settlement, a place where people
lived, were discovered in the 1970s. It is called Hili 8. Here, scientists have found
broken pots and bones from cows, goats and sheep. (8) _______ people who
lived there dug holes in the ground for water and also a metal called copper.
It was used to make different tools and weapons.

Scientists think that these humans traded (9) _______ food and materials with
other traders, who came from across the desert. The more the scientists find,
the more knowledge we will have about the past in the UAE.

Reading Part 2 /5

A. The B. an C. a D. history E. their
F. unusual G. ancient H. your

:Write about someone who changed the UAE. Write about these things
?What was their job or role
?How did they change the UAE
?What can you learn from them
Write at least 70 words




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اختبار اجتماعيات الصف 6 الفصل الأول – نموذج 2

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